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  • ⚙️ Top 12 AI Prompting Guides of 2024 - Simplified Overview

⚙️ Top 12 AI Prompting Guides of 2024 - Simplified Overview

Unlock AI's Potential: Easy Guides for Crafting Perfect Prompts in 2024

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Table of Contents

Introduction to AI Prompt Engineering

Working with AI and writing good prompts can seem tricky at first, but it's a really useful skill to learn. Whether you're just starting out or want to get better at it, this collection of guides has you covered.

In these guides, we'll explain the basics of prompt engineering in a way that's easy to follow. You'll find tons of handy tips, examples, and advice from top AI platforms. The guides are made for all kinds of people - marketers, teachers, artists, and anyone else who wants to get the most out of AI.

Writing good AI prompts is like having a superpower - it helps you get exactly what you want from the AI tools you use. With these guides, you'll learn all the secrets to crafting prompts that work like magic.

So let's get started! By the end, you'll be a prompt engineering pro, able to bring your craziest ideas to life with the help of AI. It's going to be an exciting journey!

To cover everything from the basics to advanced techniques about prompt engineering, you can take a look at those:

  • https://www.aifire.co/p/prompt-engineering-mastery

  • https://www.aifire.co/p/prompt-engineering-mastery-part-2

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HubSpot has shared a helpful guide called "50 AI Prompt Examples for Marketers to Use in 2023". This guide is a goldmine for marketers who want to use AI in their work.

The guide offers 50 ready-to-use AI prompts that cover different areas of marketing, like:

  • Lead generation

  • Social media posts

  • Content creation (blogs, videos, podcasts, etc.)

  • Content promotion

  • Repurposing old content

Why It's Great

This guide is awesome for marketers because:

  • It saves time - you don't have to come up with prompts from scratch

  • It's targeted for marketing - the prompts are designed specifically for marketing tasks

  • It's easy to use - just pick a prompt and start writing or planning

For example, one prompt for lead generation is:

Suggest new strategies for lead generation in [market] and [industry].

And a prompt for social media is:

Write a tweet promoting a new product suited for a target audience in [industry] and [location].

The prompts are clear and straightforward. You know exactly what kind of content or strategy you need to create.

This guide from the Prompt Market is all about crafting effective AI prompts. It's a comprehensive resource to help you get the best results when using AI.

The guide focuses on two key things:

  1. Being clear and concise in your prompts

  2. Understanding the limitations of AI and how to work around them

Why It's Great

This guide is super useful because it teaches you:

  • How to write prompts that AI can understand

  • Tips for phrasing your prompts in the right way

  • Dealing with the limitations of AI systems

Without this kind of guidance, it can be hard to get good results from AI. Your prompts might be unclear or too complex, causing the AI to give poor outputs.

Key Lessons

Here are some of the main lessons from the guide:

  • Keep prompts short and simple

  • Use common words that AI can easily understand

  • Avoid ambiguity - be as specific as possible

  • Break down complex tasks into smaller steps

The guide also covers the current limitations of AI, like:

  • Struggling with context and nuance

  • Having gaps in knowledge

  • Making logical errors or inconsistencies

And it gives practical advice on how to craft prompts that work within these limitations.

For example, it might suggest:

  • Providing extra context around your prompt

  • Double-checking the AI's understanding

  • Adjusting your expectations based on the AI's capabilities


In simple terms, this comprehensive guide can help you level up your prompting skills. It teaches the art and science of communicating clearly with AI.

By following the tips, you can get way better outputs and make the most of AI's potential for your tasks and goals.

Creately has a really helpful guide called "How to Write AI Prompts with Examples". This guide is all about learning to create great AI prompts.

Why Good Prompts Matter

The guide explains why writing good prompts is so important. Basically:

  • Better prompts = better AI responses

  • With a clear, well-written prompt, the AI can better understand what you want

  • Poorly worded prompts lead to irrelevant or low-quality AI outputs

So if you want to get the most out of AI, you need to nail those prompts!

Prompt Types & Examples

The main part of the guide breaks down different types of AI prompts, with examples for each:

  1. Instructional Prompts

    • These tell the AI to perform a specific task or action

    • Example: "Summarize this article in 5 sentences..."

  2. Open-Ended Prompts

    • These ask the AI to generate creative content

    • Example: "Write a short story about a time traveler..."

  3. Collaborative Prompts

    • These engage the AI in a back-and-forth dialogue

    • Example: "I'm planning a trip to [city]. Can you suggest some must-see sights?"

For each type, the guide provides multiple examples to study and learn from.

