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🤖 Beginner’s Guide to AI Agent: Easy Step-by-Step Automation Tutorials

Start automating with AI agent! Follow our beginner-friendly tutorials to boost efficiency and reduce errors in no time

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Introduction to AI Automation

Are you tired of doing the same boring tasks over and over again? Do you find yourself wishing there was a way to save time and make fewer mistakes at work?

Imagine being able to set up automatic workflows that handle repetitive tasks for you. Whether it's sending emails, updating spreadsheets, or managing your calendar, Make can do it all. By automating these tasks, you’ll have more time to focus on the important work that really matters to you.

This guide will take you step-by-step through the basics of using AI Automation like Make. We’ll start with the simple tasks and gradually move to more complex workflows. You’ll learn how to create, customize, and manage automations that will make your work life easier. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to automate tasks with your own AI agent and see a significant improvement in your productivity and accuracy.

So, if you’re ready to save time, reduce errors, and take control of your workday, let’s get started!!

I. Understanding AI Agent

Make is an AI agent that helps you automate tasks by connecting different apps and services. Imagine being able to make your apps talk to each other and perform actions automatically, all without needing to write any code. With Make, this is possible!


By using Make, you can save a lot of time and reduce the chances of making errors. It allows you to streamline your workflow and ensure that everything runs smoothly, without having to do everything manually. This way, you can focus on more important tasks and be more productive.

Key benefits of utilizing Make:

  • Save Time: Make can take care of repetitive tasks for you. Instead of doing the same actions over and over again, you can set up your AI automation once and let it handle the rest automatically.

  • Reduce Errors: When you perform tasks manually, it's easy to make mistakes. With Make, you can ensure that your tasks are completed accurately every time.

  • Connects Many Apps: Make allows you to connect almost anything you need. Whether you’re using Google Sheets, Microsoft Teams, email services, or other tools, Make can integrate them to work together.

  • Free to Start: You can begin using Make for free, with up to 1,000 operations per month. This is more than enough to test the tool and experiment with various automations.

II. Getting Ready with Make

1. Creating a New Account

  • Go to Make's website. Click on the “Sign Up” button and you’ll be directed to a registration form

  • Enter your email address and create a password. Once you’ve filled in these details, you’re almost done.

  • After signing up, check your email inbox for a confirmation message from Make. Open the email and click on the confirmation link inside. This will verify your account and complete the sign-up process. Now, you’re ready to start using Make!

2. Exploring the Main Dashboards

Once you finish signing up for a free account, you'll be directed to the main Make dashboard. This is your central hub where you can start creating and managing your automations. It’s a user-friendly interface designed to help you get the most out of your automation experience right from the start.

  • Templates Menu: Over on the left-hand side of the dashboard, you’ll see a menu. Let's start by clicking on 'Templates.' This will take you to a page filled with thousands of different templates.

  • These templates are pre-designed workflows that show you how you can connect various types of applications together.

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III. Building Your First AI Automation

To understand how Make works and how you can use it, we're going to build our own scenario. This will give you a great understanding of the fundamentals and show you what's possible with Make.

1. Creating a New Scenario

  1. On the left-hand side of the dashboard, find and click on 'Scenarios.' This will take you to the section where you can create and manage your custom workflows.

  2. In the top right-hand corner of the screen, you’ll see an option to 'Create a New Scenario.' Click on this button.

  3. This will take you to the scenario editor, also known as the designer.


2. Connecting to Google Forms

  • We need to set up a trigger, which will start the scenario or automation. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a list of different apps that can be used as triggers. There are a wide variety of apps to choose from, offering thousands of different options for creating your automation.

  • For our example, we’ll use Google Forms.


Step-by-step to connect Google Forms:

  1. Select Google Forms as the app that will start the automation.

  2. Choose the "Watch responses" trigger. This means the automation will start whenever there is a new form response.


  3. Connect your Google Forms account:

    • Click “Add” to connect to your Google Forms account

    • Choose “Sign in with Google”

    • Then remember to choose the account that your form linked to

    • Allow Make to access your Google Forms. Make will only access the information it needs and nothing more.

  4. Select the specific form you want to use: After connecting your account, you’ll need to specify which form you want to use.

    • Open Google Forms in a separate browser tab.

    • Navigate to your specific form: In the address bar of your browser, find the URL for your form. In the URL, find the long string of characters between /d/ and /viewform. This is your form ID.

    • Copy this form ID and go back to Make.

  5. Set Up the Form Response Options

    • Paste the form ID into the form ID field.

    • Set the limit: You may also see an option called “Limit”. This is how many responses you want to pull in at a time. Set it to a reasonable number based on your needs (e.g., 10 if you expect to get many responses). In our example, let’s make it simple by choosing 2.

    • Click “OK” or “Save” to confirm your settings.

    • Your specific form is now selected and connected to your Make scenario.

    • When you click on the icon, you can view the bundle, or the output data, from Google Forms. This shows that there was one form submission, including details like the email address, and so on.

3. Adding Google Sheets Module

Now let's bring the data from Google Forms into another application.

