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  • 📈 Get Better Results from AI: The Power of Framing and How It Can Boost Your Income

📈 Get Better Results from AI: The Power of Framing and How It Can Boost Your Income

Learn how AI framing can fix bad prompts and help you make more money easily.

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I spent an entire year feeling like I was stuck in a frustrating conversation with a robot. Every time I’d try an AI prompt, I’d get the same robotic, boring answers—no personality, no creativity, just blah. I’d ask for a story, and it would feel like reading a manual. It was like I was stuck in an endless loop of “did you mean this?” (No, AI, I did not.)

Then, out of nowhere, I stumbled upon AI framing, and suddenly, it was like my AI and I had finally gotten on the same wavelength. My content? Game-changing. My frustration? Gone. Who knew that just a little tweak to how I framed my prompts could make such a huge difference? Turns out, being vague is about as helpful as asking your friend what they want for dinner and hearing “I don’t know” for the hundredth time.

For the longest time, I thought my AI tool just didn’t get me. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t the AI—it was my lame, vague prompts.

I. Common Mistakes People Make with AI Prompts

Let’s talk about AI prompts. We’ve all been there—typing something vague, crossing our fingers, and hoping the AI magically reads our minds. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Here’s the reality: an AI prompt is like giving directions to someone who’s never been to your town. If you just say, “Turn somewhere,” they’re going to end up in a ditch.


1. Being Too Vague

Ah, the classic “write me a story” or “make something cool” prompt. That’s like telling your friend to “cook dinner” without saying what you’re craving. You might get spaghetti
 but you could just as easily end up with soggy cereal.

  • Vague Example: “Write a story.”

  • Specific Example: “Write a science fiction story set in a futuristic city where robots and humans must learn to coexist.”

See the difference? One gives the AI a clear direction, while the other just... hopes for the best. AI framing saves the day by giving your AI prompts the clarity they need.

2. Not Giving Enough Context

Picture this: You ask an AI to write a story, but you don’t tell it the genre, the characters, or even the mood. It’s like handing someone a paintbrush and saying, “Paint me something nice,” then being disappointed when they paint a pineapple.

  • Example Without Context: “Write me a story.”

  • Example With Context: “Write me a lighthearted, romantic comedy set in a beach town, focusing on two awkward best friends who secretly love each other.”

With AI framing, it’s like you’re giving the AI all the juicy details, so it actually knows what you want.

3. Not Trying Different Approaches

Using the same prompt over and over again and hoping for a different result? That’s the definition of AI madness. It’s like asking a magic 8-ball the same question 10 times. Spoiler: the answer’s still “ask again later.”

  • Try mixing it up:

    • Use different AI prompts

    • Combine ideas

    • Experiment with various AI tools

AI framing helps you explore new angles and get better, more creative results.

4. Underestimating AI’s Creativity

We tend to think of AI as a tool for simple, repetitive tasks. But guess what? The little digital brain is actually pretty creative if you let it stretch its legs. AI framing can help you tap into that creativity—whether it’s art, music, or coming up with ideas you never even thought of.

  • Examples of AI Creativity:

    • Generating new product ideas

    • Creating unique solutions

    • Designing creative artwork

Ever tried asking AI to come up with new product ideas or unique solutions? You might be surprised at the gems it comes up with, like when your weird uncle suggests putting peanut butter on burgers—and somehow, it works.

5. Not Asking Follow-up Questions

Here’s where people trip up: they ask the AI one question, get an answer, and stop there. Why? You don’t stop a conversation after the first “hello,” do you? The magic happens when you dig deeper and ask follow-up questions. It’s like ordering fries, then realizing you can ask for extra ketchup.

  • Follow-up Example:

    • Initial Question: “Write a report on AI technology.”

    • Follow-up Question: “Can you add more details on how AI impacts the healthcare industry?”

With AI framing, you can get into a proper conversation and fine-tune those results.

6. Relying Too Heavily on AI

AI is smart, but let’s not forget—sometimes it’s like a helpful toddler. It needs supervision. You can’t just set it loose and expect perfection. You’ve still gotta be there to guide, edit, and polish.

  • Tip: Think of AI like a sous-chef. It can chop the veggies, but you’re the one making sure they don’t burn.
    AI framing gives you the power to work with AI, not just blindly trust it to do all the work.

