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⚙ Zapier vs. Make.com: Which No-Code Platform is Best for Your Business?

Discover the strengths and weaknesses of Zapier and Make.com to choose the perfect no-code automation tool for your needs.

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Have you ever wondered what platform works best for your business for process automation? Fortunately for you! We have an exciting matchup planned today between Zapier and Make.com. We’ll dissect the cost, user experience, features, customer service, and, of course, let you know which one I personally like best.

Spoiler : it's like choosing between cats and dogs – both are awesome, but one might just steal your heart (or your workflow). So, buckle up, grab some popcorn, and let's get started on this automation adventure!

I. Pricing Comparison: Which Workflow Automation Platform is Cheaper?

If you're in the market for a workflow automation platform, you're probably looking at Zapier and Make.com. Both offer powerful features, but let's talk dollars and cents—because, let's face it, no one wants to blow their budget on automations. Let's break down the pricing, and while we're at it, let's sprinkle in a joke or two to keep things light.

1. Overview of Free Plans


Both Zapier and Make.com are kind enough to offer free plans, but they're a bit like free samples at a supermarket—great for a taste, but not enough for a full meal. Zapier gives you 100 tasks per month for free, while Make.com is a bit more generous with 1,000 operations.

2. Entry-Level Pricing


Moving on from free plans to something more substantial:

  • Zapier: For $20 per month, you get 750 tasks. Not bad, but if your workflow automation needs grow, you'll be reaching for your wallet pretty quickly.

  • Make.com: Here, $9 a month buys you a whopping 10,000 operations. That's more bang for your buck!

3. Higher-Tier Pricing


If you're automating like there's no tomorrow, you'll need a higher-tier plan:

  • Zapier: Their Professional plan at $289 per month grants you 50,000 tasks. That's almost $3,500 a year! You might need to consider a second job just to pay for your automations.

  • Make.com: For $29 a month, you get 40,000 operations. Need more? $55 per month gives you 80,000 operations. Compare that to Zapier's pricing, and it's clear Make.com is the frugal choice.

4. Tasks vs. Operations

What's the difference between a task and an operation, you ask? Good question! It’s like comparing apples to oranges, or more accurately, like comparing an apple to a bushel of apples:

  • Zapier: Every step in your workflow counts as a task. So, a simple automation can eat through those 750 tasks faster than a squirrel in a nut shop.

  • Make.com: Each operation is like a step, but they pack in more value. Many tasks in Make.com are grouped into single operations, making them stretch further.

5. Cost-Effectiveness


In terms of pure cost-effectiveness, Make.com takes the cake. For the same money, you get significantly more operations than tasks with Zapier. So, unless you enjoy watching your budget dwindle, Make.com is the better deal for most users.

6. Summary

In the grand scheme of workflow automation, Make.com offers more for less. It's like getting a large pizza for the price of a medium. Sure, both platforms are capable and have their merits, but if you're watching your pennies, Make.com is the way to go.

Remember, when you're setting up your next automation, think of it like grocery shopping: always go for the better deal. Your wallet (and possibly your boss) will thank you.

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II. User Interface and Experience

When it comes to user interface and experience, Zapier and Make.com take different approaches, and each has its own charm (like cats and dogs, you love them both but for different reasons).

1. Zapier's Linear Approach

Zapier keeps things simple and straightforward—think of it as the Ikea of workflow automation. You follow a step-by-step linear process that's perfect for beginners.

  1. Step-by-Step Process:

    • Step 1: Do this.

    • Step 2: Do that.

    • Step 3: Finish up.


It's a clean, linear path that's easy to follow. Even if you’re new to workflow automation, you'll feel like a pro in no time.

2. Make.com's Visual Approach

Now, Make.com is like the Picasso of automation platforms—dynamic, visual, and a bit fancy. It's great for those who love to see the big picture.

  1. Dynamic and Visual Representation:

    • You get a visual canvas where you can see your automation flow.

    • It's like painting a masterpiece with multiple branches and paths.

  2. Complex Automations with Multiple Branches:

    • Unlike Zapier, Make.com lets you create complex automations with ease.

    • Need to route your data through different paths? No problem!

  3. Auto-Align Feature:

    • Made a mess? Just hit the auto-align button and voila! Everything's neat and tidy again. It's like having a magical organizer for your desk.

3. Branching: Zapier vs. Make.com

In Zapier, branching is possible but a bit clunky. You can create paths, but they can only be the last step in your automation. So, if you need multiple branches, Zapier might start looking like a tangled ball of yarn.


In Make.com, branching is as smooth as butter. You can add multiple branches and see them clearly on your visual canvas. It's easy to manage, even if you have a complex setup with several paths.

To sum it up, if you like things simple and straightforward, Zapier is your buddy. But if you prefer a more visual and dynamic approach, Make.com is your go-to. Either way, both platforms are here to make your workflow automation dreams come true—just in different flavors. đŸŠđŸ«

III. Functionality and Features

Alright, let's get into the juicy stuff—functionality and features of Zapier and Make.com. Spoiler alert: both platforms are packed with goodies that make your life easier, but let's break it down, shall we?

1. Integration with Applications


Both Zapier and Make.com support a wide range of applications. We're talking about your favorites like Google Sheets, Gmail, Slack, and more. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for your digital tasks! đŸ› ïž

  • Zapier and Make.com: Both platforms support an equal number of applications with ongoing additions. They’re constantly racing to add more, like kids competing to see who can collect the most PokĂ©mon cards. 😜

2. API Integration

When it comes to connecting apps that aren't natively supported, both platforms allow API connections. This is where Make.com takes a slight edge.

