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  • 📧 A Comprehensive Guide to Turn Your Inbound Emails into Profits with Smart AI Automation in Minutes

📧 A Comprehensive Guide to Turn Your Inbound Emails into Profits with Smart AI Automation in Minutes

Discover how AI Agent Make can transform email management, converting emails into profitable sales leads effortlessly. Save time and boost your business.

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Managing incoming emails can be very time-consuming, especially when you have to read each email, find the important details, and plan a follow-up. This whole process can take a lot of time and effort, making your day more stressful and less productive. Imagine spending hours just sorting through your inbox when you could be focusing on more important tasks.

But there's good news! There’s a much better way to manage this. With the power of AI Automation tool like Make, you can automate the entire process. This means you can set up a system where your emails are automatically read, important information is extracted, and follow-ups are organized without you having to lift a finger. You don’t need any coding skills to make this happen, which makes it accessible for everyone.

In this guide, we will walk you through each step to set up this AI Automation system. By the end, you’ll have a setup that turns your inbound emails into actionable sales leads automatically. This will not only save you a lot of time but also make your email management much more efficient, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Let’s get started!

I. Introduction to AI Automation Tool

1. Understanding Your AI Agent Make

Make is like a bridge that connects different apps to automate tasks between them. Imagine it as a super helpful assistant that works behind the scenes, making your work life much easier. By automating repetitive tasks, Make frees up your time to focus on more important things, like growing your business.


Make enables you to create workflows that link various apps, so they work together smoothly. Whether it's sending data from one app to another or triggering specific actions based on certain conditions, Make can handle it all.

2. Getting Started with Make

We already have a post about Make, which includes tutorials for beginners to start their own AI agents. You can check it out to see a more detailed explanation and step-by-step guides to get ready for using Make.

But to save you time, I'll briefly provide the basic steps to get you started on the right foot.

  • Create an Account: Go to Make's website. Click on the “Sign Up” button for a free account. After signing up, check your email inbox for a confirmation message.


  • Explore the Main Features: Make supports real-time execution, error handling, and scheduling, making it ideal for timely task management. It’s designed for scalability, suits both simple automations and complex, large-scale workflows, making it an efficient solution for businesses of all sizes.


II. Setting Up the Environment for Your AI Agent

At this point, you’re probably wondering, “Wait, how will Make know what’s a sales email and what’s not?” Good question! I suggest creating a Gmail label for any incoming emails you want Make to process. You can call this label "AI Fire Customers." This way, Make will know which emails to handle.

1. Create a New Scenario

  1. Start a new scenario: Go to Make main dashboard and click the big “Create a New Scenario” button. This is where you start building your automation, known as a "Scenario".

  2. Set up Gmail module as a trigger: A trigger is an event that starts your automation. In this case, it will be receiving a new labeled email in Gmail.

    • Choose Gmail module and Watch Emails as the first event. This means Make will act when a new email with a specific label arrives in your Gmail.

    • It’s like telling Make, “Hey, watch for emails with this special tag!”

    • Set Up the Gmail options by adding your own Gmail account, choose the folder labeled before named “AI Fire Customers”. Remember when setting the maximum number of results, avoid setting the number of results too high, as it may cause an interruption due to timeout.


2. Testing the Gmail Trigger

  1. Send a test email: To ensure everything is set up correctly, you need to test the trigger. Send a test email to yourself and label it “AI Fire Customers”.

  2. Run the scenario: Click on the "Run Once" button to start the automation. This will make the process run and handle the emails as you've set it up.

  3. Check the results: When Make detects the labeled email, it will pull in this email, ready for the next steps. If everything is working correctly, you should see the test email in Make’s interface, indicating that the trigger is set up properly.


By setting up this trigger in Make, you’ve used AI automation to capture potential leads from your inbox. This ensures that any important inquiry doesn’t get lost, making your email management more efficient and systematic.

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III. Building an Airtable Database to Store Lead Data

1. Introduction to Airtable

Airtable is like a super-flexible spreadsheet, but with much more power and versatility. It's perfect for organizing all kinds of information because you can easily customize it to suit your specific needs. Unlike traditional spreadsheets, which can feel a bit rigid and limited, Airtable lets you do so much more.


For example, you can add attachments directly to your cells, so all your important documents and images are right where you need them. You can also link records between different tables, making it easy to connect related information. Airtable allows you to create forms, which can be a great way to gather data and input from others.

2. Creating a New Base in Airtable

  1. Sign Up For a Free Account: Go to the Airtable website, click on the "Sign Up" button, and choose one of the available options to create your account. You can either continue with Single Sign-On (SSO) or use your Google account for a quicker sign-up process.


  2. Create a New Base: Choose “Start from scratch” to create a new base. This will be your workspace for organizing and storing lead information.


  3. Name Your Base and Set Up Columns: Name your base something like “Sales Leads.” Now it’s time to add the necessary columns, think of each column as a category where you will store specific types of information, for example:

    • Customer Name: For the name of the person who sent the email.

    • Customer Email: For their email address.

    • Interest: For their favorite topics on AI Fire website.

    • Budget: How much they are willing to spend.

    • Other Notes: Any other important details.


It’s all set, now you have laid a solid foundation for capturing and organizing inbound emails as actionable sales leads. In the next sections, we'll look deeper into how to automate email processing with AI and further streamline this workflow.

IV. Automating Email Processing with AI Agent

1. Process Inquiry Emails Using OpenAI’s API

OpenAI’s Chatbot is like a very smart assistant that can read and understand text. It can pick out important details from emails and organize them for you. Imagine having an assistant who can quickly scan through emails, extract key information, and neatly organize it in a spreadsheet. That’s what it can do for you.

