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  • 💾 The Secret to Making Money with AI and ChatGPT—Even Without Experience!

💾 The Secret to Making Money with AI and ChatGPT—Even Without Experience!

Discover how to start making money online with AI and ChatGPT, even with no followers or experience!

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Making money with AI can sound like some kind of sci-fi magic, but it's not. It’s real, it works, and today, I am going to walk you through how to do it—step by step, no followers, no experience needed. If you've ever thought, "I wish I could start from scratch and grow something big," well, here's your chance.

Here’s the deal: create a brand-new account, use ChatGPT and digital marketing, and see the profits roll in. It’s not rocket science, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme either. It’s more like a “let’s learn as we go and make some serious cash” type of deal.

So, ready to make money with AI and see what happens when you mix it with a bit of digital marketing? Stay tuned. This might just be the most productive thing you do today!

Step 1: Understanding Affiliate Marketing and Digital Marketing

Let’s start with the basics—and don’t worry, this won’t feel like a boring lecture. You want to make money with AI, right? Cool, here’s how affiliate marketing and digital marketing fit in:

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is pretty much like getting paid for recommending stuff you love—or at least, stuff you can convince others to love. You:

  • Promote a product through a unique affiliate link

  • Someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase

  • You earn a commission for that sale

That’s it. No experience needed, no fancy degree required.

2. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the art of promoting things online, like:

  • Social media posts

  • YouTube videos

  • Blog articles

It’s like shouting from a digital rooftop—but with a bit more strategy.

3. Examples of Success

And here’s the best part: You don’t need a ton of followers to make this work. Check out accounts like:

These accounts didn’t start with a huge following. They built from zero—just like you can. Even if your follower count is currently "Mom + 2 friends," you’ve got potential.

Tip: You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Just take inspiration from these accounts and grow your own.

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Step 2: Why Choose Quora as a Platform?


Let’s be real—there’s a sea of platforms out there. But Quora? That’s the hidden gem when it comes to making money with AI. Seriously, it’s not just a place where random people ask, “Why do cats stare at walls?” It’s huge for making money online. Here’s why:

1. Quora Has a Massive Audience

When you want to make money with AI, visibility is everything. And Quora’s got millions of users actively looking for answers. You’re not just shouting into the void here; people actually read what you post.

  • Google search visibility:
    Ever typed a question into Google and found a Quora answer right at the top? Yeah, that’s how powerful this platform is. You post, Quora ranks, people click, and guess what? You profit.

    Example: “How much money can I make with AI?” Search it on Google, and Quora is probably in the top results.


2. Real People, Real Engagement

Unlike those bots and fake followers on some platforms, Quora’s audience is made up of real people who genuinely want to learn. Post something valuable, and you can get thousands—even millions—of views. One answer can blow up, bringing tons of traffic to your affiliate links or AI offers.

  • Fun fact:
    Some answers on Quora have hit 34.5 million views.
    Imagine all that attention on your content. And yeah, it’s okay to freak out a little at that number—I did too.

  • Benefits of Quora:

    • Vast audience searching for solutions.

    • High ranking in Google results.

    • Millions of views possible on a single answer.

So, why Quora? Simple: real people, high traffic, and big potential. You’re setting yourself up to win.

Step 3: Creating a Quora Space

Alright, so now we’re getting into the part where the magic happens. You’ve heard about the power of Quora—now let’s talk about how to actually set up your own Quora Space and make money with AI.

1. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Quora Space

Creating a Quora Space is basically like having your own little corner of the internet. Think of it as a tiny house (but without the expensive rent) where you get to choose the decor—aka the niche. Here's how you do it:

  1. Go to Quora
    Open Quora and find the "Spaces" section. If you can't find it, just breathe, click around a bit, and it’ll pop up. (I believe in you.)

  2. Click ‘Create a Space’
    Look for that shiny "Create a Space" button. It’s basically the gateway to setting up your own space where you can make money with AI.

  3. Pick a Niche
    Now, this is where some people panic. But, no pressure—you can’t go wrong here. Whether it’s digital marketing, fitness, or even knitting cat sweaters (yes, that’s a thing), just pick something you feel good about.

    • Pro tip: Choosing a niche like AI or digital marketing is probably going to get you more traffic. But hey, if cat sweaters are your thing, go for it. No judgment.

2. How to Write a Simple Description for Your Space

Once you've created your Space, it’s time to write a description. And let’s keep it simple because nobody’s got time for paragraphs. Something like:

"Hey, I’m [Your Name], and I’ve been doing digital marketing for over six years. Follow this Space to learn how you can make money with AI, affiliate marketing, and digital strategies."

