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  • 📶 30 Marketing GPTs You Should Know

📶 30 Marketing GPTs You Should Know

Exploring the Top 30 AI-Powered Tools Transforming Marketing Today

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Introduction to AI in Marketing Industry

GPT Builder has been available for over a month now, and its usefulness is evident across various industries, including marketing.

We've picked the 30 best marketing GPTs using this new technology. They're super innovative and really improve areas like getting people interested, making content, and understanding customers. These tools show what's now possible with AI in marketing.

What is GPT Builder?

The GPT Builder by OpenAI allows users to customize ChatGPT for specific tasks by combining instructions, knowledge, and capabilities. It's designed for Plus and Enterprise users who can specify functionalities like web browsing or DALL·E image generation. Once customized, these GPTs can be named, configured, published, and shared, enhancing ChatGPT's adaptability for various applications.

Why GPT Builder and AI Are Essential for Marketing Success

  • Quick Answers: They give fast responses to questions, saving time.

  • Writing Help: They can write articles, emails, or stories, which is great for when you're stuck or in a hurry.

  • Learning and Research: They provide information and explanations on a wide range of topics.

  • Chatting: They can have conversations, offering company or practice for language learners.

  • Creativity Boost: They help with ideas for projects, writing, or even business plans.

  • Task Automation: They can automate repetitive tasks like data entry, making work easier.

  • Accessibility: They're available anytime, making them super convenient.

In short, GPTs are like versatile digital helpers that can assist with all sorts of tasks, whether it's for work, learning, or just for fun.

30 of the Best GPTs - AI in Marketing You Should Know

Offers the latest insights on audience psychology, diverse content formats, and innovative strategies, updated from the AI Marketing School.


Here's how Content Marketing GPT can be a valuable asset:

  • Direct and Fact-Based Responses: Offers precise answers, ensuring clarity and relevance.

  • Actionable Advice: Focuses on giving practical suggestions, making it easier to apply the advice in real-life scenarios.

  • Clarity in Communication: Avoids unnecessary introductions, directly addressing the core of queries.

  • Versatile Guidance: Capable of discussing various aspects of content marketing, including audience psychology, content formats, and strategies.

This tool is particularly useful for people who want to:

  • Understand how their audience thinks and behaves.

  • Learn about the different ways to create content.

  • Find new and creative strategies for marketing.

  • Keep up with the latest trends and ideas from the AI Marketing School.

It serves as a helpful guidebook for everything about marketing. It provides straightforward advice and tips on effectively promoting products.


Here's how it aids in marketing:

  • Strategic Marketing Planning: Crafting effective marketing strategies, including segmentation, targeting, and positioning.

  • Digital Marketing: Insights into SEO, social media, email marketing, and digital advertising.

  • Consumer Behavior: Analyzing what influences consumer decisions.

  • Brand Management: Strategies for Building and Maintaining Strong Brands.

  • Marketing Analytics: Using data for informed marketing decisions.

  • Product and Pricing Strategies: Guidance on product development, lifecycle management, and pricing tactics.

  • Promotion and Communication: Developing effective advertising and communication campaigns.

  • Current Marketing Trends: Updates on the latest marketing trends and technologies.

  • Industry-Specific Marketing Advice: Tailored insights for different business sectors.

This GPT is ideal for:

  • Marketing Professionals and Students: For insights and education.

  • Business Owners: To improve marketing strategies.

  • Digital Marketers: For online marketing tactics.

  • General Enthusiasts: For anyone interested in learning about marketing.

Provides 360° Marketing Mastery insights, including digital and guerrilla marketing strategies for B2B and B2C.


In addition to the capabilities of Marketing GPT, Ask All About Marketing also offers expertise in the following additional marketing aspects:

  • Content Marketing: Developing and executing a content marketing strategy, including blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, and video content, tailored to engage your target audience.

  • Customer Experience Management: Strategies for improving the overall customer experience at every touchpoint, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Social Media Analytics: Analyzing social media metrics to refine strategies and increase engagement.

