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  • šŸŽžļø The Power of AI Automation: It Can Find and Create Viral Reels for You in Minutes!

šŸŽžļø The Power of AI Automation: It Can Find and Create Viral Reels for You in Minutes!

Transform your content strategy with AI automation that discovers and generates viral Instagram Reels effortlessly!

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Table of Contents


Ever wish you had a magic wand that could make your Instagram Reels go viral? Well, guess what? This AI automation process is pretty much that magic wand! Imagine an AI that scrapes, analyzes, and whips up viral Instagram Reel scripts faster than you can say "Hashtag blessed." It's 100% automated, meaning you can sit back, relax, and watch your content creation woes disappear. No more late nights brainstorming or staring at a blank screenā€”this AI's got your back, ready to turn your ideas into engaging, viral-worthy content in no time.

Tools and Resources

  1. Appify: A no-code scraper that collects data from platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

  2. Make.com: A no-code automation tool that connects apps and services to work together automatically.

  3. Cloud Convert: A tool for converting files from one format to another, like turning videos into audio files.

  4. ChatGPT: Register at OpenAI and get your API key. Add some credits to your account.

  5. Airtable: A flexible database for storing and organizing all your data in one place.


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Step 1: Setting Up Apify

This step is about setting up your Instagram scraper so you can grab all that juicy data from your favorite influencers and hashtags. Think of it as setting up a magic net to catch all the viral Instagram Reels that you can later transform into your own viral content. Ready?

1. Account Setup

  1. Go to Apify and sign up for an account.

    • Itā€™s as easy as signing up for a social media account, but way cooler because youā€™re about to automate your way to Instagram fame.


2. Instagram Scraper Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Apify Store and select "Instagram scraper."

  2. Add the URLs of the Instagram accounts or hashtags you want to track.

    • Got a favorite influencer? Or maybe a hashtag youā€™re obsessed with? Pop those URLs in here.

  3. Set the maximum number of reels to retrieve and specify the date range.

    • Decide how many Reels you want Apify to grab. Set the date range so youā€™re not digging up content from the Jurassic period.



  4. Ensure the time frame is set (e.g., no older than May 1st).

    • Remember, weā€™re after the latest trends, not ancient history. Make sure your time frame is set right.

  5. Copy the JSON code provided by Apify for your configured scraper.

    • Apify will spit out some fancy JSON code. Copy it. Itā€™s like the secret recipe you need for the next steps.


Now that you've got Apify all set up, you're ready to move on and let the AI automation magic begin. Trust me, this setup is like giving yourself a superpower!

Step 2: Building the AI Automation in Make.com

Set up Make.com to automate the process of collecting and analyzing Instagram data. This will save you tons of time and effort by automatically gathering the info you need to create viral content.

1. Create the First Scenario

  1. Log in to Make.com and create a new scenario.

  2. Add the Apify module and select "Run Actor."

    • Paste the JSON code you copied from Apify.

  3. Click "OK." Then run it. If it succeeds, you are on the right track.


2. Create the Second Scenario

  1. Add the first Apify module to watch for actor runs.

    • Choose your previously configured Instagram scraper.

  2. Add the next Apify module to get dataset items.

    • Select ā€œdefaultDatasetId.ā€

  3. Run the scenario to see the initial results like comments, hashtags, video URLs, etc.


Step 3: Converting Video URLs to MP3 in The AI Automation Process

This is where the magic happens, turning those Instagram videos into MP3 files so you can work your AI wizardry.

1. Cloud Convert Setup

First things first, you'll need to sign up for Cloud Convert and get API access. It's super simple, like signing up for any other online service. Think of it as getting your ticket to the MP3 conversion concert.

2. Build Up the Automation

Now, let's head over to Make.com and add some automation mojo. Follow these steps:

  1. Add the Cloud Convert Module: In Make.com, look for the Cloud Convert module. This is your main tool for converting files.

  2. Choose ā€œConvert a fileā€: Select the option to convert a file. We're going to turn those video URLs into shiny new MP3 files.

  3. Configure the Module:

    • Input the Video URL: Copy and paste the video URL into the module. It's like putting the address into your GPS.

    • Output an MP3 File: Set the output format to MP3. Think of it as telling your coffee machine to make espresso ā€“ you want the good stuff!


And there you have it! You've just turned a video into an MP3 file, and it didn't even require a magic wand. Just remember, if you ever get stuck, imagine the Cloud Convert module as your helpful robot butler. It's here to make your life easier, one MP3 at a time.

Step 4: Maintain Module Connectivity in The AI Automation Process

This step ensures that everything stays connected and runs smoothly. It's like making sure all the parts of your awesome DIY project are properly glued together.

1. Duplicate the Module

First, we need to repeat the "get dataset items" step. This is important to make sure you can access the modules later on. Think of it as making a backup planā€”just in case things go sideways, you've got it covered.

Repeat the "get dataset items" Step:

  • Go back to where you set up the "get dataset items" module.