In the end, AI framing turns AI prompts from awkward stumbles into meaningful conversations. You’ve just gotta know how to ask the right questions—and no, “What’s for dinner?” isn’t going to cut it.

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II. The Difference Between AI Prompting and Framing

Let’s get one thing straight: AI prompting and AI framing are not the same, and if you’ve been treating them like twins, no wonder your AI results have been, well... meh. I spent a whole year asking my AI tool the simplest questions and then crying over the bland results. But when I found AI framing, it was like realizing I’d been using a hammer when what I really needed was a Swiss Army knife. So, what’s the deal? Let’s break it down.

1. AI Prompting

Here’s what AI prompting is: You give the AI a simple, direct input, and it gives you back a simple, often very generic output. Like asking, “What’s the weather today?” Sure, it gets the job done, but it’s about as exciting as a potato.
For example, let’s say you tell the AI, “Write a story about a character learning paint.” What do you get? Something like:


GPT-4o (via USnap.ai )


GPT-4o (via USnap.ai )


The problem with AI prompting is it’s too basic. It’s like going on a first date and only asking, “So, how’s life?” You're not getting any real depth or creativity.

2. AI Framing

Now, here’s where things get interesting. AI framing is like taking that same AI and saying, “Hey, I’ve got a vision. Here’s the tone, the style, the setting, and what I want you to focus on.” You’re giving it the tools to not just create content, but to create something that actually makes sense and stands out.


Write a story about a young artist discovering their passion for painting in a small, quiet town during the 1970s. Focus on their internal struggles and personal growth as they learn to express themselves through art. The story should be written in a poetic and reflective style, with a tone that is both melancholic and hopeful.

And suddenly, your AI’s over here writing:


GPT-4o (via USnap.ai )


GPT-4o (via USnap.ai )

Oh, we’re getting real now. The difference? AI framing gives the AI a structure, and instead of it wandering around aimlessly, it follows your lead. You’re the captain, and AI is just following your perfectly charted course.

3. Key Differences

  • Detail:

    • AI Prompting: Quick, basic, and leaves the AI to fill in all the gaps.

    • AI Framing: Detailed and specific. You’re guiding the AI toward a clear, richer result. It’s like giving a recipe vs. just saying “make me dinner.”

  • Control:

    • AI Prompting: The AI’s pretty much running the show. You ask a question, and it decides what to give you.

    • AI Framing: You’ve got the reins. It’s your story, your tone, your vibe, and the AI is here to support, not take over.

  • Quality:

    • AI Prompting: Let’s just say
 it’s hit or miss. Sometimes you get a winner, but other times it’s like reading a middle school essay.

    • AI Framing: You’re far more likely to get something thoughtful, engaging, and tailored to exactly what you need.

  • Purpose:

    • AI Prompting: Great for simple tasks, like asking for the weather or a quick fact-check.

    • AI Framing: The way to go for complex tasks, like writing a compelling story, creating content, or generating creative solutions.

So, if you’re still using AI prompts like it’s 2015, let me just say: I get it. We’ve all been there. But trust me, once you switch to AI framing, it’s a whole new game. You’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

III. What is AI Framing?

Let’s break down AI framing in the simplest way possible. Imagine you’re talking to a friend—yes, a real human friend, not one who responds to your texts 3 days later. When you want something specific, you tell them exactly what you need, right? Maybe you’re like, “Hey, can you pick up almond milk on your way home? The unsweetened kind in the green carton, not the weird vanilla one.” That's what AI framing is like—giving the AI enough context, guidance, and structure so it knows what you want and how you want it done.

Instead of tossing vague AI prompts into the abyss and hoping for the best, AI framing means you’re setting the stage. You’re basically saying, “Here’s the situation, here’s how I want it to play out, and this is the mood I’m going for.” You’re not leaving things up to chance.


1. Simplified Explanation

Think of AI framing like you’re asking a friend to help you with something specific. You wouldn’t just say, “Make me dinner,” and then expect a gourmet meal. You’d say, “I’m craving spaghetti with garlic bread, and please don’t burn the bread this time.” That’s AI framing—clear, direct, and detailed.

