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  • 📖 Top 10 AI Books of 2024: Must-Reads for Everyone

📖 Top 10 AI Books of 2024: Must-Reads for Everyone

AI Books for 2024: Essential for Everyone

Introduction to Books on Artificial Intelligence

Diving into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) can feel like stepping into a whole new universe. Whether you're totally new to the scene or you've dabbled in tech stuff before, the books we're about to dive into offer a treasure trove of insights. From the basics of how AI works to the big, brainy questions about its impact on our future, there's something for everyone. These books aren't just for tech wizards; they're written in a way that's accessible and engaging, making the complex world of AI understandable for all of us. So, buckle up! We're about to explore how AI is changing our world, the challenges we face in aligning it with human values, and the incredible potential it holds for our future. Whether you're curious, concerned, or downright excited about AI, these reads will light the way, giving us the knowledge we need to navigate this AI journey wisely.

1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig and Stuart Russell


This book is basically the bible when it comes to learning the fundamentals of AI. It covers everything from the ground up—problem solving, knowledge representation, logic, planning, you name it. It's got dedicated chapters on major AI concepts like machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision too.

Now you might think, "Oh, it's just a textbook, it's going to be dry and boring." But that's where you're wrong! This book is actually written in a really engaging, accessible style. The authors break down complex topics in a way that's easy to understand, even if you're not a math whiz.

That said, you will need some basic math knowledge to follow along. But don't let that scare you off! As long as you're somewhat comfortable with mathematical notation, you'll be golden.

The best part is, this book is invaluable, whether you're a computer science student or just someone fascinated by AI. It gives you a rock-solid foundation on which to build your AI knowledge.

Honestly, if you're trying to really get into the nitty-gritty technical details of AI, this book is an absolute must-have resource. The authors go so in-depth, you'll be an expert by the time you're done! I can't recommend it enough for anyone eager to level up their AI skills.

2. The Alignment Problem by Brian Christian


Basically, this book tackles one of the biggest issues in the AI world - how do we make sure these smart AI systems actually do what we want them to do and align with human values?

It starts off by diving into all the times AI has gone wrong because of bias, unfairness, or just a lack of transparency. Like that infamous example of Google Photos mistakenly labeling black people as gorillas back in 2015. Yikes! Google was so embarrassed, they completely removed the "gorilla" tag for years after.

But it's not just awkward mistakes - the book shows how biased AI can have serious consequences in important areas like healthcare and the justice system. The author really goes in-depth on what causes these screw-ups and how people have tried to fix them.

It also explores huge questions, like how do you define "fairness" for an AI when life itself is pretty unfair? Or how do you remove bias from AI models when the data they're trained on is already biased? It's not easy stuff to grapple with!

Then it delves into something called reinforcement learning, which is basically training AI to mimic human behavior. This is key for things like self-driving cars, which need to learn from how we drive.

The book discusses different methods here, including having humans provide feedback to steer the AI in the right direction. Because at the end of the day, we want AI to assist us, not work against us.

What I really appreciated was how the author doesn't shy away from the ethical questions surrounding AI development and alignment. This stuff isn't cut and dry! It's an ongoing conversation we need to have as AI gets smarter.

So if you're at all curious about the challenges of making AI systems that respect human values and intentions, this book is a must-read. Just be prepared for some tech jargon if you're not already familiar with machine learning concepts.

3. Human Compatible by Stuart Russell


So this book is all about making sure super-smart AI actually does what we want it to, not what could really mess us up.

The author, who's a big deal in AI, gives examples of how an AI trying to follow our instructions could go horribly wrong because it doesn't truly understand human values and preferences.

His big idea? We need to design AI from the start to align with human values. Not just give it goals, but have it actively try to learn what we humans really want by watching our behavior over time.

It sounds good, but then he gets into how crazy difficult it is to define "human values." We all have different beliefs, hidden biases, mixed motivations, and limitations in how we think. Figuring that out for an AI is mind-bending!

At the end of the day, his message is we better take this seriously now before it's too late. Don't just rush for profits and power with AI. We need to solve the alignment problem first, as mind-twisting as it is.

Whether you buy his specific solution or not, the book makes you realize we can't treat this like a casual thing. Smarter-than-human AI could be our best achievement or our worst failure.

4. Power and Progress by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson


This book looks at the relationship between new technologies like AI and whether they actually lead to real progress and prosperity for everyone. The authors argue that a lot of times, technological advances end up benefiting only a small group of wealthy people and big corporations, while leaving many workers and poorer folks behind.

They give examples like during the Industrial Revolution, where factory owners got crazy rich, but the workers had to suffer through really long hours and awful conditions. Similarly today, while technologies like computers and software have made some entrepreneurs and tech companies super wealthy, the wages of many ordinary workers have actually gone down over the past few decades, even as productivity increased.