  • Duplicate it so you have another one ready to go. Itā€™s like having a spare tire in the trunkā€”always handy!


2. Array Aggregator and Text Aggregator Modules

Next up, weā€™re adding some fancy modules to keep everything in check. Ready? Letā€™s go!

  1. Add the "Array Aggregator" Module:

  • Search for and add the "Array Aggregator" module in Make.com.

  • Choose "Apify - Get dataset item 4" from the dropdown. It sounds techy, but trust me, it's just selecting the right data.

  • Select "latestComment" to make sure you're aggregating those juicy comments. Itā€™s like gathering all your friends' funny jokes in one place.

  1. Add the "Text Aggregator" Module:

  • Add the "Text Aggregator" module next.

  • Paste the provided code into this module. This step is like adding the secret sauce to your grandmaā€™s famous recipeā€”donā€™t skip it!

{{5.array[].latestComments[0].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[1].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[2].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[3].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[4].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[5].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[6].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[7].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[8].text}} {{5.array[].latestComments[9].text}}

And there you have it! By maintaining module connectivity, you're ensuring your automation runs like a well-oiled machine. Just remember, this is all about keeping things organized and smooth, kind of like arranging your sock drawer (if youā€™re into that sort of thing).

Keep up the great work, and happy automating! šŸš€

Step 5: Transcribing Audio to Text for The AI Automation Process

This is where we turn those MP3 files into readable text. Ready? Letā€™s get rolling!

1. OpenAI Whisper Setup

First things first, you'll need to sign up for OpenAI and get API access. Think of it as getting your VIP pass to the AI club. Here's how you do it:

  1. Sign Up for OpenAI: Head over to OpenAIā€™s website and create an account.

  2. Get API Access: Once you're signed up, grab your API key.


2. Whisper Module in Make.com

Now that you've got your API access, let's put it to work in Make.com with the Whisper module. This module will help you transcribe your MP3 files to text. Follow these steps:

  1. Add the Whisper Module:

    • In Make.com, search for and add the Whisper module. This is your tool for turning audio into text.

  2. Configure the Module:

    • Input the MP3 File: Select the MP3 file you want to transcribe. Imagine youā€™re feeding the Whisper module some audio snacks.

    • Set Up for Further Processing: Configure the module to use the transcribed text as input for further steps. Itā€™s like setting up a relay raceā€”handing off the baton to the next module smoothly.

      You can rename the model by right-clicking on it:


And there you go! Youā€™ve now transcribed your audio to text. It's like magic, but with fewer rabbits and more AI.

Remember, if you ever feel lost, just think of the Whisper module as your friendly AI librarian, turning those audio books into text so you can easily read and process them.

Step 6: Generating Summaries and Scripts for The AI Automation Process

This is where your AI really starts to shine, turning all that transcribed text into neat summaries and scripts. Letā€™s get cracking!

1. Real Summarizer Module

First, letā€™s set up a module to create a summary of your transcribed text. This is like asking your AI buddy to give you the CliffsNotes version of a long speech. Hereā€™s how:

  1. Add the Real Summarizer Module:

    • In Make.com, add a new module for creating summaries.

    • Select the OpenAI API, and get ready to generate some concise magic.

  2. Use the Following Prompt:

    • Enter this prompt:

You will be provided with the transcript of an Instagram video by: [INSERT AUTHOR]. Your task is to carefully read and comprehend the content of the transcript. After analyzing the transcript, generate a concise summary of the key points and main ideas discussed in the video. The summary should be informative, helpful, and to the point, with a maximum length of 35 words.
When creating the summary, focus on the following aspects:

Identify the core message or theme of the video.
Highlight the most important facts, statistics, or examples that support the main points.
If applicable, briefly mention any significant conclusions or recommendations made in the video.

Avoid using unnecessary fluff or filler phrases, and do not include introductory phrases like "this video is about." Instead, concentrate on directly communicating the essential information in a clear and efficient manner.

To ensure your summary is effective, consider the following tips:
Use concise and precise language to convey the key ideas.
Prioritize information based on its relevance to the main message.
Ensure that the summary can be easily understood by someone who hasn't watched the video.
Read through your summary to check for clarity, coherence, and adherence to the 35-word limit.

Remember, your goal is to provide a comprehensive yet succinct overview of the video's content, enabling readers to quickly grasp the core message and main takeaways. Do not repeat the title.

The Instagram transcript: {{8.result}}
  • This tells the AI exactly what you needā€”a quick, clear summary. Itā€™s like asking your friend, ā€œWhat did I miss?ā€ and getting only the good stuff.


2. Generate Viral Scripts Module

Next up, we need a module that can take these summaries and whip up viral scripts. This is where your AI gets its creative juices flowing. Hereā€™s the scoop:

  1. Add the Generate Viral Scripts Module:

    • Add another module in Make.com, this time for generating scripts.

    • Again, use the OpenAI API to power this bad boy.