  1. Add a new module: In the scenario designer, click on the plus icon next to your Google Forms trigger to add a new module.


  2. Choose Google Sheets as the App: In the list of apps, search for and select “Google Sheets”. Choose the action event “Add a row”. This will allow you to add new rows to your Google Sheet with each form response.


  3. Connect Your Google Account: You need to authenticate and allow Make to access your Google Sheets. It’s the same when you connect to your Google Forms.

  4. Select the specific spreadsheet: 

    • Use the search bar to find your spreadsheet by name. Select your spreadsheet (e.g., “Results for order”) from the search results.

    • Choose the specific sheet within the spreadsheet where you want to add the data.


  5. Map the Form Fields to Spreadsheet Columns

    • Fill into each field: In the configuration panel, you’ll see fields like “Customer Name,” “Email Address,” “Shipping Address,” etc. These represent the columns in your Google Sheet.

    • For Customer Name, click into the text field, expand the Google Forms responses, find “Your Name,” and select “value” within it.

    • Repeat this for all other fields, such as Your Email, Your order,…


IV. Discovering Advanced Tips for Your AI Agent

Now it’s time to elevate your workflow automation skills with some advanced techniques. These techniques will help you streamline your processes even more, making your automations both powerful and efficient.

1. Using filters to refine your automation.

Filters in an AI agent allow you to specify conditions that must be met for an action to occur. This helps ensure your automations are more precise and only trigger under specific circumstances.

Example: Filter Orders by Shipping Address

  • Step 1: Add a filter: Click on the line connecting the Google Forms module to the Google Sheets module. Click on the icon to add a filter.

  • Step 2: Configure the Filter: In the filter configuration, set a condition to check if the shipping address contains “United States”.

    • Label your filter: Give your filter a name, like “US Order Only”.

    • Set the Condition:

      • Field: Click into the field and expand the Google Forms responses.

      • Select the Shipping Address: Find the field for the shipping address (e.g., “Shipping Address”) and select it.

      • Operator: Choose “Contains (case insensitive)” from the dropdown menu.

      • Value: Type “United States”.

  • Step 3: Save the filter. Now, only orders with a shipping address in the United States will be added to the Google Sheet.

2. Scheduling Your Automations

Scheduling allows you to run automations at specific times or intervals, ensuring they operate regularly without manual intervention.

  • Step 1: Turn on Scheduling

    • Once you’ve confirmed that your scenario works correctly, you can set it to run automatically at regular intervals.

    • In the scenario designer, look at the bottom left corner and toggle the “Scheduling” switch to “On”.

  • Step 2: Set the Schedule

    • Click on the scheduling options to configure how often you want the scenario to run.

    • Options include:

      • At regular intervals: (e.g., every 15 minutes)

      • At specific times: (e.g., every day at 8 AM)

      • On specific days: (e.g., every Monday and Friday)

  • Step 3: Configure the schedule according to your needs and click “Save”.

V. Testing Your Automation 

1. Submiting a Sample Data

  • Step 1: Open Your Google Form

    • Go to the Google Form you are using as a trigger in your scenario.

  • Step 2: Fill Out the Form

    • Complete the form with sample data. Make sure to fill in all required fields accurately to simulate a real submission.

  • Step 3: Submit the Form

    • Click the “Submit” button to send the sample response.

2. Running the Scenario Manually

  • Step 1: Go to Your Scenario in Make

    • Navigate back to Make and open the scenario you want to test.

  • Step 2: Run the Scenario

    • In the scenario designer, look at the bottom left corner and click on the “Run once” button. This will manually trigger the scenario to process the sample form response you just submitted.

  • Step 3: Monitor the Execution

    • Watch the execution progress as Make processes each module in your scenario. Each module should display a green checkmark if it runs successfully. If there are any errors, they will be indicated with a red icon.

3. Verifying Each Step

  • Step 1: Check all your responses:

    • Check Google Sheets (if applicable):

      • Go to the Google Sheet where the form responses should be added.

      • Check if a new row has been added with the correct data from the sample form submission.

    • Check if the email has been received.

  • Step 2: Identify Issues:

    • If any part of the scenario fails, note the specific module where the error occurred. Make will provide error messages and logs to help you understand what went wrong.

    • Make the necessary adjustments to the configuration. For example, if an email wasn’t sent, ensure the recipient field is correctly mapped to the email address from the form response.

  • Step 3: Run the Scenario Again:

    • After making corrections, submit another sample form response and run the scenario again to verify that the issue is resolved.


Using AI Automation can save you time and reduce mistakes by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring everything is done correctly. It’s a powerful tool that’s easy to use, even if you’re just starting out.

Begin with simple tasks like automating order entries or sending confirmation emails. These small automations will help you get comfortable with how Make works. As you learn more, you can explore advanced features like filters. Filters let you set specific conditions for your automations.

The great thing about Make is that you can start small and gradually build more complex workflows as you gain confidence. This way, you can keep improving how you work without feeling overwhelmed.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with Make. Share your stories and let us know how AI automation has helped you save time and reduce errors. Your insights can help others who are just getting started.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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