Or just, you know, be yourself. Tell them why they should join, what they’ll get out of it, and keep it short. People like short. (Unless it’s pizza, then the longer, the better.)

Step 4: Designing Your Quora Space

Alright, let’s talk about making your Quora Space look like a place people actually want to hang out (and where they’ll be happy to help you make money with AI).

1. Why Visuals Matter

You know how you walk into a coffee shop, and it just feels right? That’s what we’re aiming for with your Quora Space. Good visuals and branding make your space look more professional, which helps build trust with your audience. Plus, people are more likely to stick around if your space doesn’t look like it was thrown together in 5 minutes.


So, yeah, visuals? They’re kinda important.

2. Quora Banner Sizes

To get things right, here’s what you need to know about the banner sizes on Quora:

  • Large Banner: 1035x207 pixels

  • Small Banner (your profile pic for the space): 400x400 pixels


Now, I know those numbers sound all technical, but don’t worry, you don’t need to be a graphic design expert to get this done.

3. Creating Banners with Canva

Canva is like your best friend here. It’s easy to use, and—best of all—free. Here’s how to get your banners looking sharp without pulling out your hair:

  1. Go to Canva
    Head to Canva and create a free account if you don’t have one already. They won’t charge you a cent unless you get fancy with the premium stuff (which we won’t).

  2. Custom Dimensions
    Click on “Create a design,” then select “Custom dimensions.” Enter the banner size for either the large or small banner:

    • 1035x207 for the big one

    • 400x400 for the small one

  3. Design Time
    Choose a background color that fits your niche (blue for digital marketing, green for health, etc.). Don’t overthink it—just pick something that looks decent and isn’t too bright (unless neon pink is really your thing).

    Add your text, maybe something like "Making Money with AI" or "Digital Marketing Hacks" (just keep it relevant to your space).

  4. Spice it Up
    Add a few elements—maybe an icon, a laptop image, or something related to your niche. Keep it simple; you’re not designing a concert poster here.

  5. Download and Upload
    Once you’re done, hit "Download" and save it to your computer. Then, hop back over to Quora and upload your banners by clicking on the little pencil icon in your space settings.


4. Uploading Your Banners

To upload your banners, simply:

  • Go to your Quora Space, click on the pencil icon for the large banner, and upload the 1035x207 banner.

  • Do the same for the small one (400x400) for your profile pic.
    And there you go, you’re ready to go! Your space will not only help you make money with AI, but it’ll look good doing it.


Now that your space looks on point, people are going to take it seriously. It’s like putting on a good outfit for an interview—first impressions do matter!

Step 5: Adding Your First Content

Adding content to your Quora Space is like finally putting up that first picture in your brand-new apartment—it makes the place feel real. And if your goal is to make money with AI, this is where things start happening.

1. Why Content Matters

Let’s be real, no one’s sticking around a space with nothing in it. Content is what keeps people coming back, clicking on your links, and, ultimately, paying attention to your affiliate marketing or digital offers. Whether it's a detailed post or a simple question, the more you add, the more visible and valuable your space becomes.


Think of it this way: Content is to your Quora Space what coffee is to a Monday morning—it keeps everything going.

2. Step-by-Step: Your First Post Using ChatGPT

Feeling stuck on what to post first? Don’t worry, you don’t have to stare at a blank page forever. Here's how to get your first post up quickly and with minimal stress using ChatGPT:

2.1. Ask ChatGPT for Help

Don’t overthink this. Simply open ChatGPT and type something like:

“Give me a detailed post for Quora on 'How to make money using digital marketing' - make it sound like a human wrote it, use around 1000 words, use point form where required. I want the bases to be around free traffic and the traffic coming from Instagram. Talk about how to grow the account, how to promote the products on Instagram etc...”

GPT-4o via USnap


GPT-4o via USnap


GPT-4o via USnap

Watch the magic happen as it writes out a detailed guide for you.

2.2. Make It Sound Like You

While ChatGPT does the heavy lifting, give it a once-over to make sure it doesn’t sound too robotic. Make small tweaks and add a few personal touches. Maybe toss in a joke or two, like:
"Instagram is the free buffet of the digital marketing world—so long as you know how to load up your plate without getting overwhelmed."

2.3. Post It on Quora

Once you’re happy with the post, head over to your Quora Space, click “Create Post,” and drop it in there. Bam—your first piece of content is live. Don’t forget to include relevant tags like “digital marketing,” “affiliate marketing,” or, of course, make money with AI.