  2. Use the Following Prompt:

    • Enter this prompt:

You are a VIRAL script writer with 30 years of experience, specializing in crafting engaging scripts for short-form content. You must communicate in the tone of voice provided (reading age of a 14 year old, Aim for an average sentence length of 14-18 words. Use short sentences to mix up the pacing etcā€¦).

You will be provided with a transcript from a viral video. You must understand that video (it could be an interview, somebody talking into their phone or any other content type). You must understand the nature of the video and consider why this might have gone viral.

You will create a script for a piece of content that fits my personal circumstances.

The context:
I am a US-based entrepreneur with 10 years experience. I run an AI Automation agency and I plan to empower entrenpneurs with advice and encouragement. I want all of my videos to help the listener improve their life through value.

1. Write in a clear, straightforward style that a 14-year-old can easily understand.
2. Use everyday words, short sentences (14-18 words on average), and concise paragraphs. 
3. Be positive, optimistic, and celebrate successes. Avoid criticism or negative talk.
4. Use inclusive, jargon-free language that's welcoming to all. 
5. Adjust your tone to fit the topic, being more casual or serious as needed.
6. Focus on building trust and connection with the viewer.
7. Break down complex ideas step-by-step. Be concise yet thorough.
8. Write in an active voice and take ownership of your suggestions.

The opening hook will be provided separately. Follow this framework for each section:

1. Context šŸ¤” (30-70 words max)
   - Give relevant background info
   - Explain key concepts simply
   - Keep it brief and focused

2. Why It Matters šŸ”® (30-70 words max)
   - Explain the topic's importance
   - Highlight potential impact 
   - Answer "Why should I care?"

3. Mini Hook šŸŖ (18 words max)
   - Introduce a compelling idea
   - Create curiosity for the next part
   - Ensure a smooth, logical transition

Repeat this structure for additional sections based on key points. End the final section with [CTA] instead of a mini hook.

Example Section:
[Context] Coconut oil has gained popularity in recent years as a healthy cooking oil. It's made by pressing fresh coconut meat or dried coconut. Coconut oil is high in healthy saturated fats. 

[Why It Matters] Choosing the right cooking oil is important for your health. Coconut oil's unique fat structure may boost metabolism and help with weight loss. It also raises good HDL cholesterol levels.

[Mini Hook] But not all coconut oil is created equal.

With every interaction, aim to make a positive connection through empathetic, clear communication centered on what matters most to the viewer.

You must communicate like this:

Communicate in a clear, straightforward way using everyday words and phrases that a 14-year-old could easily understand. Always focus on what matters most to the audience watching the script.

Be positive, optimistic and ambitious in your writing. Celebrate successes and spread good vibes. Avoid criticizing or speaking negatively about others. 

Write concisely, using short sentences and paragraphs. Aim for an average sentence length of 14-18 words. Use short sentences to mix up the pacing. Be direct, transparent and unambiguous. Use active voice and take ownership of your suggestions and opinions. If delivering bad news, be empathetic but straightforward. Don't avoid responsibility or dance around the negatives.

Use inclusive, welcoming language that avoids figures of speech, idioms, jargon or words that could trip up English learners. Be thoughtful and sensitive in your word choices to ensure everyone feels respected and at ease. 

Adjust your tone to suit the topic and situation. Be more casual and playful when appropriate, and more serious when discussing sensitive subjects. Let your caring, supportive personality shine through while remaining professional. Keep the other person's feelings and needs at the forefront as you provide helpful, thoughtful responses to build trust and rapport.

The overall goal is to communicate complex ideas as clearly and simply as possible, in a warm, relatable, jargon-free way that makes people feel at ease and that you're on their side. Break things down step-by-step and don't assume knowledge. Be concise but thorough, balancing efficiency with sufficient detail and explanation. With every interaction, strive to build a positive connection through empathetic, transparent, human-centered communication.
  • This instructs the AI to create engaging scripts that are bound to go viral.

  • Think of it as having a personal scriptwriter whoā€™s always on point.


And there you have it! Youā€™ve just set up your AI to generate summaries and scripts. It's like having a mini Hollywood studio right in your computer.

Remember, these modules are your backstage crew, making sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. And just like in any good show, the simpler and more organized everything is behind the scenes, the better the performance in the spotlight.

Step 7: Creating Hooks and Analyzing Virality for The AI Automation Process

This is where we add the final touches to make sure our content not only grabs attention but also has the potential to go viral. Letā€™s explore!

1. Viral Hook Agent Module

First, letā€™s get those attention-grabbing hooks sorted out. Think of this as the flashy headline that makes you click on an article. Hereā€™s how to set it up:

  1. Add the Viral Hook Agent Module:

    • In Make.com, add a new module specifically for generating hooks.

    • Use the OpenAI API to power this module.

  2. Use the Following Prompt:

    • Enter this prompt:

As an AI language model, your task is to generate 3, attention-grabbing hooks. You will receive text, then reference the viral hook examples down below to create 3 hooks that create a curiosity gap. A curiosity gap is an unanswered question in the viewers mind that makes them want to stay.


