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  • 📝 Write Like a Pro: How to Keep Your Content Human in an AI World

📝 Write Like a Pro: How to Keep Your Content Human in an AI World

Make your writing stand out and avoid AI detection with a simple, effective framework.

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Let’s talk about a problem that’s making a lot of writers out there feel like they’re in some weird AI detective show. Writers are getting flagged for using AI—even when they didn’t. Yep, you spent hours on your article, poured your heart into it, only to have someone (or some AI detector) tell you, “This looks like AI.” Ouch.

Now, whether you’re cool with AI or not, doesn’t really matter. What matters is how this can hit hard—emotionally and financially. You’re working hard to make a living, and then boom, your writing gets flagged. Feels a bit like getting pulled over when you weren’t even speeding, right?

But AI detectors, while not perfect, do pick up on something real. They flag patterns that look too...well, “AI-like.” And if you’re trying to make a living from writing, you’ve got to figure out how to detect AI writing and make your stuff stand out. Because, let’s be honest, getting flagged by some AI tool feels a lot like spilling coffee on your white shirt right before a big meeting—you didn’t ask for this, you didn’t see it coming, but now it’s your mess to clean up.

I. How AI Accusations Hurt Writers

Being accused of using AI when you didn’t is like being caught with your hand in the cookie jar—except you didn’t even want the cookie. When editors or content managers detect AI writing in your work, they might hit you with a rejection faster than you can say "not guilty."

1. The Financial and Emotional Strain

The financial and emotional strain is no joke. Imagine:

  • Losing a gig because an AI detector flagged your writing.

    • That’s rent money, grocery money, or maybe even your Friday night takeout gone in a flash.

    • It feels like being ghosted by a friend for something you didn’t do.

You start questioning everything:

  • Was it too formal?

  • Too basic?

  • Did I somehow sound like a robot?

2. Why AI Detectors Are Used Anyway

But here’s the thing: AI detectors are flawed, yet editors rely on them because they do catch certain patterns. If they detect AI writing, it’s usually because something in your writing triggered those familiar, robotic red flags. It’s not personal (though it totally feels that way).

In short:

  • AI checkers aren’t perfect, but they’re part of the game.

  • You’ve got to learn to beat the system without losing your voice.

Learn to adapt, keep your human touch, and you’ll be one step ahead of those AI flags!

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II. Superhuman Writing Principle

Okay, so here’s the deal: if you want to detect AI writing and still pass those AI checkers, you’ve got to find your voice. Not the robot-y, "I sound like a Google search result" kind of voice, but your voice—the one that’s full of quirks, personality, and just a little bit of chaos.


Screenshot of ZeroGPT result of this article.

1. What Passing AI Checkers Means

Passing an AI checker isn’t about being some perfect writing machine. It’s about standing out by being so distinctly human that no AI detector can mistake you for a bot. You need to give your writing a heart, not just a structure.

2. Humanizing Your Content

Once you master humanizing your writing, you’ll not only detect AI writing with ease, but you’ll also use AI like the helpful tool it’s meant to be. And here’s where the magic happens—this is what I like to call Superhuman Writing.

3. What is Superhuman Writing?

Think of it like this:

  • AI is that helpful friend who shows up at the last minute to help you move, but they’re not going to hang around and arrange the furniture.

  • That part? That’s all you. 🏠

Here’s how Superhuman Writing works:

  1. AI gives you a head start – speeding up the boring stuff, like spelling or basic structures.

  2. You add the magic – your stories, your quirks, and your unique voice.

  3. The result? – Content that’s not only faster but also more human and impossible for AI to replicate.

3. Superhuman Writing: The Best of Both Worlds

By blending AI’s efficiency with your personal touch, you create writing that stands out every time. Superhuman Writing is the perfect mix of:

  • Speed (thanks to AI đŸƒâ€â™‚ïž)

  • Creativity (thanks to you đŸ§ )

  • Humanity (the secret ingredient 💖)

And let’s be real: If I can cry for three hours straight in a coffee shop and still manage to write three posts my client loved, you can definitely figure out how to balance using AI without losing your voice.

Superhuman Writing is where the magic happens. Use AI, but always keep you in the driver’s seat.

III. Hourglass Framework for Humanizing Content

So here’s the thing: if you want to detect AI writing but still make your work stand out, you need to embrace the Hourglass Framework. Think of it like giving your writing a makeover—it’s not just about cutting out the fluff; it’s about adding the spark that makes your work you.


Phase 1: Paring Down

First, let’s get real. Sometimes AI-generated content can feel like you’re reading a textbook that never learned how to have fun. The first step to fixing that is paring down—stripping your content to the bare essentials. It’s like giving your writing a good spring cleaning, minus the dust bunnies.

  1. Top Level: Get rid of the nonsense.
    Hallucinations, circular sentences, or anything that makes you go, “Wait, what was I saying again?”—they’ve got to go.

  2. Mid Level: Weak phrases and weasel words? Bye-bye.
    You don’t need “kind of,” “maybe,” or “in my opinion.” Just say it. Own it.

  3. Bottom Level: Simplify, simplify, simplify.
    Got a three-syllable word? Find a shorter one. Less is more, baby.

Phase 2: Building Up

Now, we’ve cleaned house. Time to add some cozy dĂ©cor and make your writing feel like home—your home, not the AI’s.

  1. Top Level: Add your style, voice, and quirks.
    This is where you get to be you. Throw in those little things that only you would say. You know, like that one joke you always use that cracks up your friends. (But, okay, maybe not every joke.)

  2. Mid Level: Bring in your opinions and stories.
    AI can help with a lot of things, but let’s be real—it can’t write your story. Share your perspective. The more personal, the better.

  3. Bottom Level: Vulnerability, baby.
    You know that raw, honest stuff that sometimes makes you cringe a little? Put it in there. Readers love it. Crying for three hours in a coffee shop and still finishing your work? Heck yeah, that’s gold.

Bottom line: The Hourglass Framework is your roadmap to detecting AI writing and then flipping the switch to make it undeniably human. You start by cutting the clutter and finish by adding in your voice, your stories, and your heart.

And hey, if you can get through editing your work without a minor breakdown, you’re already ahead of the game.


So, here’s the thing: this whole framework can be boiled down to three simple questions—what do I really want to say, have I ditched the fluff, and is this unmistakably mine? It’s not rocket science (thankfully), but if you can answer these, you’re on your way to making your writing stand out and detect AI writing without breaking a sweat. And hey, if you’ve cried for three hours in a coffee shop and still managed to turn in something solid, you’re already winning. Stay tuned for more tips in my upcoming book, where I’ll dive deeper into dealing with AI content (minus the breakdowns).

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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