It also gives tips on:

  • How to phrase prompts clearly

  • Adding context for better outputs

  • Adjusting tone for different situations

Using the Guide

Overall, this guide is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to step up their AI prompting skills.

By understanding the different prompt types and seeing concrete examples, you can learn:

  • What makes a good vs bad prompt

  • How to structure prompts for your needs

  • Best practices for communicating with AI

With this knowledge, you'll be able to craft way more effective prompts and get superior outputs from AI for any use case.

Are you struggling to write good prompts for AI assistants? Don't worry, Magical has got your back with their beginner-friendly guide!

This guide is perfect for total newbies who want to learn how to craft clear, effective AI prompts quickly.

What Makes It So Awesome?

A few things make Magical's guide a real standout:

  1. Simple and straightforward - no confusing jargon!

  2. Based on 2,000+ tested prompts - tactics that genuinely work

  3. 12 ready-made templates included - just fill in the blanks

  4. Highlights common pitfalls to avoid

  5. Handy checklist to review your prompts

It's like having an AI prompting expert walk you through step-by-step.

The Good Stuff: Tips and Templates

Here are some of the top tips covered:

  • Be specific about what you want the AI to do

  • Provide clear context and background info

  • Use simple language the AI can understand

  • Break down complex tasks into steps

  • Include examples to guide the AI

Then the guide shares 12 proven prompt templates like:

  • Writing and editing prompts

  • Research and analysis prompts

  • Task planning prompts

  • Creative writing prompts

  • And more!

Just pick a template, fill in the blanks, and boom - you've got an effective AI prompt ready to go.

Learn What NOT to Do

But it gets better. The guide also teaches you:

  • Common mistakes to avoid when prompting

  • Pitfalls that lead to poor AI outputs

  • How to refine prompts through trial and error

Plus, there's a handy checklist so you can review your prompts against best practices before firing them off.

The Bottom Line

In short, this guide from Magical is an excellent intro to AI prompting - even if you're a total beginner.

It gives you a solid foundation, clear examples, expert tips, and readymade templates to work with.

You'll learn the right way to communicate with AI assistants from the get-go.

No more confusion or wasted time. Just start writing effective prompts with confidence - and get awesome AI-powered results!i

Working with a team? This guide from Cherry Yadvendu on Cohesive is a must-read! It's all about writing clear, effective AI prompts that the whole team can use.

What Makes It So Useful?

A few things make this guide super valuable, especially for teams:

  1. It goes beyond the basics - deep insights into what makes a good prompt

  2. Shows good vs. bad examples - you'll instantly see the difference

  3. Tailored for marketing, business, education - relevant for many teams

  4. Focused on collaborative prompting - perfect for group efforts

The guide really helps you understand the art of prompting at a deeper level.

Learn What Works (And What Doesn't)

One of the coolest parts is the side-by-side comparisons of:

  • Effective, well-written prompts

  • Poorly-written, confusing prompts

Seeing good and bad examples next to each other makes it click. You can instantly spot what separates a great prompt from a dud.

Ready-to-Use Team Prompts

Don't worry, the guide isn't all theory. Cherry also shares a ton of ready-to-go AI writing prompts specifically designed for teams, like:

  • Marketing prompts (ads, social posts, etc.)

  • Business prompts (reports, presentations, etc.)

  • Education prompts (lessons, instructions, etc.)

Just pick some relevant ones and start collaborating!

Level Up Your Prompting Skills

But here's the real value - by studying this guide, you'll level up your overall prompting ability. You'll gain a deeper intuition for:

  • What details to include (and exclude)

  • How to structure prompts clearly

  • The subtle factors that make a prompt shine

Your whole team will be writing razor-sharp prompts that get amazing AI-powered results every time.

For Next-Level Teamwork

In short, if you want to take your team's AI game to new heights, give this guide a read.

It offers field-tested insights, good vs bad examples, and ready-made team prompts you can apply right away.

More importantly, it will train you and your teammates to communicate with AI flawlessly. That's the key to unlocking its full potential for your collaborative projects.

Want to really understand how to write killer AI prompts? Check out this guide from the smart folks at MIT Sloan. It breaks everything down in a super straightforward way.

What's In the Guide?

The guide starts by explaining what an AI prompt actually is and how AI systems process them. It covers the basics in plain English - no technical jargon.

It then dives into the art of writing effective prompts that get you the best possible outputs from AI. You'll learn:

  • What details to include (and leave out)

  • How to structure prompts clearly

  • Tips for framing your instructions

But here's the best part - the guide gives you an honest, balanced view of AI's abilities and limitations when it comes to understanding prompts.