1. Analyze the provided text and data to identify key themes, interesting facts, and potential hooks that resonate with the target audience.

2. Once you have understood the article consider all best practices below and adapt create 3 hooks options that create a curiosity gap. YOU MUST use on of the viral hook examples below and modify it based on the topic you have. This is essential.

For example, if you were given some text on AI announcing GPT5, here are some good example of using a viral hook and adapting it:

1. Would you believe me if I said [surprising fact]? Would become ā€˜Would you believe me if I said that AGI is coming this year?ā€™
2. ā€˜Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you had just...ā€™ would become ā€˜do you ever wonder what it would be like if AGI exsited? Well, you might not need to think for much longerā€™
3. ā€˜If Iā€™m being honestā€¦[rant]ā€™ would become ā€˜If Iā€™m being honest, this made me sick to my stomachā€™

They could be short, or long. But try to keep the length not above 18 words unless necessary. Use the viral hooks provided down below when creating a hook. Make it sound human. if there is a famous figure involved in the article, call him/her out in some of the hooks. The same is true for famous people.

Additional cotext:
* New (Open AI just dropped the BIGGEST update of the year and I can't stop thinking about it)
* Famous (eg, Elon Musk just shocked the world with his plans for Space X)
* Conflict  (X vs Y)
* Curiosity gap: every hook must create a curioisty gap. You must create an unaswered question in the user's mind. It does not have to be a question, for example 'I've just read this report and it makes me sick to my stomach'

Hook Options:

Hook #1 šŸŖ

Hook #2 šŸŖ

Hook #3 šŸŖ

Viral Hooks (you must use these as a reference when creating a hook):

Here is the list with numbers added:

1. I see you've already [accomplished X result]. Now lets [go further].

2. This is the best chance you have to finally [achieve X or overcome Y].

3. When I realized that [key realization], I was finally able to [achieve desire]ā€¦

4. Here's exactly what I'd do if I wanted to [achieve specific result].

5. If I wanted to achieve [desired result] in 1 month, here's what i would do.

6. I'm going to give you the simplest way to achieve [result].

7. If you do X things, you'll have Y result by Z time frame.

8. If you want to [specific desire], do these few things.

9. If you want to be ahead of the [niche] curve, start doing these X thingsā€¦

10. Day X of helping you [achieve niche result] - trending sound with text on screen

11. Avoid doing these things if you want to [solve pain points].

12. This is the overall timeline for someone who's [audience's current position] but wants to [achieve niche result].

13. Here are some realistic ways for you to ______.

14. ā†’ ex.) living day-by-day but wants to have disposable income.

15. Here's what i did to [achieve goal] and [feel feeling]ā€¦

16. You wouldn't believe these quick hacks that can [achieve niche result].

17. Here are the real things that helped me to [achieve result].

18. I promise if you start doing this, you will be the [desired result]. What if I told you that [surprising fact]?

19. Do you want [desire] but can't seem to shake [bad habit]?

20. Are you really ok with staying [describe undesirable current reality] for another year?

21. I ask my new clients this question every time: [thought provoking niche question] ā†’ ex.) "What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?"

22. Are you constantly [vicious niche cycle]?

23. Are you seriously planning on staying [describe your stuck audience member] forever?

24. What would I tell myself to achieve [desire] faster?

25. The most common question I get asked as a [introduce yourself and niche] isā€¦

26. Care for some wisdom from a [describe your authority] who used to [describe past struggles]?

27. Between you and me, are you ever afraid that you won't [achieve niche goal]?

28. Not sure how to [do niche thing]? Do thisā€¦

29. Have you heard of the [theory or thing]?

30. Am I the only one who [relatable habit, practice, or belief]?

31. Would you believe me if I said [surprising fact]?

32. You don't really want [desire], do you?

33. Have you ever asked yourself: "How do I [do niche thing]?"

34. Do you feel like [niche] shouldn't be this hard?

35. Is [niche experience] way harder than you expected?

36. When you started [niche journey], what did you expect? I expected [your expectation], but I got [initial undesirable reality].

37. Do you feel like you might never [achieve desire]? If so, let me introduce myself.

38. Can you please stop [bad niche habit]?

39. Do you need some extra help on your [niche] journey?Spend the [describe your day] with me.

40. Keep me company while I [do activity].

41. Here's what a daily routine looks like for a [describe yourself]

42. Let's ______ together.

43. My day in X seconds.

44. Come to [location] with me

45. ā†’ ex.) work, school, etc.

46. You guessed it! We're going to [location or activity].

47. Wanna come [do activity] with me?

48. Do you want to go [do activity] with me?

49. Come join me while I [do activity]!

50. Here's what a weekend looks like for a [describe yourself].

51. Do you think I can [do activities] in under [time limit]?

52. We're going [activity]

53. I [describe your life]. This is what a day in my life looks likeā€¦

54. I'm supposed to [do mundane, adult task]. Instead, let's [do other, fun thing]

55. How about we [do activity] together?

56. I'm really in the mood for some [desire], let's go [do activity].

57. If you've ever wondered what it's like to [describe yourself], come along with me!

58. Come along with me while Iā€¦

59. [descriptor] vlog!