3. Why Regular Posts and Questions Matter

The internet loves fresh content. Quora’s algorithm favors spaces that are active, and your followers will appreciate regular updates. Try posting:

  • 1 Post per Day
    This can be a short tip, a detailed guide, or even a list of helpful resources.

  • 2 Questions per Day
    Questions drive engagement and traffic. Simple things like:
    “What’s the best way to start making money with AI?”
    “How can beginners succeed in affiliate marketing without spending money?”

4. Pro Tip: Stay Consistent

Building your space is a marathon, not a sprint. Sure, some days you'll feel like a content-creating superhero, and other days you'll feel like a hot mess who’d rather be binge-watching something. But as long as you keep going, even with tiny, regular updates, your space will grow—and so will your ability to make money with AI.

So, grab your coffee (or tea, or whatever gets you through), and keep posting. You've got this.

Step 6: Inviting People to Follow Your Quora Space

Now that you’ve set up your Quora Space and added some killer content, it’s time to get people on board. After all, what’s a space without an audience, right? If your goal is to make money with AI, then building a solid following is crucial.

1. Already Got Followers? Lucky You!

If you already have a little tribe somewhere on social media, congratulations—you’ve got a head start. Invite your current followers to join your Quora Space by:

  • Sharing a link on your Instagram or Twitter (or wherever your people hang out).

  • Sending a quick email to your subscribers.

  • Posting in relevant groups or forums (without being too spammy, of course).


Just be sure to mention how your space is packed with valuable insights, tips, and ways to make money with AI. The more specific you are, the more likely they’ll click that follow button.

2. Growing Followers Organically

But let’s be real: Not everyone has a ready-made audience. That’s okay! You can still grow your following organically. Here's how:

  • Ask Questions
    Quora loves questions, and so does its algorithm. The more questions you ask, the more people will stumble upon your space. Make sure your questions are engaging and related to your niche. For example:

    • “What’s the easiest way to make money with AI?”

    • “How can beginners start with affiliate marketing?”

  • Create Quality Posts
    Consistent, high-quality posts build trust and encourage people to follow you. Think about posting detailed guides, step-by-step tutorials, or helpful tips—like “How to Use AI to Grow Your Online Business.”

3. Add a Follow Invitation in Every Post

This is where things get simple yet powerful. At the end of every post, add a casual but effective invitation for people to follow your space. Something like:

"If you found this helpful, don’t forget to follow my space for more tips on how to make money with AI and digital marketing. I post new strategies every week!"

It doesn’t have to be pushy. Just a light nudge to remind people that there’s more where that came from.

4. The Bottom Line

Inviting followers is more than just asking—it’s about showing them why they should follow. Whether you’re tapping into your existing network or building from scratch, focus on providing value and letting them know what they’ll gain. You’re not just building a space, you’re building a community, one follower at a time.

Step 7: Driving Traffic and Engagement

Let’s be honest—building a Quora Space is only half the game. If no one’s engaging with your content, what’s the point? The goal here is simple: get eyeballs on your posts and get people interacting. And yes, that means more chances to make money with AI. So let’s talk traffic, engagement, and how to keep your space buzzing.

1. Consistency is Key

Consistency isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the heartbeat of your Quora Space. Posting regularly is like showing up for your audience every day, even when they’re not knocking on your door just yet. The more you post, the more likely your content is to be seen. And the more it’s seen, the better chance you have to drive engagement and start making money.

Think of it like working out—no one sees results after one gym session, right? You gotta keep at it.


  • Try aiming for one post a day and at least two questions to keep things lively.

2. Asking Questions to Drive Traffic

Questions are your secret weapon to drive traffic to your Quora Space. Not only does Quora’s algorithm love questions, but users do too! Think about it—people come to Quora for answers. So why not ask the right ones?

Here’s how you can use questions to attract more people:

  1. Ask Engaging, Relevant Questions:
    Use questions that hit a nerve in your niche. For example:

    • What’s the best way to make money with AI for beginners?

    • Can you actually earn a full-time income with affiliate marketing?

  2. Answer Your Own Questions:
    It may sound a bit weird, but answering your own question can kickstart the conversation. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs for others to follow.

  3. Use ChatGPT for Inspiration:
    Stuck on what to ask? Use ChatGPT to generate a list of questions. For example, ask it for “10 engaging questions about making money with AI,” and you’re all set for the week.

3. Pin Your Best Posts

Got a piece of content that really stands out? Pin it. Pinning your most important posts to the top of your space ensures that every new visitor sees them first. Whether it’s your ultimate guide to making money with AI or a detailed post on digital marketing, pinning helps drive attention where it’s needed most.

