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🗂️ Top 15 Awesome Free Resources to Learn and Master AI: From Beginner to Pro

Unlocking AI: Free Guides to Transform You from Curious Beginner to Pro


Hey there!

Ever thought AI is super cool but kinda scary?

If you're curious about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and want to learn without spending a dime, you're in the right spot. AI is changing the world, kind of like how the printing press did way back before World War I. It's a big deal in pretty much every industry, and understanding it now is a smart move for the future. Luckily, there are free resources out there to help you get started, no matter if you're a total beginner or looking to dive deeper. From learning the basics to exploring advanced topics like ChatGPT prompt engineering and generative AI, there's something for everyone. So, whether you're interested in making your business better with AI or just curious about the technology, these resources are here to guide you. Let's jump into the world of AI together!

Feeling like AI's getting ahead of us? This lesson's like a survival guide for the AI jungle, showing us how to keep up without breaking a sweat.

Here are five key highlights:

  • Li Jiang from Stanford talks about getting schools ready for AI. He says AI will change jobs, and we need to teach kids how to use it smartly.

  • He believes starting young with AI Thinking helps kids know what jobs are for people and what jobs are for machines, focusing on being creative and coming up with new ideas.

  • Jiang talks about Design Thinking at Stanford, a step-by-step way to be more creative that involves understanding the people you're designing for, figuring out the real problem, brainstorming ideas, making prototypes, and testing them.

  • He shares a story about designing cheaper baby incubators in Nepal to show how Design Thinking solves real problems by understanding what people really need.

  • Lastly, Jiang is excited about AI tools like ChatGPT changing education. He encourages using these tools in class to help students learn better and prepare for the future. He loves robots and dreams of making cool ones.

Key insights:

  • Andrew Ng says AI is like learning to read long ago. Right now, only big companies really use AI, but he thinks everyone should be able to use it, just like everyone learned to read and write.

  • He talks about how building AI is often too expensive for small businesses. Big tech companies can afford it because they make a lot of money from it, but smaller places, like pizza shops, can't.

  • Andrew shares a story about a pizza shop that could use AI to know which pizzas to make more of. Showing even small data from one shop can be really helpful.

  • He points out a problem: there are tons of great ideas for using AI in small businesses, but they don't happen because each one needs its own special AI, which is too costly.

  • Lastly, Andrew is excited about new tools that let people who aren't computer experts make their own AI by just using data. This could help lots of small businesses and not just the big ones, making things better for everyone.


This podcast features Joseph Berti from IBM, discussing the combined impact of AI and IoT technologies. It's a quick listen, perfect for a coffee break, aimed at understanding the potential of these technologies together. Joseph talks about the direction these innovations are taking us, and what business leaders should keep an eye on regarding future trends. It's especially useful for those looking to enhance their competitive edge, support, or deepen their understanding of the AI vendor landscape in current projects.

Want to chat with AI like a boss?

This free course is a handy guide on generative AI, focusing on learning how to craft effective prompts, a skill known as Prompt Engineering. Businesses are starting to recognize the value of this skill, offering to pay well for it. The course aims to make understanding AI simple and safe, even for the more complex parts, so it's really accessible for everyone.

Dive into making fun projects with ChatGPT. It's like having a robot buddy to build sandcastles with, but the sandcastles are actually cool apps.

Key highlights:

  • Ania Kubow leads a comprehensive ChatGPT course focusing on the OpenAI API, offering in-depth exploration and application potential.

  • The course includes a project-based learning approach, with initial projects like creating a ChatGPT clone and understanding tokenization for effective API use.

  • Viewers learn to implement the ChatGPT API in simple web projects using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, emphasizing practical skills over theoretical knowledge.

  • The course covers advanced topics, including generating new chats, styling messages, and integrating with backend services for secure API key storage.

  • Additional projects involve using DALL-E for image generation and creating SQL generators, highlighting the versatility of OpenAI's tools in various applications.

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Hey, if you're curious about machine learning but don't know where to start, Google's got a free crash course for you. It's a short, self-paced online class that covers the basics of machine learning. Perfect for beginners! You'll learn the key ideas behind how machines learn from data. It's like teaching a computer to think and make decisions based on the information it gets. There is no need to be a tech whiz to get started, this course breaks it down into easy-to-understand concepts. Give it a try and start your journey into the world of machine learning!


Dream of starting an AI business? This is like a treasure map to finding gold for your venture. You're going to learn how to woo investors and make your AI dream a reality.

Harvard (yeah, the fancy university) is teaching how AI works using Python. It's like learning magic tricks from a master magician, for free!


They dive into the basics of modern artificial intelligence, breaking down complex concepts into simple terms. You'll get hands-on experience with projects that teach you about things like graph search algorithms, classification, optimization, and machine learning. It's like learning the building blocks of AI and using them to create your own programs in Python. No need to be a computer genius – this course makes it easy to understand and apply AI principles. Get ready to explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence!

Picture the smartest people in AI chatting about what's next. That's this. It's like a sneak peek into tomorrow's tech toys and traps.

Here are five key highlights:

  • Generative AI Revolution: This new wave of AI is shifting from simply ranking information to actually creating it. Think Google search versus generating original content like videos or articles.

  • Mainstream Adoption: Companies like OpenAI are making AI accessible to everyone, not just tech enthusiasts. Tools like ChatGPT are breaking into everyday use, from writing scripts to helping with homework.

  • Business Impact: AI is not just hype; it's a game-changer for businesses. Companies like Microsoft are investing billions, signaling a shift towards integrating AI into everyday software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

  • Ethical Concerns: While AI offers exciting possibilities, there are ethical challenges. Issues like biases in AI systems, copyright violations, and misuse of AI-generated content need to be addressed to ensure responsible use.

  • Global Collaboration: As AI becomes more pervasive, it's crucial to involve a global community in decision-making. Democratic processes and discussions involving diverse perspectives can help shape AI's future for the better.


Imagine AI's like your smart friend who knows a bunch. This course? It's for anyone curious about AI, not just tech wizards. Learn the lingo and chat about AI like a pro.

Learn how to use a big language tool to make cool new stuff fast! With the OpenAI API, you can create things that are super smart and valuable, even if you're not a tech wizard. Plus, you'll pick up two important tips for writing prompts that work like magic.

It's easier than you think!


Fast.ai offers a free course on practical deep learning for coders. With a hands-on approach and a focus on real-world applications, this course covers topics such as convolutional neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Google AI Education provides free resources, including tutorials, courses, and research papers, covering various aspects of artificial intelligence. From machine learning crash courses to advanced deep learning concepts, Google AI Education offers valuable learning materials for beginners and experts alike.


These Microsoft lectures are handy for companies heavily reliant on Microsoft products. They aim to simplify the integration of AI technology into critical decision-making processes. However, they fall short in addressing specific business scenarios due to their introductory nature. Despite this limitation, the presentations focus on preparing businesses for AI adoption and scaling strategies with it. They offer a broad understanding of AI's role in business strategy, making them a valuable starting point for those looking to leverage AI in their operations.


The AI for Good Specialization equips you with the expertise to develop AI tools for social benefit, emphasizing ethical considerations and human intelligence. While it serves as a solid foundation, you may need to supplement it with more specialized skills. This program is ideal for those passionate about addressing issues like air quality, renewable energy, wildlife preservation, and disaster response. Through practical case studies, it demonstrates how AI can be harnessed to tackle pressing societal and environmental challenges, providing valuable insights and tools for making a positive impact.


AI's big, exciting, and a tad intimidating, but with these free resources, you're all set to tackle it head-on. Happy learning, and here's to making AI a bit less mysterious and a lot more fun!

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