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📜 The Real Reasons You Need an AI Certification: My Journey Through LLMs and Advanced Techniques

Learn how to optimize large language models with simple prompt engineering techniques and take your AI skills to the next level.

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Well, let’s be honest—I’m no stranger to feeling overwhelmed by change. But lately, it seems like AI is moving faster than my morning coffee kicks in. Every day, there’s some new breakthrough or headline about how AI is reshaping the entire tech industry. And with the financial impact of AI skyrocketing, I figured it was time to step up my game.

That’s when I decided to go for an AI certification. I knew I couldn’t just sit back and let all these advancements pass me by. This article focuses on what I learned—specifically, about prompt engineering and some of the more advanced AI techniques that made me question if my brain could actually keep up. Spoiler alert: it did (with a little help from caffeine and a lot of determination).

Let’s get into it.

I. The Importance of AI Certifications

Let’s talk about AI certification—and no, it’s not just a fancy thing to hang on your wall and forget about. I enrolled in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Generative AI Professional certification program, and let me tell you, it’s not your typical online course where you half-listen while scrolling through social media.

1. What Makes This AI Certification Worth It?


This certification means business. It’s packed with everything you need to know about:

  • Prompt engineering

  • Effectively using large language models (LLMs)

As a software developer, I realized pretty quickly that:

  • LLMs are more than just buzzwords.

  • They’re becoming the tools companies need.

2. Why You Should Care About LLMs

Whether it’s:

  1. Generating text

  2. Analyzing data

  3. Automating tasks

Mastering LLMs can seriously up your game. And employers? They’re all over it.

So yeah, AI certification is like that supportive friend who always tells you you're doing great, even when you're pretty sure you’re not. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to keep up with this fast-changing tech world.

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II. Understanding Large Language Models (LLMs)

Here’s the thing about Large Language Models (LLMs)—these AI tools can do a lot. Like, a lot. You want text generation? They've got you. Summarization? Done. They can even break down documents for you like they’re giving you the SparkNotes version of life. LLMs are basically that friend who can do everything, but sometimes forgets the simple stuff, like remembering your birthday.


1. LLMs in Everyday Life

And guess what? They’re super accessible too. You’ve probably interacted with one without even realizing it. Apps like Snapchat and Quora? Yep, they use LLMs. They assist everyone from tech-savvy teens to, well, your tech-challenged relatives.

But let’s be real—just because LLMs can do all these fancy things doesn’t mean they’re always perfect.

2. Why LLMs Might Miss the Mark

Sometimes, when you’re expecting the AI to read your mind, it’ll hit you with a response that feels more like a bad punchline.

  • LLMs are great with general knowledge.

  • They shine in broad tasks like text generation.

  • But for highly specific tasks, they might flop.

LLMs are awesome, but they can also be that friend who tries their best and occasionally misses the mark. And that's okay.

  • Text generation

  • Summarization

  • Document understanding

All these tasks are within the wheelhouse of LLMs, but mastering them? That’s where your AI Certification takes things to the next level.

III. Prompt Engineering Basics

Let’s be honest—prompt engineering sounds a lot fancier than it really is. At its core, it’s just a way to ask your LLM to do something by giving it clear instructions, kind of like how you'd tell your best friend to pass the remote (and hope they don’t pretend not to hear you).

1. What Is Prompt Engineering?

It’s super simple—you're just telling the AI what to do:

  • Want it to write a poem about your cat?

    • "Write me a poem about a fluffy cat who thinks it's a tiger."

    • Boom! Instant creativity.


      GPT-4o via USnap 

  • Got a question about why people argue over pineapple on pizza?

    • "Why do people say pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza?"

    • Zap! The LLM will give you its take on the debate.


      GPT-4o via USnap 

2. Why It Matters: Understanding the Process

Here’s the deal: the better you understand how LLMs process your input, the better results you’ll get. You can’t just throw random text at it and hope for the best. That’s where an AI Certification comes in handy.

Think of it like baking:

  • You can’t just toss ingredients together and expect a cake to come out perfect.

    • Without the right recipe, your cake might look more like a pancake.

    • Knowing how to structure prompts is the key to getting great results.

3. Key Points:

  1. Prompt engineering is about clear instructions.

    • You ask; it delivers (usually).

  2. Understanding the LLM’s process improves your results.

  3. AI Certification teaches you how to master this skill.

So yeah, prompt engineering isn’t magic—it’s just knowing what to ask and how to ask it.

IV. LLM Tokenization and Response Generation

Let’s get one thing straight—LLMs (Large Language Models) aren’t some magical creatures spitting out perfect sentences. Nope, they're more like super-organized nerds who break everything down into tiny pieces, or in their case, tokens.


1. Breaking It Down, One Token at a Time

Here’s how it works: When you give an LLM a task, it doesn't look at the whole sentence like we do. Instead, it slices the input into tokens—tiny bits of information. These could be:

  • One word (like cookie)

  • Parts of a word (like breaking down cook and ie)

  • Punctuation

Think of it like breaking a cookie into pieces to savor it longer (or to pretend you're not eating the whole thing).

