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  • 💾 Discover How AI Can Explore and Summarize Websites for You: Save Hours and Get Instant Insights on New Products!

💾 Discover How AI Can Explore and Summarize Websites for You: Save Hours and Get Instant Insights on New Products!

Learn how to use AI to automatically explore websites, gather key info, and save time on research.

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Ever wished you could just summarize websites without having to actually scroll through them like you're on a never-ending treasure hunt? Well, I’ve got something for you.

With AI doing the heavy lifting, you can now have websites summarized in a way that feels like magic—minus the wand. Whether you’re trying to stay on top of your competitors’ latest moves, figure out if a new product is worth your attention, or just want to skip to the good parts (pricing, features, you know the deal), this tool has got you covered.

Why manually research when you can automate it and save hours of your life? Using tools like Zapier, ChatGPT, Airtable, and PhantomJSCloud, the process is smooth—like butter on toast. Plus, let’s be honest, who wouldn't want to sit back and let AI do all the work?

So, let’s summarize websites and finally stop pretending we enjoy digging through HTML ourselves.

I. Applications of the AI Website Explorer Tool

Ever felt like you’re drowning in a sea of competitors’ websites, new products, and endless research? Yeah, me too. That’s where the magic of using AI to summarize websites comes in. And trust me, it’s a lot more exciting than it sounds.

  • Competitive Analysis: Trying to keep tabs on what your competitors are doing without having to spend hours clicking through every page? With AI, you can summarize websites in minutes, giving you all the juicy details about their products and pricing strategies.

  • Market Research: Need to know what’s trending? Skip the endless scrolling through articles. This tool summarizes websites for you, so you’re up to date on the latest industry trends without losing sleep over it.

  • Lead Generation: Collecting potential client info has never been easier. No more manually digging for contact details or product data—just let AI summarize websites and hand over the goods.

  • Product Management: If you're a product manager trying to stay on top of what the competition is doing, AI can quickly summarize websites and keep you updated on their latest features and pricing.

  • Investor Research: Looking for the next big startup to invest in? Stop reading lengthy reports and let AI summarize websites so you can figure out what’s worth your money.

So there you have it. The AI that summarizes websites has your back in ways you didn’t even know you needed.

II. Tools Used

Okay, let’s get real for a second. If you're like me, you probably want to summarize websites without clicking around for hours. Thankfully, there are some trusty tools that make this possible, each one playing its part like a supportive best friend—always there when you need them.

  • Airtable: The backbone of the operation. Airtable is where all the research data lives. It’s like your go-to buddy who keeps everything organized and neat. Plus, it helps trigger those automations that make the whole process flow smoothly. Without Airtable, we’d probably still be copying and pasting like it’s 2003.

  • Zapier: The glue that holds it all together. Zapier steps in to connect the dots and automate the whole exploration process. It’s like the friend who knows how to solve every problem and make things easier—without even breaking a sweat.

  • PhantomJSCloud: Need to extract website HTML but don’t feel like doing it yourself? PhantomJSCloud is the friend who takes care of that heavy lifting. It scrapes the content for you, so you can sit back and let AI summarize websites without dealing with messy code.

  • ChatGPT: The brain behind the operation. ChatGPT swoops in to summarize the content, making sense of all the HTML PhantomJSCloud grabs. It's like the wise friend who can always explain things clearly—and doesn’t mind doing it over and over again.

    These tools work together like a tight-knit group, helping you summarize websites and giving you all the insights you need—without the headache of doing it manually.

III. Step-by-Step Guide to Summarize Websites

Okay, I get it—setting up an AI to summarize websites sounds complicated, but it’s really not as scary as it seems. Think of it like your super supportive best friend guiding you through it step by step. Ready? Let’s go!

Step 1: Setting Up Airtable for Research Data

First things first, you’ll need Airtable to keep things organized. Think of Airtable as the friend who always remembers everyone’s birthday—it’s got all the details, and it’s not about to forget them.

  • Create a New Airtable Base: Set up fields like domain, status, summary, and price details—basically the essentials.

  • Customize the Views: Make it easy on yourself with views like ‘All’ and ‘Explore’ so you’re not scrolling through chaos.


Step 2: Extract HTML Content Using PhantomJSCloud

Here’s where PhantomJSCloud comes in, like that one friend who magically gets all the info you need—without breaking a sweat.

  • Create a Zapier Trigger with Airtable: Set it up so that whenever a new record gets added, Zapier does its thing.

  • Use PhantomJSCloud for HTML Extraction: A webhook in Zapier will ping PhantomJSCloud’s API to grab the HTML content, so you don’t have to touch a thing.

  • Test the Zap: Make sure everything’s working and that HTML content is coming through like it should. If it doesn’t work
 well, you’re not alone, we’ve all been there.


Step 3: Simplify HTML Content with Python in Zapier

Now, we’ve all had that friend who helps declutter your life. This time, that friend is Python, stripping out all the unnecessary HTML tags.

