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💵 Don’t Miss Out: How AI Can Boost Your Income in 2024

How to Use AI for Business Growth and Making Money.

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Artificial Intelligence is all the buzz these days, and let’s face it, it's not just for tech geeks anymore. We’re talking about something that can help you make money—and fast. This isn’t one of those overhyped trends; AI is already shaking up everything from how we run businesses to, well, our personal lives. Last week we tackled real estate, and now we’re diving straight into how you can actually use AI to make money. Spoiler alert: it's way easier than you think.

But before you start worrying about robots taking over your job, relax. I promise this guide will show you how AI can actually do the hard work for you—without any sci-fi drama.

Let's get into it—you’re going to learn how AI can help you not only grow your business but also fatten up that bank account. And hey, if AI can save me hours of work while I’m still half-asleep, it can definitely help you too!

I. Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – it's everywhere, and people can’t stop talking about it. But let’s be real, most of us aren’t coding robots in our basement. The truth is, AI isn’t just for tech geniuses; it’s something that can actually help you make money—and who doesn’t like that? Whether it’s boosting business efficiency, saving time, or even generating income, AI is something we should all get a handle on. But don’t worry, I’ll keep it simple—no jargon here.

1. Breaking Down AI: What Even Is It?


AI is not just one thing—it’s a bunch of different tools working together to help machines think and act like humans. Think of it like different models of cars; they all get you from point A to point B, but with different features.

Some of the main AI areas you should know about include:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Like Siri, AI can hear and speak.

  • Computer Vision: AI that can see—used in things like facial recognition.

  • Haptics: Teaching machines to touch—think robots.

  • Machine Olfaction: Yep, AI can even smell.

  • AI for Taste: This one’s for teaching machines how to taste.

And the cool part? You don’t need to understand every little detail to make money with AI—you just need to know how to use the right tools for you.

2. Overcoming AI Fears: Don’t Worry, No Robots Are Stealing Your Job (Yet)


Let’s get real. The whole “AI is taking over the world” thing can feel a bit freaky. But here’s the deal: most fears around AI come from the unknown.

Here’s why:

  • The human brain has a built-in fight-or-flight response. If we don’t understand something, we get scared.

  • But the more you learn about AI, the less scary it gets. It’s like realizing that thing under your bed was just a pile of laundry.

Challenges? Sure, they exist:

  • Algorithm bias: Sometimes AI systems can reflect human prejudices.

  • Job displacement: AI might shift certain jobs, but it also opens up new opportunities.

So instead of worrying about a robot takeover, let’s focus on how you can make money with AI and let it do the heavy lifting while you sit back and enjoy the rewards.

3. Key Takeaways

  1. AI is a tool, not a threat—use it wisely to make money.

  2. Learning about AI doesn’t need to be complicated—just focus on the parts that benefit you.

  3. Don’t fear the unknown—embrace it and let AI work for you, not against you.

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II. How AI Works: Machine Learning and Generative AI

Let’s be real—understanding AI is no small task, but if you want to make money with AI, you’ve gotta start somewhere. Think of this section as the friend who hands you the notes before an exam. It’s not perfect, but it’ll get you through, and hey, maybe you’ll even impress someone.


1. Machine Learning Basics

Here’s the deal: Machine Learning is like teaching your dog to sit. Sometimes you guide them with treats (Supervised Learning), and sometimes you just let them figure it out on their own (Unsupervised Learning).

  • Supervised Machine Learning: You give a machine clear examples of what’s right and wrong, like labeling photos of cats and dogs so it knows the difference.

  • Unsupervised Machine Learning: You leave the machine alone with a pile of data, and it’s like, “I’ll figure it out, don’t worry.” No labels, no guidance—just vibes.

How does this make you money? Simple. Businesses need data sorted, analyzed, and acted upon. That’s where AI steps in, saving time and making sure you can focus on the important stuff, like that vacation you’ve been putting off.

2. Generative AI and Human Imagination

Alright, so now we’re getting into the fun part: Generative AI. This is where AI starts getting creative, like that kid in school who could draw anything you described, but with fewer doodles on their notebooks.

  • Generative AI: This teaches machines to imagine. Think of DALL·E, which generates images based on simple text prompts. You say, “draw a dog riding a skateboard,” and boom, the AI creates it.

Money-making potential? Endless. You could sell AI-generated artwork, content, or even product designs. Imagine getting paid for an AI you taught to think creatively!