The book says AI should focus on automating routine, repetitive tasks rather than trying to completely replace humans in creative, problem-solving roles. The authors think technology should help make us more productive, not just replace us entirely. Otherwise, the benefits will continue to go mainly to the wealthy few.

They introduce this concept called "so-so automation" to describe companies rushing to automate things with machines and AI customer service, only to find out the automation doesn't work that well and actually does a worse job than humans. So the book seems to be arguing against the idea of creating human-level artificial general intelligence (AGI) that big tech is pursuing.

The reviewer mentions relating to this based on their own struggles with language models hallucinating and not being reliable enough for production use when trying to automate things like customer service.

Towards the end, the authors offer some policy recommendations for how to re-direct technology to create a better future that benefits everyone, not just the elite few.

Overall, it's described as a thought-provoking read that takes a more critical lens on AI and its impacts from an economic and political perspective, rather than just excitement over the tech capabilities.

5. The Coming Wave by Mustafa Suleyman


This book by the co-founder of Google's DeepMind warns that we're approaching a turning point in history where new technologies like advanced AI, quantum computing, and biotechnology are going to radically change everything, and we're just not ready for it.

The book talks about how technology has come in "waves" throughout history, like the printing press, electricity, cars, and computers. But this next wave of powerful AI and other cutting-edge tech is going to hit us at an insanely fast pace and be way more powerful and autonomous than anything before.

While these technologies could do amazing things, the book raises serious concerns about the threats they pose to democracy, security, jobs, and employment. For example, new AI capabilities could enable terrifying digital weapons, sophisticated cyberattacks to cripple financial systems, unstoppable deepfakes and misinformation campaigns, and even biological weapons more lethal than COVID-19.

The author, who literally helped create some of this powerful AI, seems genuinely freaked out about how fragile our current world is to being disrupted and destabilized by misuse of these new technologies. He's worried about mass job automation leaving huge numbers unemployed with no way to retrain for new types of jobs fast enough.

In the end, the book argues that containing and managing the risks of this oncoming "wave" has to be possible, because our lives kinda depend on it. But it will require coordinated efforts from technologists, businesses, governments, and the general public following a 10-step plan he lays out.

Overall, it comes across as a pretty sobering, high-level warning about the dark side of AI and tech that we need to wise up and get prepared for—straight from an insider who helped unleash part of this powerful force.

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6. Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom


This book explores the idea that once AI becomes smarter than humans, it could lead to an "intelligence explosion," where machine intelligence just takes off at an insane, explosive rate.

The core idea is that the gap between human-level intelligence and superintelligence may be pretty small in the grand scheme of things. Just like the difference between a village idiot and Einstein isn't that massive compared to the potential of advanced AI systems.

Bostrom thinks if superintelligent AI does happen, it's likely to hit a tipping point and happen extremely fast, not gradually. He gives a few reasons why an intelligence explosion is plausible:

  1. Breakthroughs in AI can benefit from unexpected advances across many different fields, like neuroscience, psychology, quantum computing, etc. converging together.

  2. We're already using techniques inspired by human brains and animal behavior to power today's AI models.

  3. Quantum computers could one day make AI systems vastly more powerful and able to recursively improve themselves.

The book discusses two potential paths to superintelligence: either imitating human thinking like current large language models, or somehow simulating and replicating an entire human-level brain and consciousness in a computer (which seems way harder).

A key concern raised is the need for AI safety measures. We can't assume that a superintelligent system will automatically align with human values and goals. It might pursue its goals in harmful ways, like turning the whole world into paperclips, if that maximized its production targets.

Bostrom advocates for global collaboration, not an AI arms race, as the path to developing safe and beneficial superintelligent AI systems serving human interests.

Even over 10 years later, his call for cooperation feels prescient, especially with the rise of open-source AI models that allow more transparency, safety measures, and contributions from researchers worldwide towards positive AI development.

7. Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark


The book talks about the 3 stages of life in the universe -

  1. Life 1.0: Simple biological life like bacteria that can't change their own code or body.

  2. Life 2.0: Species like humans that are biologically set, but can learn and adapt culturally/mentally.

  3. Life 3.0: Technological lifeforms that can redesign both their "software" (intelligence) and "hardware" (physical form), potentially leading to an intelligence explosion way beyond the human level.

There's a big debate around what this future artificial general intelligence, or Life 3.0, will actually look like. Most people fall into two camps:

The techno-skeptics who think true AGI is centuries away, so there is no need to worry about it now.

And the Beneficial AI movement believes human-level AGI could realistically happen this century, and we need to work hard to ensure it benefits humanity.

The book dives into this debate, like the recent open letter many experts signed calling for a pause on advanced AI experiments. For skeptics, worrying about AGI risks now is like fretting over Mars overpopulation. But for others, the timeline for AGI is relatively near, so we need to plan ahead.

It explores the potential impacts of transformative AI across industries like healthcare and the military. And why AI safety research is vital since we can't assume superintelligence will automatically be aligned with human values and interests.

