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  • ⚙️ Future Technology: Top 10 Technology Trends 2024

⚙️ Future Technology: Top 10 Technology Trends 2024

Discover the Latest Tech Innovations Shaping Tomorrow


Technology is changing very quickly, and it's affecting how we all work, especially if you're in IT. If you work with technology, you'll need to keep learning new things, adapting to outdated practices, and keeping up with the latest trends.

What does this mean for you? It's important to stay up-to-date with new technological developments and understand what's coming next. This way, you'll know what skills you need to keep your job safe in the future, or even to get a new, cool job.

In 2024, there will be lots of new technology trends popping up. Keeping an eye on these trends is a smart move if you want to be ready for the jobs they'll create. Let's start with the most talked-about trend right now!

1. Internet of Things (IoT)


Source: Google Trends

The Internet of Things (IoT) is all about connecting everyday items to the internet. It's like giving them a way to 'talk' to each other through Wi-Fi. This includes everything from your phone and kitchen appliances to cars.

We're already using IoT in our daily lives. For example, you can lock your doors from your phone if you forget to do it when leaving home. Or you can turn on your oven before you get back from work. Even fitness trackers like Fitbits are part of the IoT.

Businesses are also finding the IoT really useful. It helps them work safer and more efficiently. They can anticipate and repair issues before they become major problems, speed up healthcare, and make customers happier. There's still a lot more that IoT can do that we haven't even thought of yet.

By 2030, it's expected that around 50 billion IoT devices will be used worldwide. That's a lot of devices talking to each other! If you're interested in working with IoT, you should learn about internet security, AI (artificial intelligence), how to connect and control these devices, and how to make sense of all the data they gather.

2. High-Temperature Superconductivity (HTS)


High-temperature superconductivity (HTS) is about special materials that don’t resist electricity much at temperatures much colder than freezing. These materials are easier to cool using liquid nitrogen, which is simpler and cheaper than other methods. They’re also good at handling strong magnetic fields.

The main use of these materials is to make the power industry better. They can help reduce energy loss and make power systems more efficient. People are also thinking about using them in fusion reactors, which are a way to produce a lot of energy, but this is still an early idea.

Right now, HTS is still being developed. These materials are getting ready for practical use, but they're more complex and expensive compared to usual technologies. So, more research is needed to make them better and cheaper.

3. Commercial Nuclear Fusion Power


Commercial nuclear fusion power is like trying to make our own sun for energy. It works by heating up hydrogen really hot until it joins together, releasing a lot of energy. This is the same thing that happens in the sun.

This way of making energy is exciting because hydrogen, which we can get from water, is almost unlimited on Earth. Also, it only makes helium, which is harmless and doesn't leave behind dangerous waste like some other nuclear reactors.

Countries and companies are spending a lot of money to figure out how to do this. There's a big project in France called ITER that's trying to make a fusion reactor that creates more energy than it uses. They hope to start it in 2026, and there are many other similar projects too.

But it's extremely challenging. We need to make things hotter than the sun to get the reaction started, and right now, that takes more energy than we get out of it. So, even though we're making progress, it might still be a long time, like over ten years, before we can use fusion power for everyday electricity.

4. Robots Learning Together


Robots are really good at doing their jobs in places like factories, warehouses, or even at home, but they can get easily confused when something new or unexpected happens. This can be a big problem and can cost a lot of money. The idea of "robot knowledge sharing" is about making a way for robots to share what they learn with each other.

How would this work? Well, robots would learn by trying different things and seeing what works, using a method known as reinforcement learning. For example, if a robot learns how to move around a new object in its way or how to pick up something with a strange shape, it can share this new knowledge with other robots. This means all the robots get better at their jobs and make fewer mistakes, which could save a lot of time and money.

However, getting this system to work isn't easy. All the different companies that make robots would need to agree on how the robots would share this information. It's like everyone deciding to use the same language. If they can't agree, the robots won't be able to share their learning. So, there are some big challenges to solve before robots can start learning from each other.

5. Creating Digital Copies of Customers


Source: Google Trends

Companies are using AI to make digital versions of customers, similar to virtual twins. These digital twins can predict what you might buy next, like which brand of toilet paper.

To do this, companies collect a lot of data, like what you've bought before, what you look at online, your social media activity, where you are, and who you're connected to. They use smart computer programs to create these digital copies of people or groups of people.

These digital copies are helpful for companies. They can understand and guess how people will act, like when they decide to buy things. This can be really useful for testing out different ways to sell products without spending too much money.

As things get more competitive and it costs more to borrow money, companies can't afford to make mistakes with their products or ads. By using these digital copies, they can lower the chances of failure and make more profit.

These digital twins are already being tried out and are good at predicting things for groups of people. But it might be different for individual people. We're getting more careful about our personal data being used in ways we don't like. So, companies will need to be trustworthy in how they use this technology. Even then, there's always a chance for surprises, like unexpected events that no one can predict.