3. Deep Learning

Now, this is where it gets really deep. Deep Learning is like Machine Learning’s older sibling who’s taken a few extra classes and always knows what’s going on. It mimics how neurons in the human brain work, and this is how we get things like:

  • Self-driving cars

  • Planes that basically fly themselves

It’s a little more intense, sure, but when you’re out there trying to make money with AI, you don’t need to dive into the details. Just know that it’s the backbone of all the futuristic stuff we love talking about.

4. ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs)

Ah, the good old ChatGPT. It’s basically that friend who always knows what to say—sometimes too much. These models predict what you’re going to say next based on what they’ve read.

Here’s how it works:

  • Word Prediction: ChatGPT and similar models look at your words, tokenize them (break them into pieces), and then guess the next word based on probability.

  • Hallucinations: Sometimes, AI gets a little too creative. Yep, even AI can make stuff up, confidently. It’s like your friend who tells a story at a party that sounds real… but isn’t.

How does this make you money? You can use ChatGPT to automate tasks like content creation, customer service responses, or even writing emails for your business. More productivity = more cash.

Final Thought: If you're looking to make money with AI, understanding these basics will give you a massive edge. You don’t need to be an AI genius—just know enough to get the job done, and who knows, you might surprise yourself along the way.

III. Practical AI Applications in Business and Personal Life

Alright, let’s cut straight to it—if you want to make money with AI, here’s where it gets real. AI isn’t some magical tool you can ignore anymore; it’s basically like that friend who insists they “just want to help.” And in this case, they’re right—AI can help you get things done faster, smarter, and with way less stress.


1. Using AI in Business

AI is like your new intern—one that never needs a coffee break.

  • Task-Specific Tools: Need to automate your marketing, content creation, or customer engagement? There are AI tools built to handle these specific tasks, leaving you more time to, you know, do the actual boss stuff.

  • AI-Enabled Platforms: AI can manage operations, streamline tasks, and basically keep your business from spiraling into chaos. It’s like having an extra brain that never clocks out.

  • Amplifying Human Genius: No, AI won’t replace your creativity, but it’ll definitely make money with AI easier by boosting your talents. Think of it as adding rocket fuel to your natural skills.

2. Examples of AI in Marketing


AI is marketing’s secret weapon. Forget working late nights trying to craft the perfect ad campaign or content strategy.

  • Content Creation: Tools like MidJourney, DALL·E, and TikTok’s AI features let you whip up everything from images to catchy jingles, with zero need for an art degree.

  • Ad Customization: Platforms like Facebook and Google now have AI tools that help you personalize campaigns. It’s like having a marketing team, without the team.

Basically, AI can create content while you focus on running the show. The best part? That content can help you make money with AI faster than ever before.

3. Customer Sentiment Analysis


Ever wish you could read your customers’ minds? Well, AI can’t quite do that, but it comes close.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Using AI, you can analyze customer reviews, social media comments, and feedback to get a sense of what people are saying about your business. You’ll know exactly when to improve something before it becomes a problem.

If you want to make money with AI, start by figuring out what your customers love (and what they hate). AI lets you turn those online rants into actionable insights. Plus, you’ll always stay one step ahead of the competition.

Bottom Line: Whether you’re a business owner or just someone trying to navigate daily life, using AI is like having an extra pair of hands. And, of course, those hands help you make money with AI in ways you didn’t even realize were possible.

IV. AI and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

If you're trying to make money with AI, you need to know how to keep customers happy without losing your mind. AI-powered CRM systems are like that reliable friend who always knows what to say and when to say it—except this friend works 24/7 without needing a break. Here's how AI helps you stay on top of things in the customer management world.

1. Lead Scoring with AI

You’ve got tons of potential leads, but which ones are actually worth your time? That’s where AI steps in with predictive lead scoring. Tools like HubSpot use AI to figure out who’s most likely to become your next big customer.

  • Predictive Lead Scoring: AI analyzes your lead data and ranks them based on their potential to convert.

  • Saves Time: No more chasing dead-end leads. AI helps you focus on the ones that matter.

2. Automating Customer Communication


Do you really need to be the one answering every FAQ? Probably not. AI-powered bots are like your personal assistants that handle all the basic stuff. From booking appointments to answering customer queries, they’ve got you covered.

  • Chatbots: These bots can answer common customer questions, saving you tons of time.