It doesn't overhype AI. Instead, it explains what current AI can and cannot do so you have realistic expectations.

Why It's Awesome

There are a few key reasons this MIT guide is so valuable:

  1. Academic AND practical - blends theory with real-world applications

  2. Clear, jargon-free language - easy for anyone to understand

  3. Balanced perspective - looks at AI's pros and cons objectively

  4. From a trusted source - MIT knows their stuff when it comes to tech

Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone interested in AI, this guide has got you covered.

How to Use It

You can read the whole guide straight through to build a solid foundation in prompt crafting from the ground up.

Or you can use it as a reference when you need extra guidance on:

  • Understanding how AI "thinks"

  • Writing prompts for specific use cases

  • Avoiding common prompt pitfalls

The guide wraps up with a handy summary that recaps all the key points. Super user-friendly!

Level Up Your AI Skills

In a nutshell, if you want to level up your AI prompt writing abilities, this guide is a must-read resource.

MIT breaks down the fundamentals in a clear, simple way that anyone can follow. You'll gain valuable insights into AI's inner workings and how to craft prompts that truly click.

Best of all, you'll walk away with a balanced, realistic perspective on AI's strengths and limitations when it comes to understanding human language. That's the real key to getting the most out of this powerful technology.

Struggling to get great results from AI? This handy guide teaches you how to optimize your AI prompts for maximum impact.

It Starts with the Basics

The guide begins by explaining what an AI prompt actually is in plain language anyone can understand. No confusing tech jargon here!

It covers the fundamentals, like:

  • How AI "understands" prompts

  • Why good prompts are so important

  • The key elements of an effective prompt

With this foundation, you'll have a solid grasp on prompt basics before moving on.

The Main Focus: Optimizing Prompts

The real meat of the guide is all about enhancing and fine-tuning your prompts. It dives deep into two core areas:

  1. Task Complexity

    • Writing prompts for different task difficulties

    • Breaking down complex prompts into steps

  2. Audience Relevance

    • Tailoring your language for different audiences

    • Making prompts engaging and easy-to-understand

You'll learn strategic methods to optimize prompts based on the complexity of the task and who you're communicating with.

The goal? To bridge the gap between AI's capabilities and your desired outcomes.

Learn by Doing

But here's the best part - the guide encourages hands-on practice to reinforce the lessons. It even points you toward free AI tools you can use.

By actually writing and testing different prompt variations, the concepts will really click. You'll develop an intuitive knack for creating prompts that yield impressive results every time.

Why This Guide Rocks

So what makes this resource so valuable? A few key things:

  • It's comprehensive yet easy-to-follow

  • The focus on mastering complexity and relevance

  • Real-world examples to learn from

  • Free tools to practice with

  • Applicable across many different use cases

Whether you're involved in writing, analysis, coding, or beyond - this guide can help you become an AI prompting pro.

The bottom line? If you want to start getting way better outputs from AI, spend some time mastering prompt optimization with this stellar guide. Your prompting skills (and results) will level up big time!

Looking to level up your AI prompting skills? Check out this extensive guide from the OpenAI Community. It's designed to take you from total beginner to prompting pro!

Something for Everyone

The best part about this guide is that it caters to all skill levels:

  • Beginners who are brand new to AI

  • Intermediate users looking to improve

  • Advanced enthusiasts exploring AI's full potential

No matter where you're at, this guide has you covered.

It's a Prompting Masterclass

This guide is a true comprehensive resource packed with:

  • Techniques for crafting clear, effective prompts

  • Best practices to get amazing results

  • Strategies for different use cases like writing, analysis, coding, and more

It aims to teach you every aspect of the prompting art so you can unleash AI's power for any task or goal.

From the Fundamentals to Advanced Concepts

The guide kicks off by covering prompting basics for newbies:

  • What a prompt is and how AI understands it

  • How to communicate clearly with AI

  • Writing prompts that get you quality outputs

It breaks everything down step-by-step using simple language and tons of examples.

As you progress, it dives into more advanced prompting methods like:

  • Optimizing prompts for maximum relevance

  • Handling complexity through multi-step prompting

  • Conditional prompting based on AI outputs

  • Creative techniques for open-ended use cases

You'll gain a deep understanding of prompting mechanics and psychology.

Use It As a Complete Course or Handy Reference

One of the best things about this guide is its flexible format. You can:

  • Read it from start to finish as a complete course

  • Jump to the sections relevant to your skill level

  • Use it as a reference when you get stuck on tricky prompts

The choice is yours! It's easy to digest and packed with wisdom.

