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  • ❌ Stop Using AI in Programming Like It's 2022—Let's Get Smarter

❌ Stop Using AI in Programming Like It's 2022—Let's Get Smarter

Learn to avoid outdated AI coding methods and boost your programming with smarter, efficient tools.

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Alright, let’s talk about AI in programming—and no, I’m not going to preach about some futuristic robot uprising. The reality is a lot more “meh” than that. Since ChatGPT crashed the coding party in 2022, programmers split into two groups. On one side, you’ve got the AI cheerleaders—waving their pom-poms, excited about how it writes code for them (spoiler: sometimes bad code). On the other side, you’ve got the old-school skeptics, shaking their heads like, “AI? In my code? Not a chance.” Honestly, I get it. AI-generated code can feel like asking your dog to write an essay—it might get the job done, but you’ll be cleaning up a mess afterward.

And even if you’re not anti-AI, I bet you’ve hit those annoying hurdles. Maybe you’ve spent hours fixing the nonsense it spit out, or, like a lot of us, you’re stuck in 2022, still copy-pasting code like it’s the Stone Age of tech. It’s like cutting down a tree with a butter knife—painful and just plain wrong.

But don’t worry, I’m not here to judge. I’m here to show you that there’s a smarter way to use AI in programming. Ready to upgrade from that butter knife? Let’s do this.

I. The Wrong Way You May Be Using AI in Programming

Let’s be real—many of us are still stuck in the old “copy-paste-from-ChatGPT” era. You know the drill:

  1. You grab a chunk of code from your IDE.

  2. You paste it into ChatGPT, hoping for a miracle.

  3. You anxiously wait for it to spit out something useful.

  4. Then, you pray it doesn’t break everything when you paste it back into your code.

Yeah, that’s been the go-to method for a while now. It’s like we’re playing ping-pong with our code. Sure, it technically works—if you don’t mind the back-and-forth hassle. But let’s be honest, it’s a lot like trying to cut down a tree with a butter knife. It’ll take forever, and you’ll probably end up frustrated. And in 2024, with all the advancements in AI in programming, we really should be past this.


1. Not Using the Right Interface

One major reason why this old method is still so common? Programmers are stuck using AI the wrong way. Here’s what typically happens:

  • You copy-paste code into ChatGPT.

  • You give it a basic prompt (something like “add comments” or “fix bugs”).

  • ChatGPT generates some code, but it’s a guessing game whether it works.

  • You go back and forth between the AI and your IDE, manually checking and tweaking.

This workflow is inefficient, time-consuming, and, frankly, a bit amateurish. If you’re still doing this, you’re missing out on a world of better tools. There are AI-first IDEs now, like Cursor, that allow you to integrate AI directly into your workflow without all the back-and-forth. The manual effort involved in copy-pasting code into a separate window feels like using a landline in the age of smartphones—it works, but there are smarter options.

2. Unrealistic Expectations of AI

Then, there’s the other big mistake—expecting AI to be the all-knowing, magical coding wizard. Let’s face it, we’ve all been guilty of thinking:

  • AI will perfectly write your code with a simple prompt.

  • You can keep going back and forth to “fix” things, but the AI keeps misunderstanding the problem.

  • You’ll eventually get it to work after pushing through a frustrating loop of misunderstandings.

And what happens? You get stuck in an endless cycle of trial and error, trying to make the AI understand what’s wrong. It’s like arguing with a toddler—you know what you need, but it keeps giving you something completely different. AI, especially large language models (LLMs), can sometimes “hallucinate,” making stuff up when it doesn’t know the answer. You push and push, hoping the AI will finally get it, but all you end up with is a headache.

The truth is, AI in programming is not some magical fix-all. It’s a powerful tool, but you need realistic expectations. Think of AI as an assistant that helps you work more efficiently—it’s not going to write perfect code for you every time, and that’s okay.

3. In Short:

  • Stop the outdated methods: If you’re still copy-pasting between ChatGPT and your IDE, it’s time to stop. There are smarter ways to integrate AI directly into your workflow.

  • Manage expectations: AI is a helpful assistant, not an all-knowing genius. Expecting perfect code on the first try will only lead to frustration.

Let’s start using AI smarter, instead of expecting it to be a coding magician. With the right tools and realistic expectations, AI in programming can truly boost your workflow—no more butter knife techniques or arguing with robots.

Hey, we’ve all been there—trying to make AI work for us, only to end up in frustration city. But now you know there’s a better way! Ready to upgrade your AI game? đŸ˜„

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II. Reliable AI Tools for Programming

So, now that we’ve laughed (or cried) about the wrong ways to use AI in programming, it’s time to get serious. Let’s talk about the tools that actually make your life easier. These tools aren’t here to just spit out code and hope for the best—they’re like having that friend who not only listens to your rant but also shows up with a solution. Ready for some game-changers? Let’s go!