  • Appointment Booking: Automated systems can handle scheduling without the endless back-and-forth.

No more spending hours explaining the same thing over and over again—AI's got your back, so you can focus on the things that actually make money with AI.

3. Process Automation

Tools like Zapier and Make take things up a notch by automating repetitive tasks. Whether it’s sending emails to leads or following up based on specific triggers, these platforms do the heavy lifting.

  • Automated Email Responses: Automatically send emails when certain triggers are met.

  • Task Automation: Set up workflows to automate repetitive processes.


Bottom line: AI in CRM doesn’t just make your life easier, it also helps you make money with AI by managing leads, automating communication, and handling processes with zero extra effort from you.

V. Framework for Maximizing AI: “Chat in the Hat”

We all have days where we need help—whether it's from a friend who cheers us up or an AI assistant that helps us make money with AI. The "Chat in the Hat" framework is your go-to guide for making AI work for you, turning it into a reliable helper that gets stuff done without you having to pull your hair out.

1. The Chat in the HAT Framework

  1. History
    Imagine AI as your personal assistant. You wouldn’t hire someone who knows nothing about your business, right? The first step is to make sure the AI has the right expertise. Whether it's helping you create content or draft business plans, you need to feed the AI all the context it needs—just like you'd brief a human assistant.

  2. Attitude
    AI isn’t just about what it does; it’s about how it does it. You need to define the vibe. Do you want the AI to sound formal and professional or more laid-back and conversational? The tone it uses can make or break your communication, so it’s like deciding if you want your assistant to be more "business casual" or "all-out formal."

  3. Task
    Be crystal clear about what you need from the AI. Want a business plan for your new tech startup? Or maybe you need it to make money with AI by automating content creation? Whatever the task, be super specific about the format, structure, and tone. Think of this as giving your assistant the ultimate to-do list—no room for confusion!

2. Example Use of the Framework

So, let’s say you need AI to help you make money with AI. You could turn the AI into your very own business consultant. For example, if you’re starting a tech recruiting company, tell the AI about your business’s history (the kind of jobs you specialize in), set the tone (casual but confident), and give it a clear task (write a full-fledged business plan).

History - Relevant Skills & Experience
You are an award-winning, world-renowned expert at creating business plans for technology recruiting companies. You created the recruiting department at Accenture where you scaled them from their first $1M in revenue to over $1B in revenue annually. Then, you spent over a decade at Boston Consulting Group where you developed a headhunter talent recruiting and matching service that you scaled from 0 to over $10bn in revenue annually. You are THE leading expert in developing business plans and strategy for technology recruiting companies. You are the chair of the Harvard Business School and the leading industry expert at helping tech recruiting companies create business plans that drive them to become industry leaders.

Attitude - Mentality / vibe when doing the task
You are extremely helpful. You love leveraging your deep knowledge and wisdom to mentor up and coming tech recruiting companies on developing their business plans and strategy. You prefer to help people help themselves, giving insights on how to think about an answer vs. giving the answer outright. You are especially passionate about helping entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds.

Task - What you want it to do & how you want it to do it
Right now you’re meeting with me, a person of color who is creating a new technology staffing company. I have some ideas for the company I want to create, but I’m struggling to develop a full business plan. First, you’ll listen to my ideas about the company before generating a response. Then, you’ll ask me 1-2 brief questions at a time until you have enough information to create a business plan that will drive us to success. You will provide positive and negative feedback along the way, so I can learn how to write business plans like you!

GPT-4o via USnap


GPT-4o via USnap


GPT-4o via USnap

3. Key Takeaways

  • History: Give the AI all the background it needs to be effective.

  • Attitude: Define the tone and vibe—how should it communicate?

  • Task: Be specific about what you want it to do.

Using the "Chat in the HAT" framework makes AI not just another tool, but a reliable partner in helping you make money with AI—minus the stress, of course. Just think of it as your personal assistant, but one that never needs a coffee break!


At the end of the day, using AI to make money isn’t just about handing tasks over to a robot and calling it a day. It’s about enhancing your creativity, sharpening your business plans, and, yes, even making some cash while you’re at it. But like any tool, it’s got its quirks (like your over-enthusiastic friend who sometimes gives you advice you didn’t ask for). Be smart, make AI your thought partner, and lean on it to boost your skills—not replace them. So, whether you're building a business or just trying to get through the day, AI can have your back... just maybe don’t let it pick your lunch spots.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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