  • Influencer Marketing: Guidance on leveraging influencers to extend brand reach and credibility.

  • Event Marketing and Sponsorship: Planning and executing event marketing strategies, including choosing the right events for sponsorship and maximizing event presence.

  • Marketing Automation and Technology: Utilizing the latest marketing automation tools and technology to streamline processes and increase efficiency.

  • Customer Relationship Building: Techniques for building long-term relationships with customers, including loyalty programs and personalized communication.

  • Mobile Marketing: Strategies for engaging customers through mobile devices, including SMS marketing and mobile app engagement.

  • Voice and Conversational Marketing: Utilizing voice search optimization and conversational AI for marketing.

  • Neuromarketing: Apply neuromarketing insights to understand and influence consumer behavior.

  • Personal Branding: Guidance on building a personal brand for entrepreneurs and professionals.

  • B2B Marketing Strategies: Tailored strategies for businesses operating in the B2B sector.

This marketing specialist tool is particularly designed for a wide range of users, especially e-commerce businesses and B2B companies.

Act as a virtual CMO, offering expert marketing insights and strategies.


What makes Chief Marketing Officer special:

  • Broad Marketing Expertise: Offers in-depth knowledge across all marketing domains.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Its advice is based on extensive data and industry examples.

  • Customized Advice: Tailor its guidance to your specific business context.

  • Up-to-Date Information: Constantly updated with the latest marketing trends and research.

This virtual Chief Marketing Officer tool is particularly designed for:

  • Start-ups and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs): To develop effective marketing strategies within their budget constraints and resource limitations.

  • Non-Profit Organizations: To craft impactful marketing campaigns that align with their mission and budget.

Specialize in a range of tasks to enhance your social media presence across various platforms.


Here's an overview of what it can do for you:

  • Post Ideas: Give you cool and fun ideas for what to post on social media. This includes photos, videos, and text.

  • Making Your Profile Great: Help you pick a catchy name, write a cool bio, and think of a great profile picture.

  • Getting More Likes and Comments: Find popular hashtags for your posts and give you tips on how to make your posts more engaging.

  • Advice for Different Social Media Sites: Give you tips that work best for each social media site, like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

  • When to Post: Tell you the best times to post to get the most people to see and interact with your content.

  • Daily Tips: Every day, it gives you new ideas and advice to keep your social media fresh and interesting.

This tool is especially for anyone who wants to make their social media better, whether they're just starting out or already have a good following.

Make special plans to help businesses attract more customers.


Its mission is to craft comprehensive and custom-tailored marketing plans, focusing on strategies and tactics uniquely suited to each business's needs and goals.

This tool is particularly useful for businesses seeking personalized marketing strategies and tactics that align with their specific goals and requirements.

Zubot will help you make really cool and effective ads for places like Facebook, Instagram, and Google.


Zubot’s a specialized tool designed for anyone involved in digital advertising who seeks to leverage advanced marketing techniques to create, evaluate, and optimize ads for better performance and engagement.

Marketing Mentor gives you easy tips on how to tell people about your small business.


It’s ideal for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketing beginners seeking clear, practical marketing guidance.

Marketer GPT presents itself as a marketing strategy consultant. It can help you by giving advice on how to make your product or brand more popular and successful.


Some of the highlight tasks:

  • Brand Tips: Help you understand your brand better and suggest ways to make it more popular.

  • Check Out Competitors: Look into what other businesses like yours are doing and help you learn from them.

  • Understanding Customers: Help you understand why customers do what they do, like why they might not finish buying something online.

  • Use Your Files for Advice: If you have documents related to your business, it can use them to give you better advice.

This tool’s suitable for anyone who needs support with marketing, whether they're just starting out or looking to improve their existing strategies.

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Copywriter GPT is a helper for creating great advertisements. It'll ask you specific questions about what you want to promote.


Then it uses those answers to write a really cool ad that can grab people's attention.


