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  • đŸ‘„ The Simple Guide to Setting Up Automated Calls for Customer Success

đŸ‘„ The Simple Guide to Setting Up Automated Calls for Customer Success

Learn how to set up automated calls that save time, connect with customers, and drive more sales.

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Alright, let’s face it: managing customer calls the old-fashioned way is like trying to win a race in a go-kart while everyone else is zooming by in sports cars. Costly, slow, and not exactly built for the fast lane of modern business. But what if you could turbocharge your call process and turn those long, clunky interactions into smooth, Automated Calls that actually boost your sales? 🚀

This guide is your golden ticket to setting up AI-powered phone interactions that practically run themselves—saving you time, money, and a whole lot of stress. We’ll walk you through everything from setting up your Automated Calls to launching them in bulk, all without needing a degree in rocket science. Ready to see your sales team hit top speed? Buckle up, and let’s get going!

I. Setting Up Your Bland AI Account and Preparing Data

1. Create a Bland AI Account


Alright, so you’re ready to hop on the automated calls train, huh? Well, first things first—you need a Bland AI account. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science, and it won’t take you a century to figure out.

  1. Sign Up: Just head over to bland.ai, click on “Get started for free,” and boom—you’re on your way to Automated Calls greatness.

  2. Dashboard Time: Once you’ve signed up, you’ll land on the dashboard. Think of this as your mission control for all things AI. From here, you’ll set up your AI agents and get ready to kick off those Automated Calls.

2. Prepare Your Data

Now, before your AI agents start making those sweet, sweet automated calls, you need to make sure your data is on point. Trust me, the last thing you want is your AI asking someone’s cat about their recent purchase.

  1. Format Your CSV: First, you’ll need a CSV file with your customer data. Make sure the headers are clear and simple—like labeling the phone number column as “phone_number.”

  2. Template Time: Not sure where to start? No worries. Bland AI offers a couple of handy templates:

    • Starter CSV: Great for simple data entry. No frills, just the basics.

    • Complex CSV: Need more details? This one’s got you covered with extra fields.

With your CSV file all neat and tidy, you’re ready to move on to the fun part—creating your AI agent’s prompt. But hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back for getting this far, and let’s keep the Automated Calls train rolling!

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II. Creating an AI Agent Prompt with ChatGPT

Alright, so you’ve got your Automated Calls ready to roll, but here’s the thing: your AI agent isn’t a mind reader. If you want it to chat up your customers like a pro, you’ll need to feed it a solid prompt—like giving your GPS directions before it takes you on a scenic tour of nowhere.

Use ChatGPT to Generate a Prompt

First off, you’ll want to make sure your AI agent knows its job inside out. Imagine it’s like training a puppy—cute, but you don’t want it chewing on your favorite shoes (or, in this case, confusing customers).

Here’s how to whip up that prompt:

  1. Call Agent Name: Give your AI agent a name. Something cool, maybe? Like “Agent Chatbot” or “CallerBot 3000” (just kidding

  2. Clear Goal and Routine: Lay out the main objective and the steps your AI agent should follow. Think of it like giving your agent a map—Step 1: Greet. Step 2: Listen. Step 3: Nail that sale.

  3. Background Information: Give a quick rundown of your business, what your AI’s role is, and who it’s talking to. You wouldn’t send someone into a conversation without some basic context, right?

  4. Example Dialogue: Toss in a sample chat. Something like, “Hi there! I’m calling to help you with your recent purchase,” followed by how to handle an objection or two. This helps your AI sound less like a robot and more like a human
 or, you know, a really friendly robot.

  5. Additional Instructions: Wrap it up with the tone you want (friendly, formal, sassy—your call) and any key phrases it should use. Oh, and don’t forget to personalize it a bit. People love hearing their own name—just make sure your AI doesn’t mix up “John” with “Jane”!

Create a prompt for a Bland AI phone call agent using the following structure: Call Agent Name: (your desired agent name here)

1. Clear Goal and Routine:
Primary objective: [insert_main_call_objective]
Call flow:
‱ Step 1: [describe_step]
‱ Step 2: [describe_step]
‱ Step 3: [describe_step]
How to handle: [scenario_1], [scenario_2]

2. Background Information:
AI's role: [insert_ai_role]
Company/product: [briefly_describe_company_and_offering]
Typical customer: [describe_target_audience]

3. Example Dialogue:
Write a brief conversation demonstrating:
‱ Call introduction
‱ Handling objection: [insert_common_objection]
‱ Achieving call objective

4. Additional Instructions:
Tone: [describe_desired_tone]
Key phrases: [phrase_1], [phrase_2], [phrase_3]
Personalization: Use [specific_customer_data] to tailor the conversation

Ensure the final Bland AI prompt is strictly under 250 words, creating a natural, goal-oriented conversation.

Summary: Crafting a prompt is like handing your AI agent the ultimate cheat sheet. With the right info, your Automated Calls will run smoothly, and your AI will chat away like it’s been doing this forever. Just don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for making your life (and your AI’s job) a whole lot easier.

III. Configuring and Launching Bulk Calls

1. Set Up Bulk Calls

Alright, so you’ve got your AI agent prepped and your data squeaky clean. Now it’s time to unleash—err, I mean, set loose—those Automated Calls! Setting up a batch of calls is like organizing a party: get the details right, and everything runs smoothly. Miss a step, and, well, let’s not go there.

Here’s how to get your Automated Calls off the ground:

  1. Dashboard Dive: Hop onto the Bland AI dashboard and hit “Send Bulk Calls.” This is your command center where all the magic happens.

  2. Test Drive: Before you go all out, give it a whirl by making a single test call to yourself. Just head over to the “Send Phone Call” page. It’s like tasting the soup before serving it—make sure it’s not too hot (or, you know, glitchy).

  3. Configure Like a Pro:

    • Batch Label: Give your call batch a snazzy name. Something you’ll remember, like “July Sales Blitz” or “Operation Win-Back.”

    • Upload CSV: Time to bring in the data. Upload that beautifully formatted CSV file you worked so hard on.

    • Paste Prompt: Drop in that awesome AI prompt you created earlier.

    • Choose Your Weapon—Er, AI Model: Pick between Base, Enhanced, or Turbo. It’s like choosing a car: Base is reliable, Enhanced is faster, and Turbo is... well, it’s turbo.

    • Set the Details: Max call duration, language, voice—set it all up. Leave the other settings as is unless you’re feeling adventurous.

2. Launch Your Batch Calls

You’ve done all the hard work, so now it’s time to hit “Send Batch” and let those Automated Calls do their thing. It’s like launching a fleet of little AI-powered customer service agents into the world. Cue dramatic music.


But hey, before you go full throttle, remember that Test Call option? Give it one last spin, just to be sure everything’s good to go.

Summary: Once you’ve tested and are happy with the setup, it’s go time. Launch your batch calls and watch as your Automated Calls start working their magic. It’s customer engagement at scale, without breaking a sweat—or the bank.


So, there you have it—automated calls aren’t just some techy buzzword; they’re your ticket to making customer outreach as smooth as butter. By setting up an account, prepping your data, crafting that killer AI prompt, and launching those calls, you’re basically turning your business into a lean, mean, customer-pleasing machine. Whether you’re aiming to save time, boost sales, or just want to give your team a break from endless phone calls, Automated Calls have got your back. Now go on, let your AI do the talking while you sit back and sip that well-deserved coffee. ☕

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