2. Types of Frame Inputs

So, what kind of things can you "frame" for the AI? Glad you asked. Here are some examples of frame inputs that you can use:

  • Products:
    Need product descriptions, comparisons, or even a tutorial on how to use a gadget? AI framing can help the AI generate detailed, accurate content. Think of it as asking for help writing a product review, but without the human grumbling about doing all the work.

  • PDFs:
    Have a long, boring PDF you don’t want to read? No problem. With AI framing, you can tell the AI to summarize the key points or extract important info. It’s like asking a friend for the SparkNotes version without feeling guilty.

  • Workbooks:
    Got a bunch of data in a workbook? Frame it for the AI, and it’ll create reports, generate charts, or even summarize your findings. It’s like having that super-organized friend who just loves spreadsheets do the hard work for you.

  • Websites:
    Say you need a quick summary of a website or want specific data pulled from one. With AI framing, you can ask the AI to do the heavy lifting. It’s like sending someone on a scavenger hunt, but they actually come back with everything you asked for.

At the end of the day, AI framing is like giving your AI tool a roadmap so it doesn’t wander off into random territory. You’re the director, and the AI? Well, it’s just happy to follow your lead.

IV. How AI Framing Makes Your AI Prompts Smarter, Faster, and More Creative


Let’s get real for a second—AI framing is like that friend who just gets you. You know, the one who can predict your order at your favorite restaurant without asking. It’s all about understanding context and making sure your AI prompts actually work the way you want them to. Here’s why AI framing is a game-changer:

1. Improve Accuracy

When you give AI the right context, it’s like giving your GPS the full address, not just a vague, “Take me somewhere fun.” AI framing helps improve accuracy by making sure the AI knows exactly what you mean. Whether it’s content generation or translation, framing makes sure you don’t end up with a story about “bears” when you meant “bare essentials.”

2. Enhance Creativity

Ever been stuck in a creative rut and wished you had a muse? Well, AI framing is that muse—only it doesn’t make you listen to jazz while sipping green tea (unless that’s your thing). With proper framing, AI can help you come up with fresh ideas, innovative solutions, or even quirky product names like “Snack-tacular.” The possibilities are endless when you frame it right.

3. Increase Efficiency

Let’s face it—repetitive tasks are the worst. It’s like folding laundry or responding to those “just checking in” emails. AI framing steps in like a superhero, automating those tedious tasks and freeing you up for more important stuff, like binge-watching that new series guilt-free.

4. Solve Complex Problems

AI framing isn’t just for creative tasks; it’s your secret weapon for solving the big stuff too. Think healthcare, marketing, or figuring out why your plants keep dying (okay, maybe not that last one). By framing your prompts properly, AI can analyze complex data and deliver real solutions—no stress required.

5. Revolutionize Human-AI Interaction

Let’s be honest—talking to AI can sometimes feel like talking to a brick wall. But with AI framing, it’s like you’ve cracked the code to better communication. By providing context and structure, your AI interactions become smoother, more natural, and less like trying to get Siri to understand “I’m hungry” without sending you to a bakery 10 miles away.

6. Amplify Human Capabilities

Ever have that friend who brings out the best in you? That’s what AI framing does—it takes your ideas and amps them up to the next level. It helps you brainstorm, generate insights, and collaborate in a way that makes you feel like a creative genius. AI isn’t replacing you; it’s hyping you up.

7. Enable Personalized Experiences

Nobody likes generic experiences (you wouldn’t want a one-size-fits-all birthday card, would you?). AI framing allows AI to tailor content or interactions based on preferences, making things feel more personal. It’s like having a playlist curated just for you—without all the “suggested” songs you skip anyway.

8. Drive Business Innovation

Want to spot the next big trend before everyone else? AI framing helps businesses identify new market opportunities, customer preferences, and emerging trends. It’s like having a business analyst who doesn’t need coffee breaks. By framing your data requests properly, you can make smarter business decisions without pulling an all-nighter.

9. Simplify Complex Tasks

Some tasks are so overwhelming they make you want to curl up under a blanket. But with AI framing, you can break down these tasks into manageable steps. Think of it like turning that scary, 1,000-piece puzzle into easy sections that actually make sense—without losing the corner pieces.

In short, AI framing takes your AI prompts from clunky to smooth, from vague to precise, and from “meh” to “wow.” It’s like having that support system we all need—a little guidance, a lot of understanding, and always there to make sure we don’t get lost along the way.

