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  • 🏷️ How to Easily Use AI Automation to Tag, Search, and Repurpose Your Content Without Wasting Time – A Step-by-Step Guide for Busy Creators

🏷️ How to Easily Use AI Automation to Tag, Search, and Repurpose Your Content Without Wasting Time – A Step-by-Step Guide for Busy Creators

Learn how to save time by using AI to automatically organize and repurpose your content.

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Alright, buckle up! AI Automation, Here you come to save yourself hours of soul-crushing work. 🧙‍♂️

Have you looked at the amount of time spent tagging and sorting, seeking through mountains of content? What if both of those were done for you, automatically? Yep, that is where AI Automation comes in and makes hours minutes.

A dash of AI, along with the right systems in place and you have a content database that will do all the hard work for you. Gone are the days of endless scrolling through files to find that video you shot from last year. You need to have automation in place so you can tag and index with ease using simple tools.

Now, instead of wishing for extra hands, let’s put AI Automation to work and get everything organized without breaking a sweat.

I. Setting Up the Content Database with AI Automation

Let’s talk about getting your content sorted with some AI Automation magic. Imagine your content neatly organized, tagged, and searchable without you lifting a finger—pretty sweet, huh? Here’s how to set it up, step by step.

1. Creating Your Airtable Database

First things first, head over to Airtable and create a new database. Feel free to name it something snazzy like "Tagging and Search" (we’re all about being organized and cool here).

  • Start by setting up tables for storing your content and metadata. You’ll want a place for all your text, images, and videos to live.

  • Add an ID field. Think of this like giving each piece of content its own little name tag so you never lose track of anything.

  • Next, throw in some text fields for content like blogs, long texts, or even quick notes.

2. Adding Fields for Media with AI Automation

Time to give your database some muscle. Let’s add fields for the fun stuff—media!

  • Image Field: Create an attachment field where you can upload all your images. It’s like giving your database a photo album.

  • Image Context: Now, here’s where the AI Automation flexes its muscles. Add a long text field to store details extracted from your images using AI. Yup, no need to manually describe that pic of your dog at the beach—AI’s got it.

  • Video Field: Got videos? No problem. Set up a video attachment field so your database can handle those too.

  • Media Context: AI Automation strikes again. Add a long text field to store the transcriptions of video or audio content. So, even if you’re too tired to watch the video for the hundredth time, you’ve got it in text.


And just like that, your content database is ready to roll, powered by the wonders of AI Automation. The best part? You’ve already saved yourself hours of manual work. Now go take a nap—you’ve earned it.

II. Automating the Tagging Process with AI Automation

You know that feeling when you’re watching a show and you just know exactly what’s going to happen next? That’s what AI Automation does, except it’s not watching Netflix—it’s tagging your content automatically. And, unlike us, it doesn’t take snack breaks.

Step 1: Processing Media and Extracting Context

  • Goal: Automate the analysis of your images, videos, and audio files.

  • Tools: ChatGPT, Whisper, Airtable.
    Here’s how it works:

  1. Images:

    • Upload your image.

    • AI Automation, through OpenAI’s image analysis, will describe what’s in it (think: It’s like your personal assistant who never misses details).

  2. Videos & Audio:

    • AI Automation transcribes your videos and audio files with Whisper and drops all the juicy context into your Media Context field in Airtable.

  3. Result:

    • All the context is neatly stored, keeping your content structured and searchable.


Step 2: Adding Tags Automatically

Now comes the fun part:

  1. Create a Tag Field:

    • In Airtable, add a field for tags that links to a separate Tags Table.

  2. AI Generates Tags:

    • ChatGPT analyzes your content, reads the text, checks the media context, and produces relevant tags—kind of like an over-achieving student who always has their homework done.

  3. Smart Linking:

    • Airtable’s smart linking feature ensures that existing tags are used, or new ones are created if necessary.

Tagging Process at a Glance:

  • Content gets analyzed.

  • Tags are generated automatically.

  • Tags are linked to the content, ready for searching.

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III. Creating a Scenario in Make.com

If AI Automation were a person, it would be the friend who’s always one step ahead of you, finishing your sentences and solving your problems before you even realize you have them. You just have to set it up, and boom—it’s doing all the boring tasks for you while you chill. Here’s how to create a scenario in Make.com to take your AI Automation to the next level.

