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  • đŸ’» Turn Your Browser into a Smart Assistant: Step-by-Step Guide to Building an AI Co-Pilot for Effortless Fact-Checking

đŸ’» Turn Your Browser into a Smart Assistant: Step-by-Step Guide to Building an AI Co-Pilot for Effortless Fact-Checking

Learn how to create a smart AI tool that helps you check facts online, save time, and make your browsing easier.

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So, you’re curious about AI Automation, huh? Well, buckle up because we’re about to turn your browser into a smart, little helper that follows you around the web like a loyal sidekick. Think of it as your digital Sherlock Holmes, always ready to fact-check whatever catches your eye. Pretty cool, right?

Instead of scratching your head, just highlight the text, click a button, and watch your AI Co-Pilot spring into action, fact-checking with the precision of a seasoned detective. Why go through the hassle of endless tabs when you can have an AI-powered assistant doing the heavy lifting for you? Trust me, once you get the hang of this, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. And who knows, maybe your friends will start calling you the “AI Automation Guru” (okay, maybe not, but it’s a nice thought). Let’s get started!

I. Building an AI Co-Pilot

1. What’s This AI Co-Pilot Thing?

Imagine you’re scrolling through the internet, and you come across some wild claim—like, “Did cryptocurrency scammers really use AI deep fakes of famous people to trick folks?” Now, instead of scratching your head or frantically Googling, you just highlight the text, click a button, and boom—your AI Co-Pilot jumps into action. It checks the claim and gives you the lowdown, complete with sources. It’s like having a super-smart friend who’s always got your back (and a ton of info at their fingertips).

2. Why Would You Want to Build One?

Good question! For starters, AI Automation is a total game-changer. It’s not just about saving time (though that’s a huge bonus), but also about leveling up your productivity. No more chasing down info across multiple tabs—your AI Co-Pilot does the heavy lifting. Plus, you’ll look like a tech wizard to anyone watching. And who doesn’t want that?

3. The Tools You’ll Need

Don’t worry, I’m not sending you on a wild goose chase across the internet to find obscure tools. All you need is Google Chrome (yes, the browser you probably use every day), Make.com (a cool platform for no-code automation), and Perplexity AI (because we want our AI Co-Pilot to be as smart as possible).

4. How We’ll Get It Done

Here’s the plan, and trust me, it’s easier than it sounds. We’ll start by setting up a Chrome extension (don’t freak out, it’s not rocket science), then we’ll integrate it with Make.com, and finally, we’ll connect it to Perplexity AI for all the fact-checking magic. By the end of this, you’ll have your very own AI Co-Pilot, ready to make your internet browsing smarter, faster, and way more fun.

II. Setting Up the Chrome Extension

1. Modify the Background and Content JS Files

  • Download the Folder: Grab this folder with the necessary JS files. Got it? Good.

  • Edit the JS Files:

    • Open background.js in a plain text editor.

    • Use Ctrl + F to find the placeholder.

    • Replace that placeholder with your shiny new webhook URL.

  • Save Your Changes: Make sure the text format is set to plain text and hit save. No going back now!

2. Install the Modified Extension

  • Enable Developer Mode: In Chrome, head to Extensions settings and flip on Developer Mode. This isn’t as techy as it sounds, promise.

  • Load Unpacked: Click “Load unpacked” and select the folder with your newly modified JS files.

  • Pin the Extension: Once it’s loaded, pin it to your Chrome toolbar. Trust me, you’ll want it handy.


3. Steps to Install and Configure the Extension

  1. Configure the Extension:

    • Right-click any text.

    • Select “Check with Truth Pilot.”

    • Initiate the automation.

  2. What Happens Next:

    • The system uses a web hook to generate a prompt for image creation.

    • This all happens automatically in the background, making you look like a content genius with hardly any effort.

And don’t worry, setting this up is simpler than assembling flat-pack furniture (and way less frustrating). Just follow the steps, and soon, you’ll have an automated social media system humming along in the background, making you look like a content genius with hardly any effort.

III. Integrating with Make.com

Alright, so your Chrome extension is up and running—congrats! But now, we need to sprinkle some real AI Automation magic on it. Enter Make.com, the place where all your automation dreams come true (no, really). This is the part where things start to get really interesting.

Step 1: Set Up a Web Hook in Make.com (No, Not the Fishing Kind 🐟)

Before we can get our AI Automation rolling, we need to create a new scenario in Make.com. If the word “scenario” makes you think of a dramatic movie scene, you’re not too far off—it’s just a fancy term for setting up an automation process.

  • Create a New Scenario:
    Give it a catchy name like “Truth Pilot” because, well, that’s exactly what it is—a pilot of truth in the wild world of the web.

  • Set Up the Web Hook:
    This is where the magic begins. You’ll define the scenario to catch the highlighted text and URL from your Chrome extension, just like a safety net catches a trapeze artist (minus the danger).