60. If you've ever wondered what the life of a [describe your situation or yourself], keep watching.

61. Day in the life of a [describe your situation]ā€¦

62. POV: you're a [describe your life]

63. Come [do activity] with me

64. Here's what it's like toā€¦

65. Welcome to a day in the life of a [describe situation].

66. Today I'm going to [describe your plan for the vlog].

67. "I'm a [title] and I [niche statement]"

68. "You know the drill - [insert authority builder that you frequently use]"

69. "X [amount of people] currently use my [offer]."

70. "I'm a [title] and I start every session byā€¦"

71. "I've been using this to [achieve result] myself. And I've helped [client] [achieve result]."

72. "After working with over [amount of clients by name]ā€¦"

73. "My one goal is to help you [important pain point]ā€¦"

74. In case we haven't met, hi, I'm [name] and I'm here to [problem you solve].

75. If you haven't come across my videos, I'm a [your title] for [ideal audience].

76. I'm [name] and all I want is for you to [achieve core desire].

77. I'm the [clever niche title]. ā†’ ex.) bad b*tch astrologer

78. Other [niche] coaches like to [outdated, lame approach]. I like to [describe unique process].

79. I don't think we've met yet. I'm [name] and I'm here to help you [simply describe your goals].

80. I'm not here for the [describe NON-ideal audience], I'm here for the [hyper-specifically describe ideal audience].

81. "I've been doing [industry] for X [years]."

82. "After X [years] of helping people [solve problem]ā€¦"

83. "I've helped people [list best client wins]."

84. "I [niche statement]."

85. "By the way, I'm _____"

86. "I've helped X [amount of people to [solve problem]."

87. "If you're new here, [introduce self]."

88. Have we met before? I'm [introduce who you are and what you're here to do].

89. For those of you who don't know, I'm [name] and I help you [achieve or overcome X].

90. You need a [describe your style] who has overcome [core audience pain point], like myself.

91. For over X years I've been helping people [describe expertise].

92. I'm a bit different than your average [niche] coach. I [describe unique process].

93. I'm a [city]-based [title] who does [niche] for [audience].

94. How different would your life look if you actually, had [niche result].

95. If you want a difficult but sustainable way to [achieve result], this one's for you.

96. Showcase a client win & use them as an exemplar for a particular strategy.

97. Here is the exact formula used to [achieve X].

98. If you're tired of the same old s

99. I hate seeing people stuck in [bad point A position] when getting to [ideal position] is pretty simple.

100. If you haven't [achieved goal] in [unnecessarily long period of time], watch this video.

101. I have a PSA for the [audience identity] out thereā€¦

102. If you're stuck in the loop of [common mistake], let's talk about why this doesn't work & what you actually need to do to [reach goal].

103. I know how it feels to [common niche struggle]. I also know how it feels to [reach desired result].

104. If you want [desire] but are stuck doing [bad habits], here's what worked for me.

105. This one's for the [audience identity] who want [desires].

106. I truly used to feel so [pain point].

107. Have you ever felt [common audience struggle]? Here's why.

108. So you're stuck in the ____ cycle again, huh? Let's get you out of there.

109. There's really no reason to be stuck in [shitty situation]ā€¦

110. You know that you're allowed to feel [feeling], right?

111. For all the lazy, busy, or unbothered people, I have some [niche] wisdom to share.

112. If you've been struggling with [common niche pain point], here's what to do from someone who's been there.

113. Picture this, [describe audience's dream]

114. Here's how to get out of the [pain point] loop.

115. You cannot [achieve X], if you're still doing [bad habit Y]

116. You're never going to be a successful [identity keyword] if you don't...

117. This one's for the [audience identity] who REFUSE TO live in [pain points].

118. If you constantly find yourself [repeating/doing X], here's something that can help.

119. [Audience], if you're feeling [pain point], this one's for you.

120. Ugh, why isn't _____ working? Is _____ even possible? If this sounds like you, hi, I'm a [niche title] and I can help.

121. This is for someone who's over the whole [common niche myth], but wants to [achieve X]ā€¦

122. ā†’ ex.) if you're over the whole $10k month thing, but wantā€¦let's talk

123. The first step to [solving problem] isā€¦So I don't think enough people know...

124. I dare you toā€¦

125. Your future [niche descriptor*; (skin, etc.)*] will thank you if you start doing this todayā€¦

126. Let's be real, [strategy you don't recommend] is not doing you any favors. How about we switch things up?

127. Here's what no one else is going to tell you about [niche]

128. Let's switch up your [niche] strategy.

129. I'm never going to stop talking aboutā€¦

130. Can I vent for a second??

131. [Niche topic]. Where do I begin?

132. If I'm being honestā€¦[rant]

133. They'll tell you that [something you disagree within your niche] matters. When in reality, it's all about [something you stand by within your niche].