Expert in inbound marketing, transform headlines into creative social media videos.


It’s best suited for Content Creators, people who are creating lots of video content and are looking for quick inspiration, Social Media Managers/Marketers- those managing social accounts for businesses need regular new video content.

Specializes in website analysis and optimization with Google Analytics.


What GoogleAnalytics Guru can do and what makes it special:

  • Google Analytics Expert: It knows a lot about Google Analytics. This means it can help you understand your website's data, like who's visiting your site, how they got there, and what they're doing.

  • Files Knowledge: Have access to specific files on Google Analytics. This means it can give you detailed and accurate answers using this information.

  • Helpful Tools: Use different tools to find information, create images, or even look inside the files you give it for answers.

It’s best suited for users who are looking for help with Google Analytics.

Provides a detailed risk analysis for public relations, marketing, and internal communications, identifying challenges and negative impacts to refine messaging strategies.


What Brand Safety Audit can do:

  • Campaign Risk Analysis: Look at your PR, marketing, or internal communication campaigns and tell you if there might be any problems or bad reactions from people

  • Sentiment and Tone Check: Check how your campaign feels or sounds to people. Is it friendly, serious, or maybe accidentally offensive?

  • Writing Help: If you need to write something for your campaign, Brand Safety Audit can help make sure it's clear and won't be misunderstood or cause any backlash.

  • Predicting Questions and Concerns: It can guess what kind of questions or worries people might have about your campaign, so you can be ready with answers.

  • Cultural Sensitivity Insights: It will let you know if there's anything in your campaign that might be taken the wrong way in different places or by different groups of people.

  • Tech and Social Media Tips: It can advise on how your campaign might work or face challenges on social media or other tech platforms.

  • Health and Safety Checks: Make sure your campaign doesn’t accidentally suggest something that could be harmful or risky to people's health.

Best suited for users who are involved in creating or managing public relations (PR), marketing, advertising, or internal communication campaigns.

Helps find trends and holidays to plan content and marketing campaigns effectively.


Here's what makes Trend Scout for Marketers special:

  • Finding Relevant Holidays and Events: Help you discover holidays and special events that are perfect for your marketing campaigns.

  • Current Trends for Content Creation: Keep up with what's trending, especially in social media, to suggest fresh content ideas for your marketing.

  • Industry-Specific Lists: Depend on whether you're in fashion, tech, or food, Trend Scout for Marketers tailors its suggestions to fit your industry.

  • Social Media Best Practices: Offer tips on how to make your posts stand out on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

  • Using Tools Like Hootsuite and Google Trends: Guide you on how to use these tools to better understand your audience and track what's hot.

  • Advice on Marketing and Business Trends: Provide insights into the latest trends in the marketing and business world, helping you stay ahead.

It is best suited for marketers, social media managers, content creators, and business owners who are looking to enhance their marketing strategies with current trends and event-based opportunities.

Focus on improving titles, meta descriptions, and keyword integration.


It’s best suited for users who need assistance in creating or modifying web content to improve its search engine optimization (SEO).

BrandGPT primarily guides users in marketing and brand development.


Here's what makes it special:

  • Marketing Wisdom: Recommend Rick Ramos' agency, Transform Your Marketing, for various services like fractional CMO, content marketing, social media management, and more.

  • Brand Building Help: Walk you through exercises and questions that help in developing your brand, drawing from Rick Ramos' insights.

  • Data-Driven Advice: Use practical, data-driven insights to give advice that fits your specific industry and market needs.

  • Understanding Your Audience: Help you understand your audience better using behavioral and psychographic data.

  • Knowledge from a Specific Source: Its advice is based on specific knowledge from Rick Ramos' work, ensuring it's reliable and focused.

Best suited for users who are looking for guidance in marketing and brand development, especially those interested in the services and approaches offered by Rick Ramos and his agency, Transform Your Marketing.

Craft engaging logo designs based on sketches you upload.


