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  • 👀 ChatGPT Vision: 20 Most Popular Use Cases

👀 ChatGPT Vision: 20 Most Popular Use Cases

ChatGPT Vision is a tool that's transforming data science and AI by helping with tasks from counting calories to fixing computer code.

Introduction to ChatGPT Vision

Imagine your computer being able to 'see' things just as you do. Exciting, isn't it? Well, that's what ChatGPT Vision is all about! It's like giving your computer a pair of eyes, making it super smart.

With this awesome tool, you can do things like check how healthy your meal is, get meal ideas from what's in your fridge, or even have a laugh by turning pet photos into digital art. Need a logo or have a tricky math question? ChatGPT Vision has got your back.

But wait, there's more! Ever stared at a sign in another language? This clever buddy can translate it for you. Puzzles, TV show recommendations, or even sprucing up your room's look—it's all in a day's work for ChatGPT Vision.

So, stick with us as we dive into 20 amazing ways you can use ChatGPT Vision. It's not just tech talk; it's about making your day-to-day life easier and way more fun. Let's get started!

1. Food Nutrition Analyzer

Many people enjoy tracking their food intake and calorie count. But imagine if you could simply take a photo of your meal, and AI would analyze its ingredients, providing details like protein, carbs, etc.


Personal trainers could totally sell this to clients. Why don't gyms have an app feature that helps people see what they're eating? It'd make tracking nutrition super simple, rather than confusing.

2. Food Suggestions

Not sure what to make for dinner? Coming up with meal ideas when you're hungry and tired isn't fun.

Well, just snap a quick picture of what's in your fridge and tell the app about any food allergies you've got.

Then boom, it'll suggest something yummy and healthy you can cook up fast without running to the store. You already have all you need at home!


3. Transforming Pet Pictures into Digital Art

This one is particularly fun. It's so easy—just take a cute picture of your pet. Any furry friend works—dog, cat, bunny, etc.

Then you send it to ChatGPT and ask it to describe what it sees in full detail. Make sure it captures everything about them.


Next, you take that description over to Dall-E 3. Paste it in, and boom, it'll generate a new image of your pet based on ChatGPT's words!


4. Design Logos

Make custom logos quickly with ChatGPT.

Tell it what logos you like and want yours to look similar to. Add in colors and shapes, too.


After a brief chat, you'll quickly have fresh new logo ideas tailored for you!


It's so easy to design unique logos in minutes. Just describe what you want to ChatGPT. It's like a designer buddy at your fingertips!

5. Collecting Text From Image

By using ChatGPT Vision, you can quickly convert the text in these images into editable, digital text. It's a convenient way to access and store information that was previously only available in a visual format.


6. Copying The Landscape Picture That You See

Check out this cool picture I took. It makes me wonder if an AI could recreate something similar.


Luckily, that's super easy to try out! First, I'll send the photo to ChatGPT and ask it to describe everything it sees in detail. That turns my picture into text.


Next, I'll take that text description and feed it into Dall-E 3 in the chatGPT console. Dall-E 3 can generate brand new images from text.

So by going from picture to detailed description back into Dall-E 3, I can get AI to cook up a brand new version of my photo!


7. Turn Your Notes to Text


Even if the handwriting in the notes is poor, ChatGPT can handle it easily. Let's look at the output:


8. Solve Math Problems

If you encounter a difficult math problem, don't hesitate to take advantage of the ChatGPT tutor right away.


9. Dentistry Image Recognition

Imagine taking a picture or video of your teeth and ChatGPT assessing your dental health. It can evaluate your teeth's alignment, estimate necessary dental work, and even provide a rough cost estimate for treatments. These cool tools could be on a dentist's website, or if you're a dentist, you could have them for your own practice.


10. Analyzing Charts and Dashboards

If you're in a rush and need to understand a chart or graph, you can just show it to ChatGPT, and it'll quickly tell you the important points.


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11. Translate Signs

If you encounter a traffic sign while driving that you don't understand, simply take a quick photo, and ChatGPT can translate it for you.

It can scan traffic signs, parking instructions, rules of the road, etc., and explain them in simple terms.


12. Solving Visual Puzzles


13. Finding Similar TV Shows and Identifying Movies

Ever see a cool scene from some movie but can't remember what film it was from? Or binge-watch a TV show and want to find more series with similar vibes to watch next?

I feel you. It's frustrating to try to Google scenes and shows based only on a vague memory. But no more struggling—let ChatGPT help out!

I really like this TV-Show, can you recommend similar shows?
Name this movie

Finally, an easy way to identify forgotten films or discover new stuff to stream based on titles you already love. Let ChatGPT hook you up with great watching recommendations!

14. Generating Recipes from Food Images

It's pretty cool that ChatGPT can just glance at a photo of food and figure out exactly what it is and how to make it.


Now you don't have to scroll through long stories just to find a recipe online. Just take a picture of any dish, even at a restaurant, and you can get the recipe for it right away to try later.

15. Explaining Memes

Struggling to get the jokes in the memes your friends send?


16. Solving Crossword Puzzles

Got a crossword puzzle that's giving you a headache? No worries. Now, you can just snap a picture of the puzzle and its clues. The AI will check it out and fill in the answers. Even if we haven't double-checked, the solutions look pretty spot-on. All this is just from a photo!

Can you solve this?

17. Providing Interior Design Suggestions

Need a mentor for decorating your room?

What items can I add to improve the look of this room?

18. Language Recognition

If you encounter a text in an unfamiliar language and are curious about its meaning, just present it to ChatGPT, and you'll get an immediate explanation.


19. Generating Code from Designs

If you're making an app and have a design in Figma, you can upload that design and ask ChatGPT to create Python code for it. Just give it the image, and watch as it turns your design into code. It's pretty cool to see it happen!

Can you please create a Python code based on this image?

20. Debug Code

You are a programmer, and you spend a lot of time debugging code. Fixing code used to be a bit of a hassle because you had to copy and paste it. But guess what? Now you can just use a screenshot of your code, and you're all set to start debugging!

Why am I getting an error in this code?


FYI, if you are interested, here is the cheat sheet we created about ChatGPT Vision. You can refer to some use cases we have not covered here.



We’ve shown you some pretty amazing stuff you can do with ChatGPT Vision, right? From figuring out the goodies in your meals to jazzing up your space and even making math homework a little less scary. It’s like having a super-smart friend who’s always there to help you out.

Whether it’s giving life to your pet’s photos, whipping up a fancy meal with what you've got, or getting a fresh new logo, ChatGPT Vision is like your go-to helper for just about anything. And let’s not forget the magic of turning a snapshot of your notes into clear text!

We’ve talked about 20 cool ways to use this neat tool, and it's just the beginning. Imagine all the time you’ll save and the fun you’ll have. So, go ahead and give these a try. Get ready to make your life a whole lot easier and a bit more magical with ChatGPT Vision!

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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