134. Okay, imagine thisā€¦

135. There's no way I'm going to let you keep [repeating harmful niche cycle].

136. Frankly, I'm tired ofā€¦

137. you cannot [achieve X], if you're still doing [bad habit Y]

138. You want to know whatā€¦[rant]

139. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you had just...

140. Do you [achieve goal] faster by doing [X] or [Y]?

141. Fun fact about [niche] is that [fun fact].

142. So why do we do [X thing]?

143. ā†’ dive into the science, culture, or explanation behind a phenomenon in your niche.

144. If you've ever wondered why [niche phenomenon] happens, let's talk about it. I'm a [your title]ā€¦

145. You're getting [X] all wrong..

146. You thought [inferior thing] was cool? Wait until you see [superior thing]?

147. ā†’ can also do this for advice, practices, habits, etc.

148. [Niche phenomenon] is not as simple as it seems.

149. Did you know that you couldā€¦

150. I don't know who needs to hear this butā€¦

151. So, what is the difference between ______ and ______?

152. ā†’ ex.) between skinny fat and lean muscle?

153. A lot of y'all are going to hate me for this butā€¦

154. The most common misconception when it comes to [niche] isā€¦.

155. Let's see how fast I can [do something that shows your niche skills]

156. I don't think you understand the importance of [key niche strategy].

157. I'm finally starting to realize that [realization or awakening]ā€¦

158. I have a confession to makeā€¦

159. Hate to break it to you but...

160. Are you interested in learning ______?

161. What's wrong with [something you disagree with in your industry]? I'll tell you.

162. I want you to think about this [perspective change]

163. Please tell me you're not still [doing outdated or harmful thing]?

164. Why does no one talk about..

165. There is nothing more irritating (or other word) than...

166. You need to stop doing [bad habit] as soon as possible.

167. It irks me so much that...

168. "X won't help you [achieve Y]"ā€¦instead it willā€¦I wish I could go back and tell my [previous age] self this.

169. Years ago I [story]

170. This is the story of...

171. Here's what I would do if I started my [niche journey] from scratch.

172. X pieces of advice I'd give my former [Point A] self.

173. Something i really wish i knew when i started [niche journey]...

174. Back then i wish i'd known..

175. With X years of experience in [niche], here's what I've learned.

176. Ugh, i know i can't go back...but let me tell you - if i could...

177. Here are 3 things I would never, ever do again as someone trying toā€¦

178. I've been exactly where you are. [List relatable struggles]. I also spent WAY too long in that place. So, I want to talk about a few things you can do differently.

179. I love seeing more people trying to ______, so here's my two sense as someone who has been doing this for X years.

180. Okay, I'm X years old. Here's everything I wish I knew about ______ when I was [X age].

181. ā†’ great for a series

182. I've been reflecting on my [niche] journey and I have X things I want to share for anyone else on a similar road.

183. What I wish I knew as a [niche] beginner

184. Things I've learned now that I'm aā€¦

185. [Niche] advice that I would tell [X-year old] me.

186. Old me did not want to believe that [niche goal or struggle] was as simple as [surprisingly helpful tip].

187. If I knew this before starting [niche journey], I would've been [achievement] way faster.

188. X things I wish I knew before I startedā€¦

189. Life's been better ever sinceā€¦

190. If I knew this before starting [niche journey], I would've been [achievement] way faster.

191. In hindsight I...

192. You know, if i could start all this [niche stuff] from scratch, I'd...

193. Knowing what I know now, here's what I would do differently in my [niche] journey.

194. As someone who's already achieved [dream], here's how I'd get there faster.

195. I would scream this at my younger self if I couldā€¦

196. In my X years of doing [niche]ā€¦

197. If you're not trying waste any more time on your [niche journey], here's some advice from someone who did.
  • This will tell the AI to come up with hooks that are so intriguing, people canā€™t help but click. Itā€™s like adding a bit of cheese to a mousetrapā€”irresistible!


2. Virality Score Agent Module

Now, let's see how viral your content can go. We need a module that acts like your contentā€™s hype man, evaluating how likely it is to blow up. Hereā€™s how to do it:

  1. Add the Virality Score Agent Module:

    • In Make.com, add another module for assessing virality.

    • Again, hook it up to the OpenAI API.

  2. Use the Following Prompt:

    • Enter this prompt:

As an AI language model, your task is to assess the potential virality of a given text based on a comprehensive framework. Read and analyze the provided content, then assign a virality score using the following guidelines:

Virality Assessment Framework:
1. šŸŽÆ Relevance and Timeliness
   - Is the topic currently relevant or trending?
   - Does it align with the interests and concerns of the target audience?
   - Is it timely and connected to recent events or popular discussions?

2. šŸŒŸ Uniqueness and Originality
   - Does the topic offer a fresh perspective or novel information?
   - Is it different from what has been widely discussed before?
   - Does it have the potential to surprise or intrigue the audience?

