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  • 🚀 How to Build Your Own Automated AI Sales System with Voice Notes: A Step-by-Step Guide

🚀 How to Build Your Own Automated AI Sales System with Voice Notes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Discover how to create a totally Automated AI Sales System for personalized emails and voice notes. Automate client interactions effortlessly with this step-by-step guide!

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Table of Contents

Introduction to AI Sales System

Hello there! Welcome to this comprehensive guide where I will walk you through the process of building an automated AI sales system. This powerful system is designed to help you create personalized emails and voice notes for your clients with ease.

First, let me give you an overview of what this system can do. It captures client information, crafts unique emails, including attention-grabbing subject lines created specifically for each client. But that’s not all! One of the standout features of this system is its ability to generate voice notes. Imagine being able to send a voice message to your clients that sounds just like you, but without having to record it yourself every time. The AI technology mimics your voice, making the interaction feel personal and authentic.

By the end of this guide, you will have a fully functional AI-driven sales system that enhances your client communication, saves you time, and helps you build stronger relationships with your clients.

Let's get started and explore how to set this up step-by-step!

I. Creating a Form to Collect Customer's Data

1. Getting Started with Paperform

First things first, you need a way to gather information from your clients. Paperform is a great tool for this. It’s easy to use and lets you create detailed forms with various input fields.

  1. Step 1: Create an Account: If you don’t already have a Paperform account, sign up at Paperform. It's quick and easy, just click on “Try Paperform Free”


  2. Step 2: Fill Out all the Information: Add your interests, company name, or terms that accurately describe your business to help Paperform understand you better.


  3. Step 3: Create a New Form: Once you're logged in, click on "Create Form" to start building your form. You can also choose a template to start.


2. Collecting Client Information with Paperform

To get all the info you need from your clients, make sure your form includes important fields. It’s easier than you might think, and we’ll make sure to keep things simple and even throw in a few fun comparisons!

Think of this like setting up a dating profile, but for your business – you need the right details to make a perfect match.

  • Name: Knowing your client’s name helps you greet them personally. It’s like saying "Hi, Tom!" instead of just "Hey, you!".

  • Email: Collecting your client’s email address is crucial for sending responses, follow-ups, and any further communications.

  • Dream Outcome: It’s like asking "What’s your dream vacation?" – you need to know their hopes to make it happen.

  • Obstacles: Knowing the challenges your client faces (e.g., "No understanding of AI") helps you address their specific needs and offer relevant solutions.

  • Budget: Understanding your client’s budget helps you propose solutions that fit their financial capacity.

We have already provided a step-by-step guide on how to set up a Paperform with your signature. If you run into any issues, please refer to that guide for assistance.

  • Here’s the result you might have when following that guide:


3. Adjusting Conditional Formatting

This sounds fancy, but it's just a way to make your form smart. Depending on what your client answers, show different questions. For example, if they choose a high budget, you might ask about advanced services.

How to Implement Conditional Formatting:

  1. Step 1: Access Conditional Logic Settings: In Paperform, click on the ”Question visibility logic: Off” button to access the conditional logic settings

  2. Step 2: Set Conditions: For each question, you can set conditions based on previous answers. For example, if a client selects a high budget range, you can reveal additional questions about advanced services.

  3. Step 3: Enable Payment Options: If you plan to charge for consultations or other services, you can add payment options directly into your form.

4. Testing and Sharing Your Form

Before you start collecting real data, it's important to test your form to ensure everything works as expected.

  • Fill Out the Form Yourself: Go through the form as if you were a client to see if there are any confusing parts or technical issues.

  • Ask for Feedback: Have a few colleagues or friends fill out the form and provide feedback.

  • Check Data Collection: Make sure the collected data appears correctly in your Paperform dashboard and any connected tools or integrations.

Once your form is ready, it’s time to share it with your clients. Here in Paperform, it offers several ways for you to choose:

  • Get the Form Link: In Paperform, go to the "Share" tab to get the link to your form.

  • Embed on Your Website: If you have a website, consider embedding the form directly on a relevant page.