V. How AI Framing Can Help You Earn Money

Okay, let’s get straight to it—AI framing isn’t just for nerdy tech projects; it can actually help you make real money. Imagine if you could sit back, give a few solid AI prompts, and watch the cash roll in. Well, it’s not exactly that simple, but close enough. Let’s break down how AI framing can take you from “I need a side hustle” to “Wow, I actually paid for dinner without checking my bank balance first.”

1. Content Creation


We’ve all seen those people who crank out blog posts like they’re flipping pancakes. Well, guess what? AI framing can help you do that too. You can use it to create high-quality content—think articles, blog posts, and even newsletters (if you’re feeling fancy). And the best part? You can monetize it through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. It’s like letting the AI do the heavy lifting while you reap the rewards.

2. Copywriting


Need to sound like a pro copywriter? With AI framing, you can offer AI-assisted copywriting services for businesses that need killer sales content. Suddenly, you’re the go-to person for writing landing pages, email campaigns, and product descriptions. Plus, you can charge like you’re writing the next bestseller—even if you’re just writing about toothbrushes.

3. Digital Marketing


If you’ve ever wondered how those ads that follow you around the internet get created, it’s a thing called digital marketing. And guess what? You can use AI framing to optimize ad campaigns or offer consulting services to businesses that want to crush it with their marketing. Think of it like being the mastermind behind the scenes, except your assistant is an AI.

4. Ebook Publishing


Ever wanted to write an ebook but felt overwhelmed by, you know, writing? With AI framing, you can generate ebooks quickly and efficiently. Choose a topic, frame the AI properly, and boom—you’ve got content to sell on platforms like Amazon. Now you can finally say, “Oh yeah, I wrote a book,” at parties.

5. Online Courses


If you’re really feeling like the teacher type, why not create an online course on how to use AI framing? People love learning how to make their lives easier, and you can be the one to show them the ropes. Plus, online courses are a great way to make passive income, even when you’re binge-watching Netflix.

6. Freelance Writing


Freelance writing is a classic way to make money, but with AI framing, you can offer quicker, more efficient services. Instead of spending hours staring at a blank page, you can have the AI help you create engaging content for clients in half the time. More projects, less stress—it’s a win-win.

7. Sponsored Content


You know those blog posts or videos that subtly (or not-so-subtly) mention a brand? That’s sponsored content. With AI framing, you can partner with brands to create AI-generated content that still feels human. It’s like being a professional storyteller, but with some extra cash in your pocket.

8. AI-Generated Art


If you’ve got a creative streak, AI framing can help you generate art, music, or even videos. Sell your creations on platforms like Etsy, Redbubble, or wherever else people are willing to pay for cool, AI-generated stuff. Now, when someone asks about your side gig, you can confidently say, “I sell AI-generated masterpieces.” (Fancy, right?)

9. Consulting


If you’ve mastered the art of AI framing, why not teach others how to do it? Offer consulting services to businesses looking to integrate AI into their workflows, boost productivity, and, of course, increase revenue. Suddenly, you’re not just a consultant—you’re an AI expert. And let’s be real, “AI expert” sounds pretty impressive.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re not using AI framing to make money, you’re leaving cash on the table. Whether it’s writing, marketing, or selling AI art, this is your chance to level up—and maybe stop checking your bank balance before every little purchase.


So, what did we learn here? Well, first off, AI framing is the game-changer we’ve all been waiting for—because let’s be real, tossing out vague AI prompts is about as effective as sending a text without hitting “send.” By using AI framing, you’re giving your AI the direction and context it needs to actually work with you, not just at you.

We’ve talked about the common mistakes (vague prompts, anyone?), and now you know how to avoid them. More importantly, AI framing isn’t just for fun—it’s your ticket to earning real money. Whether it’s creating content, selling AI-generated art, or offering consulting services, there’s a whole world of opportunities waiting for you.

So, why not give it a shot? Start framing your AI prompts better, and you’ll be amazed at the results. Plus, who knows? You might just find yourself casually mentioning, “Oh, I use AI framing to make money” in your next conversation. And let’s be honest, that sounds pretty cool, right?

Now, go make that AI work for you.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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