3. šŸŽ© Emotional Impact
   - Does the topic evoke strong emotions (e.g., joy, anger, curiosity, shock)?
   - Is it likely to resonate with the audience on a deep, emotional level?
   - Can it inspire, motivate, or challenge the audience's beliefs or assumptions?

4. šŸ¤ Relatability and Identification
   - Can the audience easily relate to or identify with the topic?
   - Does it address common experiences, struggles, or aspirations?
   - Is it inclusive and accessible to a wide range of people?

5. šŸŽØ Visual Appeal and Aesthetics
   - Is the topic visually engaging or aesthetically pleasing?
   - Can it be presented with eye-catching visuals, graphics, or multimedia?
   - Does it lend itself well to attractive thumbnails or attention-grabbing titles?

6. šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø Interactivity and Engagement
   - Does the topic encourage audience participation or interaction?
   - Can it spark discussions, debates, or collaborations among viewers?
   - Is it likely to generate comments, likes, shares, or user-generated content?

7. šŸ·ļø Hashtag and Trend Potential
   - Can the topic be easily associated with popular hashtags or trending keywords?
   - Is it likely to inspire a new trend or challenge that others can participate in?
   - Does it have the potential to go viral across multiple platforms or communities?

To determine the final virality score (0-10), use the following scale:

Virality Score Range:
- 0-3: šŸ”“ Low viral potential
- 4-5: šŸŸ  Moderate-low viral potential
- 6-7: šŸ”µ Moderate-high viral potential
- 8-10: šŸŸ¢ High viral potential

Output Format:
[Virality Score] [Corresponding Emoji]

8 šŸŸ¢

Note: Please provide a (50 word maximum) explanation for the score a few paragraphs underneath

By following this framework and instructions, you should be able to accurately assess the viral potential of the provided text and deliver the result in the specified format.

Example of 0-3 šŸ”“

Article Summary: PA Boss Criticizes Government's Response to Lords AI Report on Copyright Issues
- Dan Conway, chief executive of the Publishers Association (PA), criticized UK government's response to Lords' report on AI and copyright laws
- Report urged reassessment of copyright law effectiveness in protecting creators' rights in AI age; government response lacked concrete commitments and timelines
- Conway emphasized urgency given rapid AI development; advocates immediate intervention to protect against mass infringements and ensure compensation for creators
- Situation underscores growing global dialogue on intersection of technology, law, and digital content producers' rights

Example of 4-5 šŸŸ 

Article Summary: The Role of AI in Insect Farming for Sustainable Animal Feed
- Felix Collins' Full Circle Biotechnology farms black soldier fly larvae for sustainable, nutritious animal feed in Bangkok
- Insect feed costlier than soy; AI integration aims to optimize production, reduce costs, and increase competitiveness
- Successful AI implementation could lead to broader adoption, reduce environmental impact, and transform the animal feed industry
- Initiative serves as case study for AI effectiveness in agriculture and sparks discussion on scalability and implications for industry standards and sustainability

Example of 6-7 šŸ”µ

Meta Introduces Llama 3 AI Model with Enhanced Performance
- Llama 3 delivers improved reasoning, instruction understanding, and coding capabilities compared to predecessors
- Outperforms rivals like Google's Gemma and Anthropic's Claude 3 in benchmarks; excels in general knowledge tests
- Demonstrates versatile applications in advice provision, creative writing, and coding
- Meta's commitment to AI advancement includes plans for multimodal responses and training larger models with over 400 billion parameters
- Absence of comparisons with top-tier models like GPT-4 may stir speculations about comparative effectiveness and application scope

Example of 8-10 šŸŸ¢

Article Summary: Sam Altman Discusses GPT-5 at Stanford
- OpenAI CEO promises revolutionary leap with GPT-5; substantial algorithmic, processing power, and architectural improvements
- Emphasizes responsible implementation, importance of benefiting broad spectrum of society, and potential to solve global challenges like climate change and medical problems
- Presents GPT-5 as multifaceted innovation with wide-ranging potential benefits, shaping future technological and societal landscapes
- Talk prompts broader consideration of AI's future role in augmenting human capabilities and contributing to breakthroughs across various fields

This version maintains more context and key points while still significantly reducing the overall word count, providing a comprehensive yet concise summary of each article.
  • This will help the AI determine if your content has what it takes to go viral. Think of it as your AIā€™s way of saying, ā€œYeah, this is going to be big!ā€


And just like that, youā€™ve set up the ultimate combo to make sure your content not only hooks people in but also has a high chance of going viral. It's like having a marketing team and a crystal ball rolled into one!

Remember, these hooks and virality checks are your secret weapons. Use them wisely, and soon enough, your content will be all anyone can talk about.

Step 8: Analyzing Sentiment for The AI Automation Process

This step is all about understanding how people feel about your content. Think of it as reading the room, but with data. Letā€™s get started!