  • Distribute via QR Code: Share the form link via QR code, and any other channels where you interact with clients.


Once your form is set up and tested, you'll be ready to move on to the next steps in automating your AI sales process.

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II. Setting Up the Trigger for AI Automation in Make

Setting up a trigger for your AI automation is like setting up a series of dominoes – once the first one falls, everything else happens smoothly. This part will show you how to set up a trigger using Make with Paperform.

A webhook acts like a little messenger between Paperform and Make. When a client submits their form, the webhook tells Make to start the automation.

  1. Step 1: Log In to Make: If you don’t have an account, sign up and log in or visit this tutorial for beginner with Make to get started. And then click on "Create a new scenario" on your dashboard. Think of a scenario as a step-by-step plan.

  2. Step 2: Add a Paperform Module: Click on the plus (+) icon to add a new module.


  3. Step 3: Create the Webhook: Follow the prompts to connect your Paperform account and select the form you created in the previous step.


  4. Step 4: Submit a Test Form: Submit a test form with random information to check the results and ensure everything runs smoothly.


III. Building the Email Automation for AI Sales System

1. Setting Up the GPT Assistant to Create Mail Responses

Now, let’s get your AI email assistant up and running using OpenAI’s GPT platform. This assistant will take the information from the form and create a personalized email.

How to Configure the GPT Assistant

  1. Step 1: Log In to OpenAI: If you don't have an account, sign up at OpenAI. Remember you'll need some credits to generate your own assistant, but it's worth the $5 since you can use them for other purposes as well.

  2. Step 2: Create a New Assistant: Go to the "Assistant" section and start a new assistant.

  3. Step 3: Define the Assistant’s Role and Provide Clear Instructions: For example, you might say "You are a conversational expert in AI sales, tasked with converting warm leads to the next call to action."

    • Instructions: Use the following inputs from the potential client to generate a personalized email that encourages them to sign up for a 15-minute discovery call with our AI automation agency. Format the email in HTML.

    • Inputs: Client’s name, email, dream outcome, obstacles, and budget.

    • Include Examples: Provide sample emails to help the assistant understand the desired output. This is like giving your assistant a cheat sheet.


Here’s an example configuration:

Role: You are a conversational expert in AI sales, tasked with converting warm leads to the next call to action.

Instructions: Using the following inputs from the potential client, generate a personalized email to encourage them to sign up for a 15-minute discovery call with our AI automation agency. 

- Name: [First Name]
- Email: [Email Address]
- Dream Outcome: [Description of their dream outcome]
- Current Obstacle: [Description of what's stopping them from achieving their dream outcome]
- Budget: [Budget amount or description]

Description of our services: [INSERT DESCRIPTION]

Format the email in HTML.

- If the inputs are blank or nonsense, prompt for more information.
- Be aware of spam.
- Start with "Hey, [First Name]".
- Follow with "Thank you for reaching out, it’s great to hear from you".
- End with "Thanks".

- Example 1: "Hi [Name], Thanks for reaching out! I see you want to [Dream Outcome] but are struggling with [Obstacles]. With your budget of [Budget], we have several options to help you achieve your goals. Let’s schedule a 15-minute discovery call to discuss how we can assist you. Looking forward to talking soon!"
- Example 2: ...

You don’t need to worry about saving this assistant manually because it is designed to save automatically as soon as you create it. This means that every time you make a new assistant, all your settings and configurations are instantly stored without you having to take any extra steps.

2. Adding GPT Assistant in Your Automation

  1. Step 1: Add a New Module: Choose OpenAI module and “Message an Assistant” as an action to start.

  2. Step 2: Configure the Assistant

    • Assistant: Choose the “Email Bot” assistant you’ve just generated.

    • Message: Map the fields from the webhook (form submission) to the corresponding inputs in the OpenAI module.


  3. Step 3: Test the Module: Before moving on, it’s important to test the OpenAI module to ensure it’s generating the email content correctly. Click on "Run once" in Make to test the OpenAI module with sample data.


