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💸 How People Are Making Thousands with AI and Google Trends: The Step-by-Step Guide You Need

Turn trending topics into cash with AI tools—no experience needed!

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Alright, buckle up! We're about to talk about something pretty exciting—how to make money with AI and Google Trends. Yes, you heard that right. We're diving into a method that could have you raking in some serious cash without needing a PhD in tech. (But hey, if you do have one, that’s cool too!)

So, here’s the deal. You know those trending topics everyone seems to be talking about? Like the latest celebrity drama or the newest viral challenge? What if I told you that you could turn those hot topics into a steady stream of income? Sounds pretty sweet, right?

In this guide, I’m going to walk you through how to use AI tools and Google Trends to spot these trends, create content around them, and get those views—and dollars—rolling in. Don’t worry if you’re not a tech wizard; I’ll break it down step by step. By the end of this, you'll be well on your way to making money with AI like a pro.

Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

I. The Proven Formula

1. Example of Success

Alright, let’s kick things off with a little story about a YouTube channel called Downtown. This channel isn’t your typical mega-millions-subscriber behemoth, yet they’re pulling in a solid 900,000 views every month. Yep, you read that right—900,000! 


Now, if you’re thinking, “So what? What does that mean for me?” Hold on, because here’s the juicy part: they’re making anywhere from $233 to $3,700 a month just by talking about trending celebrity news. And that’s just the low end!


So, what’s the magic sauce? Simple—they’re using a proven formula that we can all learn from. And the best part? You don’t need to be a Hollywood insider to get in on this. You just need to know how to make money with AI.

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2. Formula Breakdown

Here’s how it works:

  • Step One: Identify Trends
    First, you’ve got to find what’s hot right now. This is where Google Trends comes in. It’s like having a crystal ball that shows you exactly what the world is searching for. Find those topics with sky-high search volumes, and you’re on your way.

  • Step Two: Consistency is Key
    But wait, there’s more! It’s not enough to just find the trends—you’ve got to keep at it. Downtown uploads two videos a day. Two. Every. Single. Day. Why? Because the more you post, the more chances you have to hit the jackpot with a viral video. It’s like buying more lottery tickets, except you’re way more likely to win!

So, if you want to make money with AI, you’ve got to stick with it. The views, and the dollars, will follow.

Alright, let’s talk about how most people use Google Trends, and let’s be honest, it’s kind of basic. They use it to verify if a topic is trending—you know, just checking if what they want to talk about is actually something people care about. It’s like asking if the pizza place you love is still popular. Safe move, but there’s so much more you can do to make money with AI using Google Trends.

Now, here’s where things get fun. Instead of just confirming trends, how about discovering new ones? Yeah, we’re not just following the crowd here; we’re getting ahead of it. Google Trends has this nifty feature called "Trending Now" that shows you what’s blowing up in real-time. It’s like having insider info on the next big thing.


But wait, there’s more! You can filter and analyze these trends by location, start date, and activity level. So, if you’re thinking, “What’s hot in Spain today?” or “What was trending last week in tech?”—you’ve got all the tools right there. It’s like being a trend detective, and trust me, it’s a whole lot easier (and more profitable) than solving actual crimes.

So, if you really want to make money with AI, don’t just follow the trends—find them first and ride the wave before everyone else catches on.

1. Choosing a Topic

Alright, let’s get down to business. So, you’ve found a trend—let’s say, some juicy news about incoming movie.


But before you jump into creating your content, there’s one more thing you need to do: Make sure the topic is actually popular on YouTube. It’s like checking if there’s still cake at the party before you bring more snacks—no point in showing up if no one’s interested.


Here’s a quick tip: Pop that topic into YouTube’s search bar and see if it’s trending. If you see a spike in views, congratulations, you’ve got yourself a winner!

2. Using Invideo AI to Create Videos

Now, let’s talk about how you can use Invideo AI to turn that trending topic into a viral video and make money with AI. It’s like having your own personal video-making assistant that never gets tired (or asks for coffee breaks).


Step 1: Selecting the News Video Workflow

First, head over to Invideo AI and select the News Video workflow. It’s super straightforward, like choosing the “easy mode” in a game.


Step 2: Writing a Detailed Prompt

Next, you’ll want to give Invideo AI a little guidance. Write a detailed prompt that tells it what you want. Think of it like giving directions to someone who’s really good at following them. Tell Invideo AI the tone, style, and length you’re aiming for—serious, informative, and just fast enough to keep people from scrolling away.