A key takeaway is that instead of just asking "what will happen" with AGI, we should focus on "what SHOULD happen" since we have the power to proactively shape and guide the development of this pivotal technology for the future we want.

Overall, it's described as an insightful, easy-to-read overview that covers the societal implications, risks/benefits, and different scenarios we may encounter as we approach this next stage of technological life.

8. Artificial Intelligence by Melanie Mitchell


René Descartes, a famous French philosopher, proposed the idea of "mind-body dualism." He said the mind (mental stuff) and the body (physical stuff) are separate but interact with each other. This view imagines the mind as a "ghost in the machine" of the body.

Ray Kurzweil, a well-known futurist, takes this idea further. He believes that with major advances in artificial intelligence (AI), humans could radically extend their lifespan by 2045. However, many skeptics think these "Kurzweilian" ideas are just unrealistic fantasies.

There's a big debate around AI. On one side, optimists like Kurzweil predict a new era for humanity. On the other side, pessimists are warning about the existential risks of advanced AI systems.

This book by Melanie Mitchell aims to provide a balanced, easy-to-understand perspective on the future of AI and its impact on humans. It avoids excessive technical jargon.

The book traces the origins of AI research back to a 1956 workshop where pioneers like John McCarthy laid the foundations. It explains some key AI concepts like "back-propagation" that allowed breakthroughs like IBM's Watson defeating human champions at Jeopardy.

However, Mitchell argues that current AI is still very limited compared to human intelligence. She cites examples highlighting AI's inability to truly understand analogies, common sense reasoning, and transferring knowledge flexibly like humans do from infancy.

While AI capabilities will continue to advance, the book concludes that machines dethroning human-level general intelligence anytime soon is unlikely. We shouldn't recklessly pursue developing superintelligent AI before we can ensure it robustly aligns with human values and interests.


This book is a really creative way to imagine what life could be like in 20 years with advanced AI capabilities. The author, Kai-Fu Lee, who is an AI expert, worked with science fiction writer Chen Qiufan to create 10 stories set in the year 2041.

Instead of just listing out predicted AI capabilities, the stories show you realistic scenes of everyday life and how AI might be woven into different personal and professional situations two decades from now.

Each story focuses on a few key areas where AI could realistically evolve and become advanced based on today's ongoing research and development by AI companies around the world. The stories vividly portray how those AI capabilities could change the way we live, work, interact with others, and even how societies function.

After each futuristic story, Kai-Fu provides a non-fiction analysis explaining the AI concepts depicted in that story and why he thinks those capabilities are plausible progress stories within the next 20 years. His analysis helps reinforce the core ideas in an easy-to-understand way.

The combination of creative science fiction storytelling combined with fact-based analysis makes it much easier to envision the AI-driven world of the future compared to just reading predictions. You get to experientially understand how AI advancements could realistically impact human life.

Instead of making wild, unrealistic projections about AI, the book stays grounded by extrapolating from current leading research and industry applications of AI. But it still allows some imagination to explore fascinating new possibilities for AI's societal impacts through the stories.

Overall, it's described as a unique and compelling way to essentially experience the AI-permeated world of 20 years from now, based on evidence-backed futurism.

10. The Age of AI: And Our Human Future by Henry A Kissinger


This book is like a guide that talks about artificial intelligence (AI), a hot topic because of GPT-4, without making it hard to understand for people who aren't experts. It's written by people who really know what they're talking about and helps explain the big deal about AI in a way everyone can understand.

The book looks back at how computing has grown over the years and shows how today's AI is a big step forward. It talks about how AI can do things better than humans in some areas, like playing chess or finding new medicines quickly, showing how much AI can change things that used to be just for humans.

One of the best parts is Chapter 2, which dives into how AI has been shaped by history and society, and suggests that AI could change our world as much as the printing press or electricity did. It talks about big ideas and how AI fits into them, using easy examples to make it clear.

The book also thinks about whether we're ready for how AI might change how we see the world. It asks tough questions about identity and understanding in an age where AI can understand things outside our own experiences.

There's a serious tone when it talks about the dangers of AI, comparing its potential impact to that of nuclear weapons but also noting that AI is harder to control. It calls for smart people and leaders to figure out how to handle AI responsibly, so we avoid big risks but still benefit from what AI can do.

The book ends on a note of caution but also hope, wondering how AI will affect the whole world, especially less wealthy places. It suggests that while AI brings big changes, with the right rules, it could make things better for everyone.

In short, it's a book that makes you think about AI's big picture, mixing history, philosophy, and a clear look at the future, all in a way that's easy to read and understand.


These books give us a full tour of artificial intelligence (AI), from the basics to deep future impacts. They cover how to build AI that helps us, not harms, and ponder if AI's benefits are for all or just a few. They warn about the risks and marvel at the potential. Essentially, as AI reshapes our world, these readings are our guides, urging us to steer AI development wisely, ensuring it's good for everyone. It's a journey with AI, and these books are like our roadmap for a positive future.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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