It’s like keeping the best snack at the front of the fridge—you want people to grab it right away.

The Bottom Line:

If you’re consistent, asking smart questions, and pinning key content, you’ll not only keep your Quora Space active but also drive engagement through the roof. And remember, the more people engage, the closer you get to making money with AI—and who doesn’t want that?

Step 8: Monetizing Your Quora Space

Okay, we’ve got the Quora Space up, we’re posting consistently, and people are starting to notice. Now comes the fun part—making money with AI. And no, you don’t need a secret formula for this one, just a few smart moves.

1. Promoting Affiliate Products in Pinned Posts

The easiest and most effective way to start monetizing your Quora Space is by promoting affiliate products. Think of it like setting up a little shop in the corner of your space—except you don’t need to handle inventory or customer service. Just drop in your affiliate link and let it do the work. The trick? Pinning your best posts.

Why Pinning Works:
Pinned posts are like the front window display of your store. It’s the first thing visitors see when they land on your space. So, if you’ve got an affiliate product to promote, pin it up top, where everyone can see it.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Write a detailed review of the product you're promoting.

  • Include your affiliate link in the post (discreetly, of course).

  • Pin that post to your Quora Space, ensuring maximum visibility.

Example? Let’s say you’re promoting Alan’s UBC course. You could write about how making money with AI has never been easier thanks to this course, and give readers all the reasons they should check it out.

2. Where to Find Affiliate Products

You don’t need to spend hours searching for affiliate products. There are platforms designed for this exact purpose. Here are a few:

  • Digistore24
    A great place to find digital products, especially in niches like fitness, personal development, and, of course, digital marketing.

  • ClickBank
    One of the biggest affiliate marketplaces, with a wide range of categories.

  • Alan’s UBC Course
    A high-value product, where affiliates can promote a course that teaches making money with AI and other digital marketing techniques. And the best part? It’s priced at $499, so commissions can be substantial.

3. Example of a High-Value Product

If you’re promoting a high-value product like Alan’s UBC Course, you don’t want to sound salesy. Instead, show people how it can benefit them. Why should they care? Well, for starters, they get 100% profit on every sale they make—meaning this course literally pays for itself.

Here’s how you can present it:

  • Headline: "How I Learned to Make Money with AI (and You Can Too)"

  • Content: Share a personal story or example of how the course helped you (or how it could help them).

  • Call-to-Action: Add your affiliate link and a line that says, "Ready to start earning? Check out the UBC Course here."

Final Thoughts:

The key to making money with AI and affiliate marketing is simple: Promote products you believe in, make them easy to find (via pinned posts), and keep adding valuable content. Keep in mind that building trust with your audience is crucial, so don't overdo the sales pitch—just guide them toward products that can genuinely help them.

Now, get out there and start monetizing!

Step 9: Writing Reviews for Affiliate Products

Writing reviews is one of the easiest ways to make money with AI—especially when you're promoting affiliate products. The good news? You don't have to be a pro writer. With a little help from ChatGPT, you can knock out detailed reviews that convert readers into buyers.

1. How to Use ChatGPT to Write Detailed Reviews

If you’ve ever thought, "I’m not a writer, how am I supposed to create these reviews?"—don’t worry. Here’s what you do:

  1. Start with a Clear Prompt
    Ask ChatGPT for what you need.
    Example: "Write a detailed review of the Ultimate Branding Course (UBC) that highlights its master resale rights (MMR) and why it’s a great way to make money with AI."

  2. Add a Personal Touch
    Sure, ChatGPT will give you a good review, but it’s your voice that sells. Add your personal take or a quick story. Maybe you tried the course and found a cool hack you hadn’t seen anywhere else.

2. Example Review for UBC (Ultimate Branding Course)

Here’s how your review could look:

Can you give me a detailed review of the digital marketing course called UBC the ultimate branding course make 1000 words long and why people should take out this course to learn everything about digital marketing not to mention that you can resell the course for 100% profit as it has a MRR licence master resell rights. Talk about all the positives and use point form where required.

GPT-4o via USnap


GPT-4o via USnap


GPT-4o via USnap

3. Add Multiple CTAs (Calls-to-Action)

Don’t be shy—throw in those CTAs. Here’s where you invite your readers to click the link and buy the course:

  • Early CTA:
    "Ready to start making money with AI? Get UBC today and start earning from resales!"
    [Insert Affiliate Link]

  • Mid-Section CTA:
    "Want to keep all the profits from your sales? The Ultimate Branding Course gives you that power with MMR. Click here to check it out."