If the output isn’t quite right, tweak the prompt or input mappings as necessary and run the test again. This helps ensure that the emails are personalized and professional.

IV. Creating a Compelling Subject Line with AI Sales System

1. Setting Up the Subject Line Assistant in OpenAI

A compelling subject line is crucial for capturing the recipient's attention and encouraging them to open your email. In this step, we will use OpenAI one more time to generate personalized and effective subject lines bot based on the client data.

Now it's time to review the steps you previously followed to create the Email Bot and use the same method to develop your own Subject Line Assistant.

  • Set Up the Prompt: The prompt is a set of instructions that tells GPT how to generate the subject line. Here’s an example prompt you can use:

You are an email marketing assistant tasked with creating compelling and personalized subject lines for sales emails. Generate a short and engaging subject line that includes the client's name and hints at the email's content. The goal is to encourage the recipient to open the email. Use the following information:

Client Information:
- Name: {{webhook.name}}
- Dream Outcome: {{webhook.dream_outcome}}
- Obstacles: {{webhook.obstacles}}
- Budget: {{webhook.budget}}

Example Subject Lines:
- "Hi {{webhook.name}}, Let's Achieve Your Dream Outcome Together!"
- "{{webhook.name}}, Overcome Your Obstacles with Our Help!"
- "Ready to {{webhook.dream_outcome}}? Let's Get Started, {{webhook.name}}!"

This guide can serve as a helpful example, but it's best to adjust it to fit your personal tone and style. Taking the time to customize the instructions will make the process smoother and ensure the end result reflects your unique voice.

2. Adding the Subject Bot into the Automation

Once you’ve created the assistant, the next step is to intergrate it into Make. This involves setting up a module and mapping the inputs from the webhook.

This step serves the same purpose as the one for the Email Bot. You don't need to do anything different. Simply copy the instructions from the Email Bot setup and paste them here.


Following these steps will help you create your Subject Line Assistant easily and efficiently. Just copy and paste the steps, and you'll be ready to go.

V. Generating a Personalized Voice Note Using AI Automation

1. Converting HTML to Text for AI Automation

When you fetch content from a website, it usually comes in HTML format. HTML content is often filled with tags and elements that are not useful for text analysis. By converting HTML to text, we can extract meaningful information that AI can process effectively.

  1. Step 1: Add the HTML to Text Module: In the module search bar, type "HTML to Text" and select the appropriate module from the list.


  2. Step 2: Configure the HTML to Text Module: Map the HTML content field from the source module to the input field of the HTML to Text module. The source will be the HTML content fetched by Email Bot module.


  3. Step 3: Run the Module: Click on "Run once" or “Run the module only” in Make to check the output of the module and ensure that the HTML content has been correctly converted to plain text

2. Setting Up the Email-to-Voice Bot in OpenAI

To add a personal touch, let’s create a GPT assistant that converts the email content into a conversational voice note script.

This is going to the last bot you need to create in OpenAI, so let’s configure the assistant again by defining its role like: "You are an AI designed to convert emails into engaging voice messages for AI sales." You also need to keep it short and sweet such as: Aim for a 70-word voice message that hits the main points.

Here’s a really example you might want to take as a reference:

You are a voice assistant tasked with converting email text into a natural-sounding voice message. Use the following email content to generate a clear and engaging voice note.

Email Content:

Voice Parameters:
- Language: English
- Tone: Professional and friendly
- Speed: Normal
- Pitch: Normal

3. Using OpenAI Module for Voice Conversion

Once you’ve added the OpenAI module into your scenario, the next step is to configure it to perform the text-to-speech conversion. Let’s do exactly the same as in the 2 previous bot. Nothing is difficult now right?

Use the email content generated in the previous step and map it to the input field of the OpenAI module. This ensures that the text you want to convert is accurately processed. If you find any error, take a look at my example to follow:


Before moving on, it’s important to test the OpenAI module to ensure it’s converting the email text into voice correctly. You can also listen to the generated voice message to ensure it accurately reflects the email content and meets the desired quality standards.

