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▶ Step-by-Step Guide to Automating YouTube Comments and Earning Money Online with AI Tools

How to Use AI and Automation to Handle YouTube Comments and Make Money

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Ever wish you could just sit back and let the machines do all the work? Well, guess what? With AI automation, you can do exactly that—kind of like having a robot butler, but for your online business. In this guide, I'm going to show you how to solve specific problems for specific people, and yes, I’ll throw in a real example and a full system you can start using today. Spoiler alert: it's all free. So, buckle up—this could be your new favorite side hustle. And who knows, maybe you'll even have time to take up knitting or something.

I. Identifying the Problem

Alright, let’s talk about a problem that drives every YouTuber a little bit nuts—managing and responding to comments. Imagine waking up to a sea of comments:

  • Some asking questions đŸ€”

  • Others praising your work 🙌

  • And a few... well, let’s say they could use a bit more kindness 😅

Now, if you're thinking, "Who has time for all that?"—you're not alone. This is where AI automation steps in, like a superhero without a cape. đŸŠžâ€â™‚ïž

1. So, What’s the Deal?

Every YouTuber, from the newbie with 100 subscribers to the big shots with millions, faces the same issue: keeping up with comments without losing their sanity. And trust me, it can get overwhelming.

Even our video creator here, who’s been through the comment storm, knows the struggle is real.

2. Why AI Automation?

This is where AI automation becomes the best friend you never knew you needed:

  • Handle comments faster than you can say "like, share, and subscribe!"

  • Save hours that you can use to create more awesome content.

  • Keep your audience engaged without breaking a sweat.

Now, who wouldn’t want that? 😊

II. Solving the Problem with Automation and AI

Alright, we’ve got a problem—comment overload—and we need a solution. Enter AI Automation, the magical tool that takes the stress out of managing YouTube comments. Think of it as having a super-efficient, tireless assistant who never complains (or takes coffee breaks).

So, What’s the Plan?

AI Automation is the key here. We’re going to use a fantastic tool called Make.com. Now, before you go, “Oh no, another complicated software,” let me assure you, this one’s different. Why? Because it’s no code. Yep, you heard that right—no code. You can build powerful automation systems without needing to understand a single line of code. It’s like LEGO, but for grown-ups who want to get things done.

And the best part? You don’t have to spend a dime to try it out. Yep, you get 30 days of free access to the pro version of Make.com. Just click the link in the video description, and you’re good to go. It’s like someone handing you the keys to a brand-new car and saying, “Go on, take it for a spin!”

Now, let’s get those comments under control, and maybe even have some fun along the way. 🚀

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III. Demonstrating the Automation System

Alright, now let’s get into the fun part—seeing AI Automation in action. It's one thing to talk about it, but another to see it work like a charm. So, buckle up, because we’re about to watch AI handle comments like a pro—without breaking a sweat (or even blinking, because, well, it’s AI).

Step 1: Fetching Comments

First things first, we need to grab those comments from YouTube. Using Make.com, we set up an automation that goes through your latest videos and fetches every comment, whether it’s a glowing review or someone just spamming “first!” for the hundredth time.

Step 2: Analyzing with AI

Next, it’s time for AI Automation to flex its muscles. We bring in the big guns—OpenAI—to analyze each comment. This AI is like a mind reader (but without the spooky vibes). It checks if the comment is positive, negative, or just plain confusing. It also looks for questions and even suggests what you should say in reply. Yep, it’s like having a snarky friend who’s really good with words.

Step 3: Logging the Data

Now, we can’t just let all this genius go to waste, right? So, we store all the juicy details in a neat and tidy Google Sheet. Everything from sentiment analysis to suggested replies is logged there, ready for you to glance at or show off to your friends.

Step 4: Replying to Comments

Finally, here’s where AI Automation really shows off. The system can automatically reply to simple comments like “Great video!” with a friendly “Thanks!” or something equally charming. For more complex comments, it flags them for you to review—because sometimes, even AI knows when to let the human take the wheel.

So, there you have it—a step-by-step demo of how AI Automation can turn the chaos of YouTube comments into a smooth operation. It’s like having a superpower, but without the cape (or the responsibility of saving the world). Just saving time—lots of it.

IV. Building the System from Scratch

Step 1: Create a New Scenario in Make.com

  • Navigate to Scenarios: In your Make.com dashboard, click on the “Scenarios” tab to start a new project.

  • Create a New Scenario: Click on “Create a new scenario” to open a blank automation workspace.

  • Blueprint Import Option: For convenience, you can import a pre-built blueprint (provided in the video description) to replicate the system instantly.

Step 2: Set Up YouTube Comment Fetching

  • YouTube Module Selection:

    • Choose the YouTube module and select the action “Watch New Comments.”

    • This module will monitor your YouTube channel for new comments.

  • Authentication:

    • Account Connection: You’ll need to connect your YouTube account. Click on “Add” and log in with your Google account linked to your YouTube channel.

    • Permissions: Choose minimal permissions needed to fetch comments.

  • Configuration:

    • Channel ID: Enter your YouTube channel ID to specify where the comments will be fetched from.

    • Moderation Status: Set the status to “Published” to fetch only visible comments.

    • Fetch Limits: Set a limit on the number of comments to fetch per run, e.g., 10 comments.

    • Fetch Timing: Choose when to start fetching (e.g., from the current date or all past comments).


Step 3: Iterate Over Comments

  • Iterator Module Setup:

    • Flow Control: Add a “Flow Control” module, specifically the “Iterator” to loop through each comment fetched from YouTube.