  • Add a Python Code Step in Zapier: Write a simple script that keeps only the good stuff (like headers and content) and tosses out the rest.

import html.parser

class SimplifyHTMLParser(html.parser.HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self):
        self.result = []
        self.allowed_tags = {'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'p', 'a', 'ul', 'li'}
        self.current_tag = None

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        if tag in self.allowed_tags:
            attr_str = ' '.join(f'{key}="{value}"' for key, value in attrs)
            self.result.append(f'<{tag} {attr_str}>')
            self.current_tag = tag

    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
        if tag in self.allowed_tags:
            self.current_tag = None

    def handle_data(self, data):
        if self.current_tag:

    def get_simplified_html(self):
        return ''.join(self.result)

def simplify_html(html):
    parser = SimplifyHTMLParser()
    return parser.get_simplified_html()

# Example usage
html_content = input_data['html']

simplified_html = simplify_html(html_content)

output = {'simplified_html': simplified_html}
  • Test the Simplified HTML: Check that the output looks nice and clean, just like your organized closet (or the one you wish you had).


Step 4: Summarize the Product with ChatGPT

Here’s where the magic happens. ChatGPT steps in, like that wise friend who just gets it, and delivers a beautiful summary of all the important details.

Your job is to analyse a website homepage's HTML and generate a summary telling me about the service/brand/app it represents.

The report will have these sections:

1. Overview
2. Features
3. Use cases

Only use what you find in the HTML. Don't make stuff up!

Output in markdown.
  • Set Up ChatGPT in Zapier: Configure it to read the HTML content and summarize the product into sections like overview, features, and use cases.


  • Add the Summary to Airtable: Let Zapier handle this too—your Airtable will automatically update with the AI-generated summary. Boom, done.


Step 5: Find and Summarize Pricing Information

Finding pricing on a website is like looking for the last slice of pizza. Sometimes it’s right in front of you, sometimes you have to dig a little deeper. But don’t worry—ChatGPT’s got this.

  • Look for Pricing Information: ChatGPT will either give you the details from the homepage or direct you to the hidden pricing page.

  • Split the Zapier Workflow into Paths: Whether the pricing is on the homepage or a separate page, your zap will handle both scenarios with ease.

  • Handle Separate Pricing Pages: If you’ve gotta go hunting for the price, PhantomJSCloud will extract the HTML, Python will clean it up, and ChatGPT will summarize it for you—just like before.

  • Update Airtable with Pricing Data: Finally, Airtable gets updated with all the pricing info, and now you can take a nap. You’ve earned it.


There you have it! A foolproof way to summarize websites without losing your mind. And honestly, it feels a bit like having an AI-powered squad at your side—one that’s always ready to help you out of a research jam.


IV. Advanced Automation Tips to Summarize Websites

So you’ve got the basics down, and now you want to level up your ability to summarize websites without breaking a sweat. Think of this section like the friend who’s always there to give you that extra little push when you need it, helping you fine-tune things just right.

  • Customizing the Workflow: Not all websites are the same (thank goodness), so you might want to play around with different prompts or configurations. This is like tweaking your coffee order—sometimes you need an extra shot, or maybe less foam. Try customizing ChatGPT’s prompt for different website structures or specific data you’re after. After all, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to summarizing websites, and experimenting a little could save you time in the long run.

  • Scaling Up: Alright, so you’ve got this AI thing down for one or two websites, but what happens when you want to scale up? If you're thinking of tracking multiple products or websites, the system can grow with you. It’s like throwing a party—first, it’s just a few friends, but next thing you know, you’re hosting a full-on event, and somehow, everyone still gets fed. Set up automations to track as many websites as you need, and just let AI summarize websites at scale. Now that's a time-saver.

  • Error Handling: Even the best plans can go sideways—just like when you text your friend and they leave you on read. If something goes wrong, don’t panic. Most issues can be sorted by adjusting your Zapier configurations or tweaking the API request. It’s all about troubleshooting, like when you lose your keys but then realize they were in your hand the whole time. Double-check, test your setup, and things will run smoother than you think.

So there you go, a few tips to make your summarize websites journey a little easier and a lot more efficient. Think of it as fine-tuning the AI best friend who’s got your back through all your website research adventures.


So, here we are, at the end of our little journey through building an AI tool that helps you summarize websites without losing your sanity. We’ve set up Airtable to keep things neat, used PhantomJSCloud to grab that messy HTML, called on Python to clean it up, and let ChatGPT do its magic by delivering the summaries straight to your doorstep—er, Airtable.

And what’s the biggest takeaway? You’ve saved yourself hours of scrolling, clicking, and squinting at endless website pages. Automation swoops in like the best support system ever, making sure you can focus on what really matters. And let’s face it, when you’re summarizing websites, every minute saved feels like a small victory.

After all, having AI as your right-hand “friend” isn’t just smart—it’s kind of kewt, right?

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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