  • Make.com: Slightly more user-friendly for API calls. Imagine trying to assemble IKEA furniture but with clear instructions—yep, it's that easy!

3. AI Automation Assistance


Both platforms are getting cozy with AI, making automation a breeze even for beginners.

  • Zapier: Has an AI system that helps you build automations. Think of it like having a robot butler that sets up your workflows. đŸ€–

  • Make.com: Also has an equivalent AI feature. It's like having a friendly AI assistant who just "gets you."

4. Advanced Features

Now, let’s get fancy.

  • Zapier: Has built-in code features for JavaScript and Python. Need something custom? You can code it directly within Zapier. It’s like having a magic wand for your workflows.

  • Make.com: Requires external platforms like 0Codekit for similar functionality. It's a bit like outsourcing your wand-waving to a wizard friend. đŸ§™â€â™‚ïž

5. Zapier’s Extra Goodies

Zapier offers additional products like Tables, Interfaces, and Chatbots. These are like the Swiss Army knife’s secret tools you didn’t know you needed.

  • Tables: Think of it as a spreadsheet on steroids.

  • Interfaces: Allows you to create user forms that trigger automations.

  • Chatbots: Because who doesn’t want a robot to chat with? đŸ€–

However, these extras often feel like weak competitors to dedicated external apps. It's like comparing a plastic spork to actual cutlery—sometimes it’s just better to go for the real deal.

So, there you have it. Both Zapier and Make.com offer robust features for your workflow automation needs, with some quirks and perks that might make you chuckle. Happy automating! 🚀

IV. Customer Support

Alright, let's talk about something we all need but love to hate: customer support. It's like going to the dentist—necessary but often painful. 😅 So, how do Zapier and Make.com stack up in this department?

1. Zapier's Support System


Zapier has a pretty comprehensive support system. You've got:

  • Documentation: It's like reading a novel, but less exciting.

  • Chat Support: Sometimes you get a quick response, other times... not so much. It's like playing customer support roulette. 🎰

  • Contact Support: You can email them, but it feels like sending a message in a bottle.

The experience with Zapier's support can be a bit hit or miss. One day, they’re lightning-fast, and the next, you’re left wondering if they’ve all gone on a coffee break. ☕

2. Make.com's Support System


Make.com, on the other hand, has a support system that I haven’t had to use much—probably because the platform is so user-friendly.

  • Limited Personal Experience: I've only had to contact them once, and they got back to me quickly. So, thumbs up! 👍

  • Ease of Use: The platform is straightforward enough that you might not even need support. It's like having a car that never breaks down.

3. Summary

While Zapier’s support is a mixed bag of experiences, Make.com seems to be the reliable friend who rarely lets you down. The ease of use with Make.com means you might not even need to reach out for help, which is a win in itself. So, when it comes to customer support in the realm of workflow automation, Make.com seems to have the upper hand—less drama, more automation. 🎉

V. Personal Preference

Alright, folks, let’s talk about which workflow automation platform gets my personal thumbs up. Spoiler alert: it's Make.com! 🎉 But before you Zapier fans start throwing tomatoes at me, hear me out.

1. My Preference for Make.com

Why do I lean towards Make.com? Well, it’s simple. Make.com has a more sophisticated and modern interface that just makes you go, “Wow, this is neat!” It's like the difference between using a flip phone and a smartphone. Sure, the flip phone is nostalgic, but the smartphone is just... better. đŸ“±âœš

  • Sophisticated and Modern Interface: Make.com’s interface is like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning—smooth and invigorating. ☕

  • Flexibility and Ease of Building Complex Automations: You can build complex automations without pulling your hair out. It's so intuitive, even your grandma could automate her knitting schedule with it. đŸ§¶

2. Acknowledgment of Zapier's Advantages

Now, let's give credit where credit is due. Zapier isn’t without its merits.

  • Availability of Specific Apps and Features: There are specific apps and features available on Zapier that you won’t find on Make.com. So if there’s a particular integration you need, Zapier might be your go-to.

  • Workarounds for File Size Limitations: While Make.com does have some limitations on file sizes, Zapier has a nifty workaround. You can upload files to Google Drive with no sweat—unless your file is the size of a small moon. 🌕 But hey, they've got you covered!

So both platforms have their strengths. Make.com wins the award for the best overall experience with its modern interface and ease of use. Zapier, on the other hand, shines when it comes to specific integrations and handling large files.

So, whether you’re team Zapier or team Make.com, just remember: the best workflow automation tool is the one that makes your life easier and maybe, just maybe, lets you enjoy an extra cup of coffee while it does the hard work for you. ☕🚀


In conclusion, if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably as invested in finding the best workflow automation platform as I am. So, what’s the final verdict? Both Zapier and Make.com are fantastic for automating your workflows. Zapier is like the trusty old friend with lots of integrations and great for handling big files. On the other hand, Make.com is the cool new kid on the block, offering more operations for less money and a sleek, modern interface that’s easy to use. Here’s the takeaway: Zapier is ideal if you need specific apps and love their workaround for large files, while Make.com is perfect if you want more bang for your buck and enjoy a visual, user-friendly experience. In the end, the best platform is the one that fits your needs and makes your life easier. So, whether you're team Zapier or team Make.com, happy automating! If you’re eager to dive deeper into the world of AI and automation, check out our other articles for more insights. Stay curious and keep exploring!

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