Here’s the step-by-step guide to set up the new module:

  1. Add a New Module in Make: Select OpenAI module, means that you tells Make to use OpenAI’s language model to process the email. Choose “Transform text to structured data” as the action.


  2. Configuring the Module:

    • Add Your Connection: Click “Add” to connect to your OpenAI account and get the API key.

    • Choose the Model: If possible, let’s choose the gpt-4 model for the best results (or gpt-3.5-turbo for a cheaper option). The gpt-4 model is more advanced and can provide more accurate results.

    • Writing a Prompt for the AI: You need to give the AI clear instructions. Here’s an example prompt:

You are a pre-sales professional responsible for parsing emails to extract crucial information for the sales team to follow up with. Follow these guidelines:

Customer Name: Extract the customer's name.

Customer Email: Extract the customer's email address.

Interest: Identify the customer's favorite topics from the AI Fire website.

Budget: Determine how much the customer is willing to spend.

Other Notes: Capture any other important details mentioned in the email.

Important: Do not guess or make up any information. If any value is not explicitly provided, leave it blank.
  • Mapping the Data definition: In this placeholders, you just need to copy the description from the prompt and paste it in Parameter Name, Description and Data Type options.

  1. Testing the New Process: 

    • Run a test with a sample email: Let’s see if the AI extracts the correct information. Check if the AI fills in the fields correctly and leaves blank what it can’t find.

    • One important note: to use OpenAI's API in your AI automation, you'll need to have some credits. OpenAI offers these credits for just $5, making it a reasonable investment. It's worth considering because you can use these credits for other purposes as well.


By integrating OpenAI’s API with Zapier, you can automate the extraction of important data from your emails. This not only saves time but also ensures that no critical information is missed.

2. Exporting Extracted Data to Airtable

With the data extracted from the emails, the next step is to store this information in your Airtable database. This will help you keep all your lead information organized and easily accessible.

  1. Add a Airtable Module: In your scenario, add another module by clicking on the “+” icon. Type “Airtable” in the search bar and select it.

    Select “Create Record” as the action.


  2. Link Your Airtable Account:

    • Select your Airtable account. If you haven’t connected it yet, follow the prompts to link your Airtable account to Zapier.

    • Choose the base and table where you want to store the lead data. For this guide, we'll use the “Sales Leads” base and its main table.


  3. Configure Airtable’s Fields: Map the output fields from the ChatGPT step to the corresponding columns in Airtable. For example, map “Customer Name” from the AI output to the “Customer Name” column in Airtable.


  4. Testing the Airtable Step: Run a test to see if the data is correctly added to Airtable. This step ensures that the automation works as intended and the information is accurately stored.


By automating data entry into Airtable, you keep all your lead information organized and easy to access. This final step turns your incoming emails into actionable sales leads, making your work smoother and reducing errors.

V. Enhancing Your AI Automation

Once you've set up the environment and automated the initial email processing, it's time to take your automation to the next level. This section will cover advanced steps to qualify leads with AI and set up automated responses and notifications for your business.

1. Qualifying Leads with AI

Not all leads are created equal. Some may be more promising than others, and it's important to prioritize your follow-ups accordingly. By adding an AI-driven lead qualification step, you can automatically assess the quality of each lead and focus your efforts on the most promising ones.

  1. Advanced Step: Add another AI step to evaluate the quality of the lead before adding it to Airtable. This could help filter out less promising leads and focus on high-quality ones. For example, you could set criteria for what makes a lead qualified, such as a specific budget range.

  2. Setting Up Lead Qualification: In Make, add an action step with OpenAI’s API. Write a prompt for the AI to assess the lead’s quality based on your criteria. For example:

You are a sales analyst. Evaluate the quality of the lead based on the following criteria:

- Budget: Should be at least $500.
- Deadline: Should be within the next 30 days.
- Services/items ordered: Should include at least two distinct items.

If the lead meets all criteria, label it as 'High Quality.' Otherwise, label it as 'Low Quality.'
  1. Sorting out the High-quality data: Map the AI’s output to a new column in Airtable called “Lead Quality.” You can then run a test with sample emails to see if the AI correctly identifies high-quality and low-quality leads.

2. Automating Responses to Your Customers

Imagine you can set up Make to send an automatic reply to the customer, acknowledging their inquiry, how incredible it is to save time and give a professional touch. It also ensures that the customer knows their inquiry has been received and is being processed.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Setting Up Automated Replies: In Make, add an action step with your email service (e.g., Gmail). Select “Send Email” as the action. Then write a reply template, such as:

Hi [Customer Name], 

Thank you for your inquiry. We have received your request and will get back to you shortly. 

Best regards, 
[Your Company Name]
  1. Testing the Replies: Send a test inquiry to yourself and check if the automated reply is sent correctly. This step ensures that the automated reply is working as expected and provides a professional response to the customer.

And that’s all you need to do to generate automated email replies. Now you can rest and be guaranteed that this automation will provide immediate acknowledgment to your leads, enhancing their experience.


Automating the process of turning inbound emails into actionable sales leads saves a lot of time and effort. With AI Automation tool like Make, you can set up a system that works efficiently without needing coding skills. This system not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures that no potential leads fall through the cracks.

By following this guide, you can create a seamless process for handling inbound emails, extracting important details, and organizing them for your sales team. This AI automation allows you to focus on more important tasks, such as growing your business and improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, this setup is flexible and can be customized to fit your specific needs. You can add additional steps, such as lead qualification and automated replies, to further enhance the automation. Experiment with different configurations and find the best setup for your business.

Try it out and see how it can streamline your workflow, making your sales process more efficient and organized. Don’t hesitate to spend a bit of initial setup and see the magic world!!!

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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