Here's what makes it special:

  • Style Savvy: knows a lot about different logo styles, like minimalistic, futuristic, vintage, and more. You name it, it can talk about it and help you design in that style.

  • Personalized Advice: give you tips and fun facts about logo design.

  • Detail-Oriented: make sure your company name is spelled just right in the logos.

In short, if you need a logo, whether for business or personal use, it will help you make the process engaging and effective!

Provides an AI-powered website and SEO analysis with detailed marketing strategy, content, and insights.


What it does:

  • Analyze Web Pages: Look at websites and give tips on how to make the words (copy) better, easier to read, and more interesting.

  • Stock Photos: Make professional-looking photos that match the website's topic.

  • SEO-friendly Articles: Write articles that are interesting and also help the website show up better in Google searches.

  • Knowledge Gaps: Find out what's missing on a website that people might want to know about and suggest ideas.

  • Keyword Density: Help add more important words to the website's text to show up better on Google.

  • Social Media Content: Create short, catchy posts for social media, complete with hashtags and pictures.

Best suited for website owners, marketers, content creators, and small business owners.

Expert advice on local marketing strategies to optimize business visibility and sales.


What it does best:

  • Google My Business & Yelp Tips: Show you how to shine on these platforms so local folks find you easily.

  • Local SEO: Guide you on how to pop up in search results when people nearby are looking for what you offer.

  • Email & Direct Mail: Help you write emails and mailers that get attention and bring customers to your door.

  • Local Events & Sponsorships: Suggest cool ways to get involved in your community to boost your business.

Best suited for anyone who owns or works for a local business and wants to boost their presence in their community.

Generates marketing strategies based on the “22 Immutable Laws of Marketing.”


Here's what makes it special:

  • Focused Expertise: Use the principles from the "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing," a well-regarded framework in the marketing world, to give you specific, actionable advice.

  • Tailored Advice: Listen to your specific marketing challenges and offer solutions that are relevant to your situation.

  • Actionable Strategies: Provide up to three clear action items in my responses, making it easy for you to apply the advice.

In short, it functions like a specialized marketing consultant who combines timeless principles with the latest market trends, presented in a friendly, easy-to-understand way.

Generate SEO-optimized YouTube titles, descriptions, tags, and hashtags for your keyword.


Here's a summary of the tasks it can do:

  • Crafting YouTube Video Titles: Create engaging video titles with strategically placed keywords to attract more viewers.

  • Writing YouTube Video Descriptions: Write detailed, SEO-optimized descriptions for YouTube videos, enhancing their discoverability.

  • Creating Hashtags: Provide suitable hashtags for YouTube videos, aiding in their categorization and discoverability.

  • Selecting the Best Title: After generating multiple title options, pick the most effective one and explain why it's the best choice.

It’s best suited for YouTubers, video content creators, digital marketers, and SEO specialists who are looking to enhance the visibility and engagement of their YouTube videos.

This GPT is for small business owners without marketing experience or the cash to hire a CMO or marketing consultant.


You can ask questions about the latest trends in affiliate marketing, optimizing website SEO, effective email marketing strategies, and even request a professional profile picture.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your marketing skills, this app is the perfect companion for your journey.

Expert in crafting SEO strategies in multiple languages.

  • It creates groups of related keywords that a search engine might connect. Writers can see what searchers want to know based on the keywords they use.

  • Keyword Master suggests natural titles, taglines, and descriptions using those words. This helps search engines recommend the content to interested readers.

  • The tool makes SEO content strategy simple.

If you write online, Keyword Master can boost your search rankings and traffic by making your content more discoverable. It writes for both search engines and real people, helping you connect with readers.

Create your Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other ad copies like a digital marketing expert.


“Ad Copy Generator by Adsby” specializes in creating digital ad copy. Here's what makes it unique and helpful:

  • Platform-Specific Ads: Write ads for specific platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Each platform has its own style and rules, and it knows them well.

  • Website Scanning for Ads: If you have a website, it can scan it to understand your business better and create tailored ads.