Step 1: Watching for New Records

Picture this: Make.com is like a super-alert friend who never misses a thing. In this step, we’ll set it up to watch for any new content that hasn’t been processed yet.

  • Trigger Field: Configure Make.com to watch for new, unprocessed records in Airtable.

  • How?
    You’ll use the “Last Processed” field to make sure it only grabs the untagged content. Think of it as a “do not disturb” sign for records that are already done.


Step 2: Processing the Media

Here’s where AI Automation starts flexing. Your content might have images, videos, or both. Time to teach AI how to handle it.

  • Images:
    OpenAI’s image analysis tool looks at your image like it’s Sherlock Holmes, examining every tiny detail. It extracts all the info and updates your Airtable record like a pro.

  • Videos:
    AI Automation steps in with Whisper to transcribe your audio or video files, turning them into searchable text. Boom! Your media context field is ready.


It’s like having a friend who listens to your ramblings and then writes the perfect summary of what you just said (because let’s be real, sometimes we forget half of it ourselves).

Step 3: Updating Records in Airtable

Once the AI Automation squad (ChatGPT, Whisper, OpenAI) has done its thing, it’s time to update Airtable.

  • What to do?
    Mark your content as “processed” in Airtable. It’s like putting a checkmark next to your to-do list after you’ve tackled it. So satisfying, right?


Step 4: Automating Tag Generation

Now for the real magic—tagging. No more guessing games or wondering, “What should I label this as?”

  • ChatGPT Analyzes Content:
    ChatGPT reads through the text, image descriptions, and media context like a digital librarian on a mission. It pulls out all the relevant tags—because let’s face it, AI is better at tagging than most of us.

  • Smart Tagging:
    To keep things neat and relevant, use Airtable’s smart linking feature to ensure only useful tags are assigned. Think of it as your friend gently guiding you away from embarrassing outfit choices—“Are you sure you want to wear that?”


Before you sign off, make sure you’re fine-tuning those ChatGPT prompts. You don’t want tags that are out of place—like putting ketchup on ice cream (unless that’s your thing... no judgment).

In the end, setting up this AI Automation feels like getting a really solid support system in place. It’s there for you, taking care of the small stuff, so you can focus on the big picture without missing a beat.

IV. Searching and Repurposing Content with AI Automation

You know when you're looking for something, but it feels like it's lost in a black hole? Yeah, that’s what searching for content without AI Automation feels like. But don’t worry, this section is like your trusty best friend who always knows where everything is. Let’s make your content searchable, so you can find and repurpose it without breaking a sweat.

1. Setting Up Filters and Views in Airtable

Okay, first things first—filters. Imagine it’s like organizing your closet, but instead of clothes, it’s content. Airtable helps you create views based on different tags or conditions. For example:

  • Unprocessed content?
    Create a view for that.

  • Need all the tagged articles about AI Automation?
    Boom, there’s a filter for that too.

You can make Airtable pull up specific content based on your tags, titles, or descriptions. It’s like giving yourself a superpower—just without the cape (unless you want a cape, then go for it!).


It’s like labeling all your clothes, so when someone says “Where’s that one shirt you wore last month?” you don’t have to pull your entire wardrobe apart to find it.

2. Repurposing Content for Future Use

Now here’s the beauty of AI Automation: once everything is neatly tagged and organized, you can repurpose content like a pro. You don’t have to create something new every single time—AI Automation helps you grab something old and make it feel fresh again.

  • Example?
    Need to whip up a new blog post? AI Automation can help you find an old one, tweak the tags, and give it a shiny new life.

It’s like finding that one perfect pair of jeans that goes with everything—except, in this case, it’s your content, and you’re saving yourself from a headache every time you need something in a hurry.

So, with AI Automation, you’ll be searching, finding, and repurposing like a boss. It’s like having a friend who remembers all your important dates (while you forget them) and helps you out at the last minute—because we all need that kind of backup, right?


So here we are—AI Automation is like the supportive friend who helps you organize your messy closet of content, reminding you where everything is without judgment. Automating the tagging, searching, and repurposing process saves you from drowning in manual tasks, freeing up time to focus on more creative things (or maybe just more Netflix). It’s all about making your life easier while keeping everything in place. If you found this helpful, why not stick around, explore more cool ideas like this, and keep learning? Because honestly, life’s easier when you have AI doing the heavy lifting for you.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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