  • End-of-Post CTA:
    "Don’t wait. If you want to make real money with AI, UBC is the way to go."

4. Why You Should Include Multiple CTAs

You’re probably thinking, "Isn’t one link enough?" Well, not really. Most people need to see a link multiple times before they click. By spreading out your CTAs, you’re giving them more opportunities to act.

Final Thoughts

Writing affiliate product reviews doesn’t have to be hard. Use ChatGPT to handle the heavy lifting, then add your own flair. Make sure to highlight why the product helps people make money with AI, and always include multiple CTAs to boost your chances of converting readers into buyers.

If you want to start making money with AI, writing these kinds of reviews can be a total game-changer. So, what are you waiting for? Get ChatGPT to write that first draft, and you’ll be on your way to making real money.

Now, go grab that affiliate link and start writing!

Step 10: Scaling the Strategy

Once you’ve set up your Quora space and posted a few affiliate product reviews, it’s time to make money with AI on a larger scale. And trust me, this is where things get exciting.

1. Consistency is Key (But Don’t Burn Out)

To keep your momentum going, daily posts are non-negotiable. You don’t have to write a novel every day—just make sure you’re creating something of value for your audience. Whether it’s a thoughtful answer to a question, a product review, or a casual post, keep showing up. But also, pace yourself. Nobody wants to be that person who burns out from posting about affiliate marketing.

2. Let AI Do the Heavy Lifting

Why do everything manually when you can use AI to make your life easier? With ChatGPT, you can quickly generate content that’s good enough to get people’s attention. Whether it’s a detailed blog post, a quick tip, or even ideas for future content, AI’s got your back.

Here’s a tip: ask ChatGPT to come up with questions you can answer, like, “How can I start making money with AI if I have no followers?” Boom—now you’ve got traffic, engagement, and fresh content ideas in one go.

3. Expand to Other Platforms

The truth is, sticking to just Quora is like staying at a party when all your friends have left. Eventually, you’ll want to spread the word elsewhere—Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook. If you’re already comfortable on these platforms, you’re golden. If not, now’s the time to get familiar.

  • Instagram: Share quick wins and tips on your story or feed.

  • TikTok: Show behind-the-scenes of how you’re using AI to generate content.

  • YouTube: Create short, engaging videos explaining your affiliate marketing process.

  • Facebook: Tap into groups where people are already talking about making money online.

4. Promote, Promote, Promote

As you grow, don’t hesitate to promote your Quora space through other channels. If someone sees you’re consistent and providing value, they’ll naturally follow. So, whether it’s a YouTube video or a TikTok shoutout, make sure you’re dropping that follow link and CTA.

5. Pin Your Best Work

Got a post that’s generating a lot of clicks or engagement? Pin it. Pin it so hard, it stays at the top of your space forever. Well, maybe not forever, but you get the point. This is your golden opportunity to make sure anyone who visits your space sees your best stuff first.

6. The Bigger Picture

Scaling your strategy is all about staying consistent, leveraging AI (because let’s face it, who has time to do everything manually?), and expanding your reach. The more you post, the more eyes you get on your content. And the more eyes, the more you can make money with AI—whether it’s through affiliate marketing, digital products, or something else entirely.

So yeah, show up, keep growing, and don’t forget to promote the heck out of your space!

Step 11: Advanced Tips

Ready to step it up? Let’s talk about keeping your Quora space active and growing while making money with AI. Here are some quick tips to keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.

  • Engage With Your Audience (But Keep It Real): Answer relevant questions, and don’t be afraid to share a personal story. Ask your own questions, then answer them—it’s like setting up your own win. Keep things natural and fun!

  • Build Your Email List (Your Secret Weapon): Capture emails by offering something valuable—like a free guide on making money with AI. Once you’ve got their email, you have a direct line to them, which is way better than relying on social media. Just don’t spam!

  • Rotate Offers (Keep It Fresh): Don’t push the same offer endlessly. Switch it up—digital products one week, physical the next. Keep your audience engaged with new things so they don’t get bored.


So, here's the thing—building a Quora space and making money with AI isn’t rocket science. It’s all about creating smart content (thank you, ChatGPT), staying consistent, and engaging with your audience.

From setting up your space to sharing AI-powered tips and promoting affiliate products, the whole process is like planting a seed and watching it grow. You don’t need a huge following or be an expert right from the start. Just keep showing up, keep creating, and watch those earnings stack up.

And hey, even if you’re a bit of a hot mess some days, you can still crush it online. I mean, who hasn’t cried over a coffee while making their next big move?

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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