1. Level Up Your Coding with Cursor: The Future of AI in Programming


Best For: All Developers

Imagine if VSCode got a serious upgrade with AI superpowers—that’s Cursor. If you’re already using VSCode, the transition to Cursor will feel like putting on your favorite hoodie: familiar, but now with extra pockets (and maybe a cape). Here’s why Cursor is a must-have for anyone who codes:

  • Ctrl K: Select a bunch of lines, hit Ctrl K, and ask the AI to make it better. It’ll show you what it tweaked like it’s doing a live before-and-after coding makeover. ✹

  • Tab: This is more than just auto-complete; it’s predictive magic. Whether you’re writing one line or an entire function, it’s like having an assistant who finishes your sentences (but in a helpful way, not the annoying way).

  • Chat: Ever wanted to talk to your AI about your entire codebase? Now you can. Cursor lets you ask questions, provide context, or even throw in some documentation or URLs to give it a better idea of what’s going on.


Why this matters: You’re no longer playing the copy-paste game between ChatGPT and your IDE. Cursor integrates AI directly into your workflow, making you look and feel like a pro.

2. Micro Agent: The Smart Approach to Reliable AI in Programming

2.1. Best For: Reliable Code Generation

Alright, here’s where things start to get real. Imagine having a tool that doesn’t just write code blindly but actually thinks before it starts. That’s Micro Agent—a smart, methodical tool that focuses on test-driven development. Think of it as the super responsible student who checks their work five times before turning in the homework.


2.2. Test First, Code Later

Micro Agent isn’t your average code generator. Instead of writing random chunks of code and crossing its fingers, it creates test cases first based on your specific prompt. Then—and only then—does it write code designed to pass those tests. It’s kind of like baking a cake but taste-testing each step before serving it to guests. You know it’s going to work because it’s already passed every test you threw at it.

  • Test Cases as Priority: Micro Agent generates test cases for your coding task first, ensuring that it understands the problem before attempting a solution.

  • Code Generation Based on Testing: Once the test cases are in place, it writes code that is guaranteed to pass the tests, which eliminates a lot of the guesswork.


This approach isn’t just smart—it’s downright reliable. You’re not just asking an AI to solve a problem; you’re asking it to double-check its work before handing it back to you.

2.5. Why It Works

Here’s the thing: Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can be incredibly powerful, but they’re prone to something called hallucinations. No, not the trippy kind—more like spitting out code that looks right but is actually nonsensical. If you’ve ever had an AI give you a code snippet that seemed perfect but crashed your app within five seconds, you’ve been there.

Micro Agent is smarter than that. It skips the hallucinations by focusing on reliable, tested outputs. By generating test cases first, it ensures that the code it produces is solid, especially for non-complex but tricky functions. You won’t be caught off guard by a piece of code that doesn’t actually do what it’s supposed to. Instead, you’re getting code that’s already passed its own little exam before you even see it.

  • Avoids Hallucinations: Unlike LLMs that sometimes guess their way through code generation, Micro Agent grounds itself in facts by using predefined test cases.

  • Perfect for Tricky Functions: When you’re working on something that isn’t overly complex but still requires precision (think about tricky edge cases), this tool shines.

2.6. Use Case: The Safety Net Every Developer Needs

Ever written a piece of code that works fine in your head but breaks the second you try to run it? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But with Micro Agent, you don’t have to rely on trial and error. By running code against its own set of tests, Micro Agent acts like a safety net for developers. It catches issues before they even have a chance to ruin your day.

Let’s say you’re building a feature that’s not super complex but has a lot of moving parts. Micro Agent steps in, tests everything, and only hands over the code when it’s confident that it’s working. It’s like having a personal assistant who double-checks all the details, making sure nothing slips through the cracks.

  • Ideal for Developers: If you’re someone who’s tired of writing buggy code that crashes at the first sign of trouble, Micro Agent has your back. It’s designed to be that extra layer of protection that ensures your code works as expected before it even gets to you.

  • Real-World Application: Whether you’re writing utility functions, handling data inputs, or working on algorithms, Micro Agent makes sure that every piece of code it generates has already passed the tests and is ready to go.

2.6. Final Thoughts

Micro Agent isn’t just a tool for writing code—it’s a methodical assistant that guarantees reliability. It focuses on quality over speed, making sure that each function, loop, and condition has been tested and proven before you even see it. If you’re looking for a way to stop stressing over buggy code and start feeling confident in what you’re building, Micro Agent is the tool you’ve been waiting for.

3. SWE-Agent: Your GitHub Saviour for Efficient AI in Programming


3.1. Best For: GitHub Geeks

Let’s be honest, if you’ve ever looked at a GitHub repository loaded with issues and thought, “You know what, maybe burning it all down isn’t such a bad idea,” then SWE-Agent is the hero you didn’t know you needed. It’s like having your own personal cleanup crew for your codebase—except instead of just sweeping up crumbs, it handles the real stuff. You know, the things that make you want to scream.

3.2. Find & Fix

SWE-Agent is that dependable friend who steps in, looks at your code, and says, “Hey, I got this.” It reviews your codebase, finds the issues, and fixes them—all before submitting a pull request. Think of it like a mini coding assistant that handles all the annoying bits while you focus on what actually matters. You know, like being creative or finding new reasons to avoid those 500 other issues.