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6. 6G Technology


Source: Google Trends

Recently, everyone was excited about 5G and how it would change things like smart devices, self-driving cars, and online entertainment. But now, there's talk about the next big thing in internet service: 6G.

6G isn't fully figured out yet. People are still deciding what it will be like. But, they are hoping to start using it around 2030. This is pretty normal since the telecom industry usually introduces a new kind of network every 10 years.

So, what do we know about 6G? It's expected to be even better than 5G. It should provide faster internet speeds, handle more devices connected at once, and be more energy efficient. We're not sure yet if the improvement from 5G to 6G will be a huge leap, but it's definitely something to look forward to. Also, experts think that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a big part in 6G, making it smarter and safer to use.

Another new thing about 6G is that governments like those in Korea, Japan, and the USA want to have more control over how it's set up in their countries. This could be good or bad for privacy; we'll have to wait and see.

7. 4D Printing


Source: Google Trends

4D printing is like 3D printing, but the things it makes can change when something happens to them, like getting wet, hot, or moved. It's not about creating a new dimension, but about using smart materials that react to certain conditions.

The big challenge here is finding the right kind of smart materials that can change and then go back to how they were. We're still working on this and it's not quite ready for people to use yet.

As for what 4D printing could do, there are some really interesting ideas. In healthcare, there could be pills that only start working at a certain body temperature. In fashion, clothes could adjust to the weather, like getting tighter when it's cold. For home stuff, imagine furniture that changes shape when needed. Another cool thing is making big objects with 4D printing that are too big for regular printers.

So, while 4D printing isn't quite ready for everyday use, it has a lot of potential for the future.

8. Smart Street Poles


Cities all over the world are getting ready to use new technology to become better places to live. One big change? Street poles are going to be increasingly important. We're adding lots of smart devices like cameras, sensors, and screens to these regular poles. This way, cities can watch and manage things from one place, making these poles key for lots of city services.

These familiar street poles will start doing new things. They'll help charge electric cars, change how street lights work, manage parking spots, and even control crowds. Plus, they'll be the base for citywide Wi-Fi or 5G networks, which will help with fancy city services like self-driving cars.

But turning these poles into smart tech hubs has its challenges. There are questions about who owns them, whether they're a good investment, how to look after them, managing all the data they collect, keeping them safe from hackers, and protecting people's privacy.

Even with these challenges, there's a lot of hope for smart street poles. They've been part of cities for ages, and now they're getting an upgrade for the future.

9. Ion-Propelled UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)


Source: Google Trends

Smart Poles are just one cool thing future cities might have. Another is flying vehicles, like in sci-fi movies. But there's a problem with flying cars—they're usually loud because of their spinning parts. So, scientists came up with a new idea: flying machines without noisy parts, called ion-propelled UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles).

Here's how they work: Instead of using normal fuel, they use a special gas called xenon. The vehicle's engine uses electricity to give little pushes to the xenon atoms. This makes the atoms charged and shoots them out really fast, which makes the vehicle move forward. This method is really effective in space, where there's no air to slow things down.

On Earth, it's more challenging to use this technology because of air and gravity. These flying machines need to be really light to fly well. They might not go very high or be completely safe just yet. But we're getting closer to making these quiet and eco-friendly flying vehicles a reality. Imagine having silent drones in the city—that would be pretty amazing!

We live in a world where wars between countries are very intense, so UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) will likely be a factor in deciding which side wins.

10. Extended Reality (XR)


Source: Google Trends

Extended reality (XR) includes all the cool tech that makes virtual worlds, like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). It's a big deal these days because it lets us experience things beyond the real world. This technology is super popular in video games, healthcare, shopping, and even in designing things.

In the world of XR, gaming is a big area for jobs. You don't always need fancy degrees; just a love for games can get you started. You could work in game design, make animations, or even edit game videos. If you're into XR, there are some cool jobs you could do:

Extended Reality Architect: Designing virtual worlds and experiences.

Front Lead Engineer: Leading tech teams to build XR stuff.

Software Developer: Writing the code for XR applications.

AR/VR Support Engineers: Helping fix problems with XR tech.

Game Designers: Creating new and exciting games.

Pro Gamers: Playing games at a professional level.

Creative Directors: Coming up with cool ideas for games and XR experiences.

So, XR isn't just about playing games; it's about creating new worlds and experiences, and there are many different ways you can be a part of it.


As we look ahead to 2024, it's really exciting to think about all the new tech stuff coming our way. We're going to see everyday things like lamps and cars getting smarter by connecting to the internet, and new materials that help save energy. There's even talk about making our own mini-suns for power!

Robots will get smarter by learning from each other, and companies will use AI to understand what we might want to buy next. We're also going to see faster internet with 6G and printing technology that lets objects change shape. Plus, our city streets will get smarter with poles that do a lot more than just hold up street lights.

And it's not just about flying drones quietly around the city; we're also stepping into a world where virtual reality gets even more real. All of this means that staying curious and learning about new technology will be extremely important for everyone. The future's looking very exciting with all these tech changes!

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