First, letā€™s set up a module to perform sentiment analysis on the comments. This is like having your very own mood ring for your content. Hereā€™s how you do it:

1. Add the Sentiment Analysis Module

  • In Make.com, add a new module for sentiment analysis.

  • Use the OpenAI API to power this module.

2. Use the Following Prompt

  • Enter this prompt:

Analyze the provided Instagram comments and generate a sentiment analysis with a maximum of 35 words. Identify the overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) and the main emotions expressed. Highlight any significant patterns, themes, or notable individual comments that contribute to the general sentiment. Provide a percentage breakdown of the sentiment categories.

The comments: 
  • This tells the AI to dig through the comments and figure out if people are loving it, hating it, or somewhere in between. Itā€™s like asking your friends, ā€œBe honest, what do you think?ā€ and getting the brutal truth.

Now, imagine if you could know exactly how your audience feels about your latest post. This module does just that. Itā€™s like having a superpower where you can sense the vibe without even reading the comments yourself.

With this setup, youā€™ll get a neat breakdown showing how many comments are positive, negative, or neutral. You can even see the main themes and emotions people are expressing. Itā€™s like having a personal assistant who reads all your feedback and gives you a summaryā€”pretty neat, right?

Step 9: Storing Data in Airtable for This AI Automation Process

This is where we keep everything organized and tidy, like a neatly labeled spice rack in your kitchen. Letā€™s explore!

1. Airtable Setup

First, you need to get Airtable ready to store all your juicy data. It's like setting up a new filing cabinet for all your important documents. Hereā€™s how:

  1. Sign Up for Airtable:

    • Head over to Airtable and create an account. Think of it as joining a club for people who love being organized.

  2. Create a New Base:

    • Create a new base (thatā€™s Airtable speak for a database) and set up the necessary columns. Hereā€™s what you need: Influencer, Date, URL, Summary, Views, Likes, Comments, Script, Hooks, Virality Score, Sentiment, Transcript.


2. Create a Record in Airtable

Now, letā€™s get your data into Airtable. This is where Make.com comes in handy. Think of Make.com as your data courier, delivering all the goods right where they need to be.

  1. Add the Airtable Module:

    • In Make.com, add a module for Airtable. This module will create a new record for each piece of content analyzed. Itā€™s like adding a new row for each new item in your spreadsheet.


Map the Fields:

  • Map the fields from Make.com to the corresponding columns in Airtable. This step is like connecting the dots. Hereā€™s what youā€™ll map:

    • Influencer ā†’ Influencer

    • Date ā†’ Date

    • URL ā†’ URL

    • Summary ā†’ Summary

    • Views ā†’ Views

    • Likes ā†’ Likes

    • Comments ā†’ Comments

    • Script ā†’ Script

    • Hooks ā†’ Hooks

    • Virality Score ā†’ Virality Score

    • Sentiment ā†’ Sentiment

    • Transcript ā†’ Transcript


Just like making sure your socks match, you want to make sure each piece of data goes into the right column.

And there you go! Youā€™ve now set up a smooth system to store all your data in Airtable. Itā€™s like having a super-organized digital filing cabinet where everything is in its place and easy to find.


Remember, keeping your data organized is key to making the most of your analysis. Plus, it makes you look like youā€™ve got everything under controlā€”even if youā€™re still figuring out what to have for dinner.

Step 10: Running and Testing the AI Automation

This is where we make sure all our hard work pays off. Letā€™s get this show on the road!

First things first, we need to do an initial test run to ensure everything works like a charm. Think of it as a dress rehearsal before the big performance.

  1. Run the Entire Scenario:

    • In Make.com, hit the big ā€œRunā€ button to start the entire scenario. It's like pressing "play" on your favorite playlist.

  2. Check Airtable:

    • Once the scenario runs, head over to Airtable and check if the data is being populated correctly. It's like baking a cake and making sure it rises just right.


Make sure each piece of data lands in the right column. If something looks off, don't panic! Just go back and tweak the settings in Make.com. Itā€™s like adjusting the seasoning in a recipeā€”sometimes you need a little more salt.


And there you have it! You've successfully set up, tested, and scheduled your automation. Now sit back, relax, and let your AI do the heavy lifting. Youā€™re officially the conductor of your own data symphony.


Congratulations! You've reached the end of our AI automation adventure. Letā€™s recap why using AI to automate content creation is such a game-changer.

First off, automating content creation with AI saves you a ton of time. Instead of spending hours scraping data, transcribing audio, and analyzing sentiment, your AI handles it all in a fraction of the time. It's like having a super-efficient assistant who never needs a coffee break.

Not only is the process speedy, but itā€™s also incredibly effective. By using tools like Make.com, Cloud Convert, and Airtable, you ensure your content is organized, relevant, and primed for virality. Your AI helps you understand what works, generate engaging scripts, and even predict how well your content will perform.

In short, this automation setup boosts your productivity and enhances your content strategy, all while making your life a whole lot easier. So go ahead, let your AI take the reins, and watch your content game soar to new heights.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

*indicates a premium content, if any

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