  • No More Guesswork: SWE-Agent doesn’t just find issues; it solves them. So, instead of spending hours troubleshooting, you can just relax while it gets the job done.

  • Pull Requests Done Right: After finding and fixing the problems, SWE-Agent submits a well-documented pull request, leaving you to take the credit. Yeah, you’re welcome.


3.3. GitHub Hero

Whether you’re managing a massive repository or wrangling a smaller project, SWE-Agent can cut down the time you spend resolving issues. No more spending your entire Saturday going through endless GitHub issues. SWE-Agent is your shortcut to getting things done, faster and smarter.

  • Perfect for Teams: If you’re part of a big team, SWE-Agent’s ability to quickly identify and fix issues is a game-changer. It takes a load off everyone’s plate, so you can spend less time stressing and more time, well, living.

  • Small Projects, Big Help: Even if you’re working on a smaller codebase, SWE-Agent can still be your best friend, swooping in to handle the frustrating stuff so you don’t have to.

3.4. The Best Part

Oh, did I mention that SWE-Agent is open-source? Yep, and it’s already got over 13K stars on GitHub, so it’s kind of a big deal. You’re not just using some random tool; you’re using a trusted tool that a lot of smart people love. And honestly, if the coding world has taught me anything, it’s that when you find something that works, you use it.

3.5. In Short:

  • SWE-Agent is your coding cleanup crew, fixing GitHub issues before they become your nightmare.

  • It handles pull requests like a pro, so you don’t have to sweat the details.

  • Whether your project is big or small, SWE-Agent saves you time and stress.

SWE-Agent is basically the coding friend we all need—the one who steps in, fixes the mess, and makes sure you look good in the end.

4. AI Commits: Streamlining Git with Smart AI in Programming

4.1. Best For: Those Who Commit Frequently

We’ve all been there. You’re staring at the screen, trying to come up with a commit message that’s not just “fixed stuff” or “updated code.” Honestly, it’s a struggle. But guess what? AI Commits is the tool you didn’t know you desperately needed.

Instead of spending precious minutes trying to sound clever or professional (or both), AI Commits takes your git diff and automatically generates a message that’s not only professional but also makes sense. It’s like having that friend who always knows exactly what to say when you’re at a loss for words.


4.2. Easy Setup, Maximum Impact

Let’s talk about why AI in programming is so great here. AI Commits is simple to install—seriously, no complicated setup—and it uses GPT-3.5, so it’s light on resources but heavy on productivity. No more “meh” commit messages that make you cringe when you look back at your Git history.

  • Lightweight but Powerful: With GPT-3.5 running behind the scenes, you get commit messages that are meaningful without draining your system.

  • Effortless Documentation: Now, every time you commit, your messages will actually reflect what changed—no more mysterious “minor updates.”

4.3. Why It’s Great

Whether you’re a solo developer who’s tired of coming up with unique commit messages or part of a team where proper documentation is everything, AI Commits has your back. Your commit history will be clean, clear, and—dare I say it?—actually kind of impressive.

You know those one-liner commit messages like “small bug fix” or “stuff works now”? Yeah, let’s leave those in the past. AI Commits gives you messages that explain the changes without the awkwardness of trying to sum up your work in two words.

4.4. Who’s It For?

  • For Solo Coders: If you’ve ever felt personally attacked by your own commit history, this is for you. AI Commits will make sure your Git logs are well-documented without any extra effort from you.

  • For Teams: If you work in a team, you know how important commit messages are for collaboration. With AI Commits, you can keep everyone on the same page, and no one will ever have to guess what “fixed stuff” really meant.

4.5. In Short:

AI Commits is like having a best friend who always knows exactly what to say—and in this case, that friend makes your Git history look polished and professional. With AI in programming getting smarter every day, there’s no reason you should be stuck writing vague, one-liner commit messages.

It’s simple, it’s smart, and it’ll save you from the dreaded “updated code” message we’ve all been guilty of.


So, here we are—after all the copy-pasting chaos, the back-and-forth loops, and the code-induced headaches. If you’ve been feeling like AI in programming is more trouble than it’s worth, I get it. AI hallucinations are a real thing (and no, not the fun kind). But here’s the deal: when you choose the right tools, things start to look a whole lot better.

We don’t have to rely on outdated methods or expect AI to do all the heavy lifting. Instead, think of it like having that reliable friend who shows up when you need them most—not perfect, but always trying their best. And with tools like Cursor, Micro Agent, SWE-Agent, and AI Commits, you’re not just surviving—you’re thriving in the wild world of AI in programming.

The reality is, AI’s not going anywhere, and neither are the frustrations. But with the right approach and the right support, you can make it work for you. And yeah, maybe you’ll still have moments where you want to scream at your computer, but at least you’ll have the tools to fix things when they go sideways.

And hey, if I can be a crying mess in a coffee shop and still get the job done, you’ve totally got this too. Keep going, keep coding, and keep evolving—because the future of programming is here, and it’s looking pretty smart.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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