Become an AI Prompting Savant

Whether you're an absolute AI newbie or a seasoned veteran, this OpenAI Community guide is a must-have resource.

It offers a comprehensive masterclass in the art of prompt crafting from the ground up. You'll gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to communicate effectively with AI for any use case.

From basic prompting to advanced strategies, this guide will help you realize the full potential of AI and become a true prompting savant. Highly recommended!

This guide helps you make better AI prompts. It's for big AI models like ChatGPT.

The guide:

  • Explains the basics of AI prompts

  • Shares tips for writing good prompts

  • Talks about testing prompts to improve them

  • Teaches you to get feedback and make prompts better

Khan Academy's AI Guides

Khan Academy has free guides for using AI in education. These guides help:

  • Teachers plan AI lessons

  • Students get AI help with:

    • College applications

    • Career planning

  • Parents and learners use AI for learning

The guides cover many education topics. They're great for teachers, students, and parents who want to use AI for:

  • Teaching

  • Learning

  • Getting things done

The AI Art Prompting Guide is a guide that teaches you how to create amazing images using an AI art generator called Designer. Designer is a free tool that turns your words into stunning visuals.

How does it work?

It's really simple! You just type in a description of what you want, like "a cozy armchair shaped like an avocado", and the AI will magically create an image based on your words.

Here are the main things the guide covers:

Getting Started

  • Writing Prompts 101 - Learn how to write great prompts to get the images you want.

  • Art Styles & Genres - Discover different art styles the AI can create, from realistic photos to crazy paintings.

Improving Your Results

  • Modifying Prompts - Change or enhance your images by tweaking your prompts.

  • Tips & Tricks - Handy tips to get even better results.

So in summary, the AI Art Prompting Guide is an easy way to learn how to use Designer to turn your imagination into awesome AI-generated art! Just describe what you want, and let the AI do the rest.

What is this guide about?

This guide is all about Generative AI - a new type of AI that can create fresh content like text, images, code, and more! It covers popular Generative AI tools used for research and how to use them effectively.

Here's what you'll find in the guide:

Getting Started

  • Welcome to Generative AI - A quick intro to what Generative AI is all about.

  • Learning Resources - Videos and courses to help you understand this new technology better.

Using Generative AI Tools

  • AI Tools for Research - Popular Generative AI tools you can use for your research work.

  • How to Craft Prompts - Tips on writing good prompts to get the best results from these AI tools.

Diving Deeper

  • Research Resources on AI - Library databases and books to learn more about AI in depth.

  • Latest AI News - Stay updated on the latest happenings in the AI world.

Important Considerations

  • Ethics & AI - Ethical issues to keep in mind when using Generative AI.

  • Citing AI - How to properly cite AI-generated content in your work.

  • Policies - Georgetown's policies and resources related to AI on campus.

So in short, this guide is your one-stop shop for everything related to Generative AI - understanding it, using its tools effectively for research, accessing AI resources, and handling it responsibly. Easy peasy!

What is the Prompt Engineering Guide?

The Prompt Engineering Guide is a resource that teaches you how to write better prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. Prompts are the instructions or questions you give to these AI models.

The guide covers:

Prompting Basics

  • Introduction to Prompting - What prompts are and why they matter

  • Prompt Elements - Different parts that make up a prompt

  • General Tips - Useful advice for designing effective prompts

Advanced Techniques

  • Zero-shot Prompting - Giving the model no examples, just instructions

  • Few-shot Prompting - Providing a few examples to guide the model

  • Chain-of-Thought Prompting - Asking the model to show its reasoning step-by-step

  • And many more! Like self-consistency, knowledge prompting, prompt chaining, and more advanced methods.


  • Coding - Writing prompts to generate code

  • Data Generation - Creating synthetic data with prompts

  • And more! Like text summarization, question answering, and job classification.


  • Prompt Hub - A collection of sample prompts for different tasks

  • Model Information - Details on various LLMs like ChatGPT, GPT-4, etc.

  • Research Papers - Latest academic papers on prompt engineering

So in simple terms, the Prompt Engineering Guide teaches you tips and tricks to craft better prompts. This helps you get more accurate and useful responses from AI language models like ChatGPT for all kinds of tasks!


The guides offer unique perspectives and tools for anyone looking to use AI in content creation or other fields. They stress the importance of practice, clarity, and understanding AI capabilities to craft effective prompts. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, these resources can help improve your skills and approach to AI and digital content.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

*indicates a premium content, if any

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