Step 3: Linking the Article

Now, grab that news article link and paste it into Invideo AI. This ensures that your video is accurate and on-point. It’s like handing Nido the ingredients and saying, “Cook me something awesome!”

Step 4: Customizing the Video

Finally, it’s time to get creative. Choose your background music, pick a voiceover, and don’t forget the subtitles. You can even clone your own voice if you’re feeling fancy. Nido will take care of the rest, from scriptwriting to video editing.


And just like that, you’re ready to roll! With a few clicks and some smart choices, you’re well on your way to making money with AI. Now, go forth and create something that’ll get those views—and dollars—flowing in.


IV. Enhancing Video Content

1. Adding Professional Touches

Alright, so you’ve got your video ready, but let’s be real—we’re not aiming for just “okay” here. We want to make money with AI, and that means taking things up a notch with some professional touches.

First up, let’s talk about the use of Fair Use clips. YouTube’s fair use policy is like the golden ticket that lets you borrow clips from other videos, as long as you’re adding something new, like commentary. So, don’t just slap on someone else’s content and call it a day. Make it yours. Add your voice, your spin, and your personality. Think of it as remixing a song—same tune, but with your own flavor.

Next, let’s do a clip replacement. Imagine your video is like a sandwich (stay with me here). You don’t want stale bread when you could have fresh, warm, crusty goodness, right? So, if your stock footage feels a bit dry, replace it with some juicy clips you find on YouTube. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Select the Clip you want to replace.

  2. Find a Better Clip that suits your content.

  3. Click Replace and swap them out like a boss.


And just like that, your video’s gone from a plain sandwich to a gourmet meal.

2. Text-Based Editing

Now, let’s get into some text-based editing. This is where you can make quick changes without having to redo the whole video. It’s like touching up a photo with a quick filter rather than starting from scratch.

Say you don’t like a line in your script. Just type in a new one, and Invideo AI will update the video for you. Want to change the music? Done. Need to tweak the voiceover or add subtitles? Easy peasy. It’s all about making your content as polished as possible without breaking a sweat.


So, if you really want to make money with AI, don’t just stop at the basics. Add those professional touches that make your video stand out, and keep refining with text-based edits. Your viewers—and your wallet—will thank you.

V. Expanding Reach and Boosting Virality

1. Localization of Content

Alright, let’s talk about taking your content global because hey, why limit yourself? If you want to make money with AI, you’ve got to think beyond borders. Start by using Google Trends to target different regions. It’s like playing a game of “What’s hot and where?”—and trust me, winning this game means more views and more cash.


Imagine you find out that a topic is trending in Spain. Great! But don’t just throw your English video out there and hope for the best. Instead, use Invideo AI’s nifty feature to dub your videos into multiple languages. It’s like giving your content a passport to travel the world. All you need to do is type in the text, and Invideo AI will handle the rest.


Now your video is speaking Spanish, and maybe even French, reaching more people, and bringing in those extra views.

2. Enhancing Visibility

But wait, there’s more! Getting your video seen is half the battle. You need to enhance visibility with two key things: an eye-catching thumbnail and top-notch video quality.

First, the thumbnail. Think of it as the cover of a book—people do judge it. A thumbnail that pops can be the difference between someone clicking on your video or scrolling right past it. Go for bold colors, clear images, and something that screams, “Watch me!”


Next, don’t skimp on the video quality. A professional-looking video is like wearing a crisp suit to a job interview—it just gives off the right impression. High-quality visuals and sound make viewers stick around, and the longer they watch, the more likely you are to make money with AI.

So, to sum it up: Think global, make your content accessible, and ensure it looks and sounds amazing. Do all that, and you’re not just making videos—you’re making them viral. And when your videos go viral, your bank account will definitely notice.


So, there you have it—your roadmap to make money with AI by riding the wave of Google Trends. From finding that perfect trending topic to creating a professional video with Invideo AI, you've got the tools to turn clicks into cash. Now, don’t just sit there! Go ahead and test out Invideo AI’s free features, and if you’re serious about making this a profitable side hustle, upgrading to the paid plan might be your best decision today. Remember, consistency is key. Keep at it; soon enough, you’ll see those views and dollars roll in. And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be the one sharing success stories. Now, go on and start creating! 🎥💰

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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