2. How the Response Gets Built

Once the LLM has your input in token form, it starts making predictions. Here's the step-by-step process:

  1. Takes the first token (for example, "The")

  2. Predicts the next token based on probability (maybe "sky")

  3. Moves on to the next token until it finishes the sentence

It’s like solving a puzzle, piece by piece. As the model gets more tokens right, the response builds up. Sometimes it nails it, and other times...well, let’s just say the response might be a little off.

3. LLMs Aren’t Magic—They’re Math

At the end of the day, LLMs are just running probabilities. What’s the most likely word to come next? That’s how responses get generated—step by step, token by token. It’s not magic; it’s all numbers and predictions.

  • LLMs analyze text by breaking it into tokens

    • Each token is processed individually

    • Responses are built token-by-token

And when they get it wrong? Well, that’s where your AI certification comes in handy. You learn how to prompt better, guide them into giving you the answers you need. It's like teaching your overly-enthusiastic friend how to read the room.

V. Adjusting Creativity with Temperature


Let’s talk about temperature, but not the kind that tells you when to grab a jacket. In LLMs, temperature controls how creative or predictable the output is. Think of it as the mood of the model—higher temperature makes it feel like it’s improvising on stage, while lower temperature is more like sticking to the script.

1. The Art of Adjusting Temperature

Adjusting temperature is like deciding if you want your LLM to be extra creative or just play it safe.

  • High temperature? You’ll get more random, sometimes quirky responses. It’s like your LLM has had too much coffee and is ready to throw in some wild ideas.

  • Low temperature? The output becomes more deterministic. You get the same thing every time, like your LLM is sticking to a strict routine without any surprises.

2. Example Time

Imagine you ask the LLM: “What’s the best fruit?”

  • High temperature might respond with: “Dragonfruit is an exotic favorite!” or even throw in something like “Durian, if you’re feeling brave!”

  • Low temperature will probably give you the safe answer, “Apples are good for everyone.”

It’s kind of like texting your friend. Some days they hit you with, “Let’s go bungee jumping!” (high temperature). Other days, they’re like, “How about coffee?” (low temperature).

Bottom line? When you’re working through your AI certification, you’ll learn that adjusting temperature is about choosing whether you want your model to go crazy with ideas or keep it cool and predictable.

VI. Advanced Prompting Techniques

So, you’re deep into your AI Certification, and now you’re hearing terms like zero-shot, few-shot, and chain-of-thought. Let’s break these down because, let’s be honest, they sound way more intimidating than they really are.


1. Zero-shot Prompting: The LLM Guessing Game

This is like walking up to someone you’ve never met and asking them to guess your favorite color. With zero-shot prompting, you give the LLM a query without any examples or context, and it tries its best to give you something that makes sense.

  • Zero-shot: No hints, just vibes.

It’s simple, direct, and... sometimes a little too confident. Kind of like when your friend says, “Everyone loves pineapple pizza!” Nope, not everyone.

2. Few-shot Prompting: Showing the LLM the Ropes

With few-shot prompting, it’s like giving the model a few examples to follow. It’s like saying:

  • Example 1: My favorite colors are purple and red.

  • Example 2: I also like green and yellow.

Now, it has a pattern to work with. Suddenly, the LLM gets the hang of it and starts making more accurate guesses.

  • Few-shot: Just enough examples to nudge it in the right direction.

3. Chain-of-thought Prompting: Breaking It Down

Finally, there’s chain-of-thought prompting, where things get serious. It’s used for more complex tasks, where you need the LLM to break down a problem into smaller steps. Think of it like this:

  1. Step 1: What’s the problem?

  2. Step 2: Break it into smaller parts.

  3. Step 3: Piece together a solution.

Kind of like how you solve a math problem or figure out how much coffee you need to make it through the day. One logical step at a time.

4. TL;DR

  • Zero-shot prompting is like guessing without any clues.

  • Few-shot prompting gives the LLM a few hints to get better results.

  • Chain-of-thought prompting breaks down complex tasks into smaller steps.

All of these techniques make your AI Certification journey smoother, and help you get the most out of your large language model. So, next time you need to guide your AI like a pro, you’ll know which prompt to throw in. Because yes, you’re the one in charge here.

VII. In-Context Learning: Making Your LLM Smarter (with a Little Help)


Okay, so in-context learning is like telling a story to someone so they can help you better. Imagine this: you want an LLM to help you pick the perfect family car. But instead of just asking, "What's a good family car?" (like a zero-shot prompt), you tell the LLM a little background. You know, stuff like:

  • How big your family is.

  • Whether you live in a city or the countryside.

  • How often you need to drive long distances (a.k.a. those weekend road trips you "love").

Now, with all this context, the LLM is like, "Oh, I see what you're after!" and gives a much better, more specific response.