After setting this up, Make.com will generate a URL—a direct line of communication between your extension and Make.com.

  • Copy That URL:
    Head back to your Chrome extension settings and paste the URL. It’s like connecting your extension’s brain to its body.


Alright, you’ve got your Chrome extension running and your Make.com scenario all setup. But what’s going to actually do the thinking here? Enter Perplexity AI, your new best friend for fact-checking with some serious AI Automation power. Let’s get this thing rolling!

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Step 2: Set Up Perplexity AI API

(It’s Like Giving Your AI Automation Some Superpowers đŸ’Ș)

First things first, Perplexity AI needs to be set up and ready to roll. This is where it gets the juice to work its magic.

  • API Setup: Head over to Perplexity AI and toss a few bucks into your account—because nothing in life is free, right? Once you’ve got that set, grab your API credentials. These are like the keys to the AI Automation kingdom.

Step 3: Crafting the Prompt for Fact-Checking

(Because Even AI Needs to Know What You’re Talking About đŸ˜…)

Now, here’s where you tell Perplexity AI exactly what you want it to do. Think of this as the part where you give your AI Automation a little direction, so it doesn’t go off the rails.

  • Prompt Design:

    • Write out a clear and detailed prompt.

    • Start with the claim you want checked.

    • Include the source.

    • Specify the format you want the response in.

    • Don’t forget to ask for a confidence score—because we all like to know just how sure the AI is about its findings.

"I found a statement on {{1.url}} that claims '{{1.text}}.' I need a detailed fact-check report on this claim, and I would like you to source up to three additional examples that either support or refute this information. The report should include:

1. **Claim:**  
   Restate the specific fact or statement being checked.

2. **Verdict:**  
   Provide one of the following verdicts based on your findings: 🟱 True, 🔮 False, ⚫ Misleading, or 🟣 Unverifiable.

3. **Confidence Score:**  
   Assign a confidence score between 1-10, where 10 indicates high confidence in the verdict and 1 indicates low confidence. include a brief explainatiof on why in brackets next to the number (no more than 12 words).

4. **Findings:**  
   Offer further context or information about the claim, including its origin, any reasons it might be misunderstood, and how experts view it. Limit this section to a maximum of 200 words.

5. **Source Summary:**  
   Identify up to three new credible sources that verify the claim. Provide a brief summary of the findings from each source, ensuring that they are distinct from the original link provided. Include:
   - The name of each source (e.g., a scientific journal, reputable news outlet, expert organization). This cannot be reddit
- You must not use the same website you are provided here: {{1.url}}
- You must search the claim on the internet and find reputatable sources to assess the veracity of the claim.
   - A brief description of what the source says about the claim.
   - A direct, clickable hyperlink to the full article.

Please ensure the output follows this format:
- **Numbered headers** are bold, like '1. **Claim:**'
- **Links** are provided as **clickable hyperlinks**."


Step 4: Integration with Make.com

With your prompt ready, it’s time to bring everything together in Make.com.

  • API Call Setup:

    • In your Make.com scenario, set up a new module to handle API calls to Perplexity AI.

    • This is where you plug in that fancy prompt you just crafted.

    • Now, when your Chrome extension sends over the text, Make.com will hit up Perplexity AI to do the heavy lifting.


Step 5: Returning Fact-Check Results

After Perplexity AI works its magic, you’ll want to make sure the results are easy to read and useful.

  • Output Formatting:

    • Customize the response so it comes back with all the details you need—claim, verdict, confidence score, findings, and a source summary.

  • Display Results:

    • Ensure the results are sent back to your Chrome extension, all neat and tidy, ready for you to review and impress your friends (or, you know, just do your job better).

Step 6: Test the Fact-Checking Process

Now, for the moment of truth. Highlight some text, run the Chrome extension, and watch as your AI Automation springs into action.

  • Validate the Response:

    • If everything checks out and the results are spot on, you’re golden.

    • If not, well, tweak that prompt until it’s perfect. Hey, nobody said AI Automation was a one-shot deal, right?


And there you have it! You’ve just set up an AI Automation that doesn’t just sit there looking pretty—it actually works, thanks to Perplexity AI. Time to sit back and let the automation handle the heavy lifting. 🎉


Wrapping up this AI Automation journey, we’ve taken some solid steps, from setting up the Chrome extension to integrating Make.com and using Perplexity AI for smart fact-checking. What have we got now? A pretty cool AI co-pilot that’s ready to do some serious work, and maybe even make your life a little easier. But hey, don't stop here! There’s always room for more fun—why not add extra automation scenarios, or spruce up the design a bit more? After all, making things look good is half the battle. So, keep tinkering and refining because, just like in bioinformatics, there’s always another hidden message waiting to be found. 😊

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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