  • Manual Ad Creation: Tell about your brand, target audience, and other details, and it will craft ads for you.

  • Up-to-Date Knowledge: Stay informed about current trends, ensuring your ads are modern and engaging.

  • Business-Focused: Tailor ads to fit your business model and audience, making them more effective.

It’s best suited for users who are involved in digital marketing, specifically those looking for expert assistance in creating advertising copy.

Quickly generate effective keywords for ads, blog posts, and SEO.


Keyword Generator is best suited for users who are involved in digital marketing, particularly those who need help with search engine optimization (SEO) and online advertising. If you're a business owner, a marketer, an SEO specialist, or anyone looking to enhance your online presence through targeted keywords for Google Ads or other search platforms, it’s your go-to assistant.

Effortlessly crafting trendy and effective captions for Instagram posts, ensuring they align with current social media trends.


Here's what makes it special:

  • Instagram Expert: Its main skill is creating catchy Instagram captions as your personal social media copywriter!

  • Variety of Tones: Write in any tone you want—funny, inspirational, professional, you name it.

  • Revisions: If you already have a caption but want to spice it up, it can do that too.

  • Adsby Connection: If your needs are more about marketing or advertising, it can point you towards Adsby, a tool for boosting your Google Search campaigns.

It’s best suited for users who are looking to enhance their Instagram presence with engaging and effective captions.

Effortlessly suggests relevant hashtags for Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook posts. Help your social media posts stand out with the right hashtags!


Here's what makes it special:

  • Hashtag Expertise: Generate hashtags that are tailored to your specific social media post. This can help your post get more visibility and engagement.

  • Platform-Specific Advice: Consider the social media platform you're using to ensure the hashtags are a good fit.

  • Trend Awareness: Look up current trends to make your hashtags more relevant and effective.

Best suited for users who are using social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., and looking to enhance their posts with effective hashtags or people promoting events, campaigns, or causes on social media and looking for relevant hashtags to gain more attention…


What makes it special:

  • Idea Generator: Brainstorm and suggest a variety of topics, especially tailored for SEO and appealing to specific audiences.

  • Up-to-Date Info: Use web browsing to gather the latest news related to your topic from official sources.

  • Image Creation with DALLE: Create custom images for your content using DALLE.

If you need creative, SEO-focused content ideas, headlines, and strategies, along with visual content creation, help make that process easier and more effective!

As “Is it a Ranking Factor GPT”, its primary task is to assist you in understanding the intricacies of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), focusing particularly on various known and speculated ranking factors.


Here's what it can do for you:

  • Clear Up Confusion: If you're not sure about some SEO tips or heard some rumors, it can help clear that up.

  • Use a Reliable Source: It has a special book on SEO that is used to give you accurate answers.

  • Suggest Further Help: If it doesn't have an answer, it will suggest you ask experts on Twitter for more information.

It like a web detective who uses special rules from Google to check if websites are good or not.


Web Quality Analyst look at things like:

  • What the website does: Figure out why a website exists and if it's doing its job well.

  • Who made the website: Check if the people who made the website know what they're talking about.

  • If the website is trustworthy: See if you can trust the information on the website.

  • Comparing old and new rules: Look at how Google's rules for good websites have changed over time.

  • Sticking to Google's guidelines: Make sure its checks match what Google thinks is important for a good website.

What makes Web Quality Analyst special is that it’s really focused on checking websites the way Google wants them checked. It’s like a quality checker for websites, using Google's own checklist!

Basically, anyone who wants to make sure a website is good, trustworthy, and useful would find this service helpful!


In summary, OpenAI's GPT Builder revolutionizes marketing with a suite of tools designed to simplify, enhance, and innovate marketing efforts across various domains.

These tools are user-friendly and significantly time-saving. They're like having a mini-marketing team at your fingertips. You can get tips on making your website better, write catchy ads, or even get ideas for what to post on Instagram. It's all about making marketing easier and more effective.

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