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āœļø How AI Writing Tools Impacted Writing Careers

AI Writing Assistants: How Writers Are Collaborating with AI

Introduction: AI Tools in Writing

Lots of writers and people in the publishing business are freaking out about AI writing tools. They see them as a threat that could make human writers obsolete.

When programs like ChatGPT came out that can generate pretty convincing essays and articles, folks in the industry went into panic mode. The big publishers started scrambling to figure out how to detect and filter out AI-written content. Smaller publishers and indie writers worried whether these bots would flood the market with cheap (maybe stolen?) writing and sink their businesses.

Many writers are now worried that AI might end their careers. They're unsure if a computer might soon do its job just as well or even better. The big question they're facing is: Will AI replace writers, or can we humans learn to work with it and keep our place?

The Reality of AI Writing Tools


At first, writers totally wigged when AI programs like ChatGPT could suddenly bash out essays and news articles. It seemed like the bots were going to replace humans.

But after the shock wore off, people realized the AI tools had some major weaknesses. Yes, they can generate text crazy fast. ChatGPT can spit out a 1000-word piece in seconds! But what it writes is usually pretty surface-level and robotic. The ideas aren't that original. The stories don't have much heart or creativity.

Google understood this too. Even though their searches were getting flooded with lame, AI-written spam pages trying to game the system, Google realized people donā€™t want that junk. They want high-quality articles written by real people. So Google changed its search algorithm to focus more on ā€œhelpful contentā€ with evidence of human effort and expertise.

This shows that AI canā€™t entirely replace writers yet. The bots are good for getting simple drafts down quickly. But you still need human skills to refine the ideas, add originality, and transform it into compelling content. Writers also provide research, reporting, and interviewsā€”things the AI canā€™t do alone.

For now at least, the best way to use these tools is as an aid for writers rather than as a substitute. AI takes over the grunt work while people focus on where we can add the most valueā€”the human touch that connects with readers.

How AI Writing Tools Help Writers Get More Done


AI writing tools like ChatGPT have made creating content way faster for writers. These bots can churn out draft posts, emails, and reports in seconds based on some quick prompts. This gives writers a jumping-off point, so they don't have to start from a blank page.

Since AI helps splash out the raw text so quickly, writers now spend less time typing. This lets them take on more projects and be more productive day-to-day. Instead of hammering out full articles, their main gig now is editing that AI output to sound human.

So in a nutshell, writers now manage and mentor the AI writers rather than just write alone. They also have more time to read books and blog posts that interest them, so they can recharge mentally.

The AI basically handles the busywork of writing so people can focus on higher-level editing. This gives writers back time for more strategic work and passion projects versus just grinding. So while AI changes parts of the job, it also helps spark more creativity and joy for us human scribes!

Thinking About Right and Wrong in AI Content

  • Copying and Being Original

Even though AI makes writing a breeze, there's a bit of worry about copying others' work by accident. It's super important to check what AI creates to make sure it's fresh and truly yours.

  • Who's in Charge of AI Stuff?

When it comes to stuff written by AI, it's the writer's job to make sure it's all goodā€”no wrong information or unfair views.

How Writers Can Team Up With AI Writing Tools


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Keep Up with Latest Technology and Market Trends

Writers who keep up with new things will have a steady income. You don't want to be caught off guard by new tech.

Stay informed about new tools and changes that affect your writing work. Watch out for new trends in the industry.

For instance, when some of my clients chose cheaper options over my writing agency, I started to offer services using AI for writing, editing, and optimizing. This way, I can offer something affordable and keep my clients instead of losing them to AI tools.

Adopt New AI Writing Tools

Writers who don't use new tools will fall behind.

Imagine if you didn't use a computer and still went to libraries and wrote by hand. You wouldn't keep up with writers who use the internet and type. The same is true for AI.

I know some writers who don't like using it, especially for writing things to sell stuff, and I understand. But using these tools is really helpful.

You don't need to use them to write your first draft, but they can save you time doing research, planning, making your writing better, and more.

Change Your Services

Writers are worried that AI writing will make their work seem less valuable because it's cheaper.

For instance, using ChatGPT costs $20 a month, but hiring a writer from Upwork can cost $15 to $40 per hour.

To stay competitive, change your services. True, content written only by humans takes more effort, and you should charge more for it. Some clients might not want to pay more when they can get AI writing.

So, you could offer services like editing AI content or a cheaper writing service that uses AI for the first drafts. Make sure to show how your entirely human-written content is special and charge more for it.

Check Content with AI Content Detectors

If an AI detector thinks your content is written by AI, it probably won't be what Google likes or good for readers.

Always check your AI-assisted writing with an AI detector.

These detectors give you a score to show if your writing sounds more like a human or a robot. They also point out parts you should improve. This makes editing easier and helps make sure your content is top-notch. For instance, I requested ChatGPT to compose 100 words on the benefits of using Midjourney. This is the feedback from Content at Scale's AI detector:


According to Content at Scale, the text seems like it was written by AI. It points out the parts that sound the most robotic, so I can change them to sound more human and easier to understand.

Make AI Content Sound More Human

What makes writers special is their human touch. They use their own experiences and understanding of people.

Don't see AI content as a problem. Use it as a starting point and add your personal touch. This is how you make your work truly valuable for your clients.

To make AI content feel more human, you can:

  • Share your own stories or examples

  • Cut out repeat information

  • Make it easier to read and follow

  • Use lists, charts, and different layouts

  • Choose words and a style that sound like you

You can also take a look at our article about "Prompts to Make ChatGPT Sound More Like a Real Person". I hope it's helpful to you!

Always Verify Facts in AI Generated Content

Since AI tools use the internet for information, they might share things that aren't true. They don't check if a source is reliable, like writers do.

Always recheck any specific claims, facts, or references used. You might also need to include extra facts or numbers to make your work more believable.


Remember how freaked out writers were when AI writing assistants first launched? People were worried these bots would wipe out human jobs completely. But it turns out that the mad rush to replace writers was bogus.

Yes, AI tools like ChatGPT now help generate drafts faster than we could alone. But what the programs create still needs major workā€”the ideas ain't that creative yet, the storytelling's weak, and some "facts" are just plain wrong. Their writing has no spice!

So while AI is changing how writers work, we humans are still needed to deliver quality stuff. To imagine compelling stories, infuse our unique voice, and connect with audiences. The bots handle grunt work, but we give writing heart and soul.

If writers are worried these robots will nab their jobs, don't panic! Just be open to trying the new tools. Use AI for basic drafts, but dig deeper where only humans can. There's hope for us yet! We got this.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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