Zero-shot vs. Few-shot vs. Chain-of-thought

  • Zero-shot prompting is like asking, “What's a good family car?” and hoping for a solid guess.

  • Few-shot prompting adds a couple of examples, like “I need something spacious like a Honda Odyssey or a Toyota Highlander.”

  • Chain-of-thought prompting goes deeper: breaking it down step-by-step, considering everything from budget to gas mileage.

Basically, in-context learning is about giving the model enough background info so it can understand the bigger picture. It’s like trying to pick a movie on a Friday night: if you just say "something fun," you're getting a random pick. But if you say, "I’m tired, I like action but not too intense," then boom—you’re watching that perfect action-comedy.

In your AI Certification, this is a big deal. You’ll learn to guide AI like a pro with in-context learning so it can understand more than just a one-liner and really get what you’re asking for.

VIII. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Ever felt like you can’t find your car keys and your best friend swoops in, remembering exactly where you left them? That’s pretty much how Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) works for large language models. When an LLM doesn’t have the answer on hand, it reaches out to external data sources, retrieves the info it needs, and serves it up. Neat, right?


1. How RAG Works in AI Certification

When you’re knee-deep in your AI Certification, you’ll probably encounter scenarios where a model needs to pull information from company documentation or private data—not just public stuff. RAG allows the AI to retrieve relevant info from external sources and respond with specific, targeted answers.

Let’s say you ask, "How does our company's software handle customer data?" With RAG, the model fetches your internal docs and provides an answer based on the exact manual your company uses. It’s like having the AI be your ultra-organized coworker who always knows where the files are.

2. Embeddings: The Brain Power Behind RAG

Embeddings are like the secret sauce. They take words and turn them into numerical values—so instead of just matching words, the LLM understands context and meaning. Think of it like this: When you say “I’m fine,” the AI doesn’t just match the word fine, it knows you might actually mean, "I need a break."

Here’s a breakdown of how embeddings work:

  • Text is converted into numeric vectors (think of them as word scores).

  • The model uses these vectors to compare the semantic meaning of words.

  • This allows the AI to retrieve data that's not just word-for-word but meaning-for-meaning.

3. In a Nutshell

  • RAG helps LLMs get smarter by reaching out to external data sources.

  • Embeddings make sure the info retrieved isn’t just a word match but a context match.

By the time you complete your AI Certification, you’ll know that using RAG is like giving your model a boost of real-world knowledge. It’s AI with a touch of practicality—and it’s seriously useful.

IX. Fine-Tuning LLMs

Let’s talk about fine-tuning LLMs. Think of it like having a heart-to-heart with your AI model—but with permanent consequences. Fine-tuning is a bit more serious than your everyday prompt engineering. You’re not just asking the model to do something. You’re straight-up changing its mind.


1. Fine-Tuning vs. Prompt Engineering

Here’s the big difference:

  • Prompt Engineering is like giving your AI polite suggestions. You’re saying, "Hey, could you try it this way?"

  • Fine-Tuning, on the other hand, is more like a full personality makeover. You’re feeding it new data, and those new bits of knowledge stick around for good.

AI Certification programs love to show you this distinction because it’s kind of a big deal. You’re literally shaping how the AI will respond in the future.

2. When Fine-Tuning Is Your Best Friend

Ever have that one friend who helps you avoid bad choices, like eating that extra slice of pizza or sending that risky text? Well, fine-tuning is like that, but for LLMs. One common use of fine-tuning is for safety controls—making sure the model doesn’t give harmful or inappropriate responses.

Say you’re building an AI model for customer support, and you don’t want it answering certain sensitive questions (like anything that could get your company in legal trouble). Fine-tuning lets you teach the model what’s off-limits by feeding it data and guidelines. It’ll remember this every time it responds.

3. Why Fine-Tuning Matters in Your AI Certification

If you’re getting that shiny AI Certification, you’ll quickly realize how crucial fine-tuning is. It’s not just about giving your LLM a fresh coat of paint. It’s about ensuring that your AI is well-behaved in every scenario—because no one wants an AI that runs wild.

Bottom Line: Fine-tuning lets you mold an LLM to better fit specific tasks or ethical guidelines. It’s a commitment, but it pays off, especially when you need precision, safety, and custom responses.


At the end of the day, prompt engineering is like having a heart-to-heart with your LLM, giving it just the right nudge to do what you want. And when you throw in external data—whether it’s through RAG or fine-tuning—you take that conversation to a whole new level.

Getting that AI Certification isn’t just a fancy line for your rĂ©sumĂ©. It’s your ticket to understanding how to make AI work for you in smarter, more personalized ways. You’ve got the tools now, so why not play around a bit? Try out different prompts, see how far you can push that creativity with temperature adjustments, and maybe even fine-tune it to get that perfect response.

So, go ahead—experiment. Have a little fun. After all, AI is like that one friend who’s always down for whatever, as long as you give them the right instructions. 😉

Now, it’s your turn to build something cool.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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