    • Comment Data Selection: Choose the comment text and comment ID as the values to loop through. This will allow you to analyze each comment individually.

  • Testing Iteration:

    • Run Initial Test: Run the scenario to ensure comments are being fetched and iterated over correctly. Check that the comments appear as individual bundles in the output.


Step 4: Analyze Comments with AI

  • Adding OpenAI Module:

    • Create Completion: Use the OpenAI module to “Create a Chat Completion” for each comment.

    • Model Selection: Choose the GPT-4 model for more accurate and nuanced analysis.

  • Prompt Engineering:

    • System Message: Instruct the AI to generate a JSON object from the response, including fields like sentiment, testimonial potential, and urgency.

  "can_be_testimonial": true,
  "sentiment": "positive",
  "requires_reply": true,
  "urgency": "moderate",
  "question_detection": false,
  "can_have_generic_reply": false,
  "suggested_reply": "Thank you!",
  "comment_language": "en",
  "character_count": 15
  • User Message: Ask the AI to act as an expert in YouTube comment analysis, analyzing the sentiment, identifying questions, and determining the best reply.

You are an expert in YouTube comment analysis. 
I will provide you with a [Comment]. 
Your Role is to analyze the [Comment]. 
Then Determine the following:

1. Determine if the comment can be used as a positive testimonial or review on my website.
2. Check Sentiment.
3. Determine if it requires an Urgent reply.
4. Determine the level of urgency.
5. Determine if it contains a Question.
6. Determine if you can reply with a generic reply like "thank you.." - something that doesn't require specific knowledge.
7. Generate the suggested reply.
8. Check the language of the comment.
9. Check how many characters.

  • Data Extraction:

    • Structured Data Module: Add another OpenAI module to transform the AI response into structured data.

    • Parameter Setup: Define parameters for each field (e.g., “sentiment,” “testimonial potential,” “requires reply”) so that they can be easily accessed in later steps.

    • Test AI Response: Run the module to verify that the AI is returning a structured JSON object with the necessary data fields.

Step 5: Save Data to Google Sheets

  • Google Sheets Module Setup:

    • Add Row Module: Choose the Google Sheets module and select “Add a Row” to save the analyzed comment data.

    • Spreadsheet Connection: Connect your Google Sheets account and select the spreadsheet where the data will be stored.

  • Mapping Data to Columns:

    • Column A: Map the original comment text.

    • Column B: Map whether the comment can be used as a testimonial.

    • Column C: Map the sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative).

    • Additional Columns: Map fields like urgency, suggested reply, language, character count, video ID, channel ID, and commenter profile image.

  • Verification:

    • Test Data Entry: Run the scenario and verify that the data is correctly entered into the specified columns in Google Sheets.

    • Adjustments: Make any necessary adjustments to ensure data is being captured and logged correctly.

Step 6: Automate Replies

  • YouTube Reply Module:

    • Action Setup: Use the YouTube module to set up the “Reply to a Comment” action.

    • Comment ID Mapping: Map the comment ID from the iterator to ensure the correct comment is being replied to.

    • Suggested Reply: Use the AI-generated “Suggested Reply” as the content for the reply.

  • Filter and Conditional Logic:

    • Filter Module: Add a filter before the reply action to ensure only certain comments receive automated replies.

    • Conditions:

      • Generic Replies: Set conditions to reply only to comments that can receive a generic reply (e.g., “Thank you”).

      • Sentiment Check: Ensure the sentiment is positive or neutral.

      • No Questions: Only reply to comments that don’t contain questions, as identified by the AI.

  • Final Test:

    • Scenario Run: Run the full scenario to test the end-to-end process of fetching comments, analyzing them, and replying automatically.

    • Scheduled Automation: Set the scenario to run on a schedule (e.g., every 15 minutes) to continuously handle new comments as they come in.

V. Advanced Techniques for Customization and Recurring Income

Alright, if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably thinking, “Okay, AI Automation is cool and all, but how do I make some serious money with it?” Well, let’s kick things up a notch and talk about how to turn this system into a recurring income machine. 💾

1. Custom Applications with AI Automation

So, here’s the deal: With Make.com, you can create custom applications that feel like your own secret sauce. These aren’t just any run-of-the-mill automatons; we’re talking about systems that require an API key to access—like having a VIP section in a club. And guess what? You’re the one holding the golden tickets.

Imagine you’ve created a killer app that automates content research—something that every content creator dreams of but hates doing. You could sell access to this magical tool on a subscription basis, and voilà—hello, recurring revenue!

2. Recurring Revenue Streams

Here’s where things get exciting. Instead of just selling your custom AI Automation system once and calling it a day, you can set it up so that your clients need to subscribe to keep using it. It’s like Netflix, but instead of binge-watching shows, people are binge-using your awesome automation tools. And the best part? You keep getting paid every month.

So, whether you’re automating content research or any other tedious task, the key is to build it, protect it with an API key, and then sit back as the subscription payments roll in. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, kind of like that leftover pizza that somehow tastes better the next day. 🍕


In a nutshell, AI Automation is your ticket to a more efficient, stress-free workflow. By automating those pesky YouTube comments, not only do you save tons of time, but you also keep your audience engaged without lifting a finger (well, maybe just one to set it up). And let’s not forget the money-making potential—whether it’s through subscription-based custom applications or just the sheer convenience of automation, the possibilities are endless. It’s like having your cake and eating it too, except this cake keeps refilling itself. 🍰 So go ahead, give AI Automation a spin, and watch as your online business starts running like a well-oiled machine—minus the grease stains!

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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