Setting up an Email-to-Voice bot in OpenAI allows you to create dynamic and engaging voice messages from your email content. By following these steps, you can easily configure an OpenAI module in Make to convert text to speech, providing a unique and personalized communication method for your clients.

4. Using ElevenLabs to Create a Digital Voice

What is ElevenLabs?: It is a platform that turns text into speech. Think of it like giving your emails a voice! This is super handy if you want to add a personal touch or make your emails more accessible. This tool can make a voice note that sounds just like you – almost like having a digital twin!


By the end of this setup, you’ll be able to automatically convert your emails into natural-sounding voice messages. Let's dive into how you can set this up.

  1. Step 1: Set Up Your ElevenLabs Account: Go to ElevenLabs and sign up. It’s quick and easy. After signing up, go to the API section of your account to find your API key.


  2. Step 2: Adjust Voice Settings: This is optional actually because you might want to sound a little bit more professional or just more friendly to your customer.

    • Stability: Lower values make the voice more expressive.

    • Similarity Boost: Higher values make the voice sound more like you.


  3. Step 3: Configuring ElevenLabs module in Make: Add ElevenLabs module and choose “Create a Speech Synthesis” action. You can choose your favorite voice, model, and finally link the text result from the Email-to-voice module to the text input field.


Important Note: I recommend opting for the professional version in ElevenLabs to ensure it runs smoothly in Make. For around $10 a month, you get access to a high-quality voice cloning service that sounds remarkably realistic, and can create a voice clone that regularly mimics your voice.

Alright, It’s all set. By following these steps, you can easily turn your email text into engaging voice messages. This will definitely make your communication more dynamic and accessible, and your clients will love this personal touch.

VI. Sending the AI Sales Email with Attachments

1. Setting Up Gmail Automation

Automating your Gmail to send emails generated through your workflow can significantly enhance your productivity and ensure timely communication with your clients. This makes sure emails go out promptly and without you lifting a finger.

  1. Step 1: Add Gmail Module: Here you can choose “Create a Draft” or “Send an Email” to fit your needs. In my case, let’s choose “Create a draft” to have some time reviewing the result before sending an actual email.


  2. Step 2: Connect Your Gmail Account:

    • Follow the prompts to connect your Gmail account. This involves logging in and granting the necessary permissions for Make to send emails on your behalf.


  3. Step 3: Configure the Gmail Module: After connecting your Gmail account, you need to set up the details for the email that will be sent.

    • Recipient: Enter the recipient’s email address. Use dynamic fields to insert the recipient’s email captured from Paperform.

    • Subject Line: This includes dynamic content to personalize the subject line you created in Subject line bot.

    • Email Body: Compose the body of the email. Use HTML to format the email content, and include dynamic fields in Email Bot.

    • Attachments: Because this email requires attachments from ElevenLabs, you can add them by specifying the file paths that point to the files to be attached.


  4. Step 4: Test the Gmail Module: Click on "Run once" and check your Gmail account to ensure the email was sent correctly. Review the email content, subject line, and any attachments to make sure they appear as expected.

2. Reviewing and Sending the Email

Double-check the draft email to make sure all information is correct and attachments are included. Once you’re happy with it, hit send!


If the email isn’t sent correctly, or if the content isn’t as expected, make adjustments to the module’s configuration and run the test again. Make sure every single module is configured and filled in with right input.


That’s so incredible, right? You can set up Gmail automation within Make, ensuring that your personalized emails are sent automatically and streamlines your communication process, saving you lots of time.


Setting up an AI-powered email system can change the way you talk to your clients, making your communication quicker, more personal, and more engaging. By using AI Automation tool like Make, you can automate everything from creating personalized emails to turning them into voice messages and sending them through Gmail.

Automating the email sending process with Gmail means your clients get their messages on time, every time. You don’t have to worry about remembering to send emails, and you can focus on more important things, like planning your next big project or enjoying an extra cup of coffee.

So, jump into these powerful tools and automation tricks to upgrade your email game. With a little setup, you'll see big benefits from efficient, personal, and impactful client interactions. Why not getting started now!!!

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