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đź‘Ť Claude vs ChatGPT: A Detailed Review of Which AI Assistant is Better and Why It Matters

Explore how Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT compare in coding, creativity, and more, and find out which AI assistant suits your needs best.

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Ever feel like you're in a tech rut, sticking to the same tools out of habit? That was me with ChatGPT. I thought I had found the ultimate AI assistant and never bothered looking for anything else. Then, I started hearing whispers about Claude 3.5 Sonnet. You know that feeling when you realize there’s a whole world outside your bubble? Well, I had that moment.

Everyone was buzzing about how Claude was the new king of the hill, even beating ChatGPT in some areas. Skeptical but curious, I decided to take the plunge and give Claude a spin. What I discovered was pretty impressive. If you think you’re getting the best out of your current AI, buckle up, because you might just be in for a surprise. This could be the upgrade you didn’t know you needed.

I. Claude vs ChatGPT: Is the Hype Real? My Discovery and Insights

The buzz around Claude 3.5 Sonnet was everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Articles, blogs, and social media were all blowing up with "Claude vs ChatGPT" comparisons. People were hyping it up like it was the best thing since sliced bread. The internet was plastered with flashy visuals and side-by-side charts showing Claude dominating everything from coding to content creation.

It was like looking at those dramatic before-and-after weight loss pics—Claude was clearly flexing its muscles. All these rave reviews and eye-popping comparisons had me hooked. Could it really be that much better? The "Claude vs ChatGPT" hype was real, and I knew I had to see what all the fuss was about for myself.

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II. Claude vs ChatGPT: Testing the Hype with Real-World Tasks

Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to put Claude 3.5 Sonnet to the test. The "Claude vs ChatGPT" debate was all over the place, and I needed to see if the hype was justified. I started by giving both AI models the same tasks, from writing code to generating creative content. It felt like a showdown between two tech giants in my own little experiment arena. With every prompt, I compared their responses side by side. This wasn't just about who could spit out text faster; I was looking for quality, accuracy, and a bit of that wow factor. The more I experimented, the clearer the differences became, and it was surprisingly fun to see how each one performed. 

1. Writing Code

I ask both models to write a simple Python script that sorts a list of numbers.

Write a Python script that sorts a list of numbers in ascending order.

ChatGPT 4o


Claude 3.5 Sonnet

You can see both models delivered similar results, with minor differences in the example lists and the level of detail in their explanations. Claude provided a slightly more detailed explanation and an offer for further assistance, while ChatGPT kept the explanation straightforward and to the point.

2. Creative Writing

I give both models the same prompt to write a short story or a poem.

Write a short story about a time traveler who goes back to meet their younger self.

Here’s the result from ChatGPT 4o:


Here’s the result from Claude 3.5 Sonnet:


We can see both stories effectively convey messages of encouragement and self-belief through the interaction between a time traveler and their younger self. ChatGPT’s story is more elaborate and descriptive, while Claude’s is shorter and more focused on the emotional core of the encounter.

3. Summarizing Articles

  • Task: Provide a lengthy article and ask both models to summarize it.

Summarize the following article about the impact of AI on various industries and the challenges it faces.

For your information, here is the article I asked them to summarize.


ChatGPT 4o


Claude 3.5 Sonnet

You can see ChatGPT may focus slightly more on the brevity of the summary, while Claude 3.5 Sonnet could provide a bit more detail while still being concise.

4. Generating Ideas

Here’s the task I asked both models:

Generate ideas for a blog post about the benefits of remote working.

Let’s take a look at those results:

  • From ChatGPT 4o:

  • From Claude 3.5 Sonnet:


You can see that ChatGPT’s response is more detailed and structured, ready for immediate use, while Claude’s response is concise and flexible, requiring further elaboration and personalization.

5. Language Translation

  • Task: Give a paragraph in English and ask both models to translate it into Spanish, and then translate the same paragraph from Spanish back to English.

  • English Paragraph:

AI code generation is taking the tech world by storm, and it's making a huge difference for developers. Imagine tools that can write code, fix bugs, and help with tough problems—all automatically. That's what generative AI is bringing to the table.

In this article, we’ll explore how these smart tools are boosting developer productivity and transforming the entire software development process. From brainstorming ideas to final testing, AI code generation is making each step faster and smoother.

ChatGPT 4o


Claude 3.5 Sonnet

You can see both translations are similar, but ChatGPT translates the original article more closely and uses more humanlike language.

6. Comparing Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT

Comparing Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT was quite the adventure. Both AIs are amazing but in different ways.

ChatGPT is like the cool, creative friend who’s great at storytelling and casual chat. Claude 3.5 Sonnet, though, is the tech whiz, nailing those technical tasks and coding challenges, especially with its nifty artifacts feature.

The key takeaway from my experiment is that using both models together can give you the best of both worlds. You get the creativity and conversational skills of ChatGPT paired with the technical prowess of Claude. By leveraging their unique strengths, you can get more accurate, comprehensive, and high-quality answers to a wide range of tasks.

III. Game-Changing Feature: Artifacts

In the "Claude vs ChatGPT" showdown, Claude's artifacts feature really stands out.

I asked Claude to build an SEO tool, and not only does it generate the code, but it also gives you a working tool right there in the chat window.


No need to copy, paste, or switch platforms. You can play around with your tool immediately, testing and tweaking it on the spot. For instance, if you need keyword suggestions, Claude can create a functional SEO tool that runs within the artifacts window, showing results instantly. This ability to interact with and fine-tune tools in real-time makes Claude incredibly user-friendly and efficient. It’s a major advantage in the "Claude vs ChatGPT" debate, particularly for developers who value convenience and speed in their workflow.

IV. How to Enable Artifacts

In the "Claude vs ChatGPT" debate, one of Claude's standout features is its artifacts capability. Enabling this feature is straightforward and enhances the user experience significantly.

  1. Navigate to the Claude.ai homepage

  2. Find the Link: Look for a link labeled “artifacts” or “experimental features” under the chat window.

  3. Click on the “artifacts” link.

  4. Toggle the Switch
    You will see an on/off switch.

    • Switch to On: Toggle this switch to “on”.


By enabling artifacts, you can interact with and refine tools directly within the chat interface. This convenience gives Claude a significant edge in the "Claude vs ChatGPT" comparison. The visual aid of the enabling process can further guide you through these steps, ensuring you can fully leverage this powerful feature.


So, in the battle of "Claude vs ChatGPT," both AIs bring something cool to the table. ChatGPT is your creative buddy, perfect for storytelling and casual chats. Meanwhile, Claude 3.5 Sonnet is the tech wizard, especially with its awesome artifacts feature that lets you tweak tools on the spot. Using both together is like having the best of both worlds—creativity and technical genius. Whether you're writing code, coming up with new ideas, or translating text, these AIs make everything easier and way more fun. If you’re stuck in a tech rut, give Claude 3.5 Sonnet a spin—it might just be the upgrade you’ve been waiting for.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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