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  • 🧠 12 Best Mind-Blowing Use Cases of OpenAI’s o1 Model

🧠 12 Best Mind-Blowing Use Cases of OpenAI’s o1 Model

How ChatGPT o1 is Changing the Game for Logic, Coding, and Creativity.

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If you follow OpenAI updates, you’ve probably heard about their latest breakthrough: the o1 model. It’s not just another AI—it’s like ChatGPT’s smarter, more thoughtful sibling. The kind that actually pauses and thinks before jumping to conclusions. You know, the way you wish you did before sending that text at 2 a.m.

The o1 model isn’t here for the easy stuff. If you want to generate a quick text or solve a simple query, feel free to use ChatGPT 4. But when it comes to the deep, tricky problems that make your brain hurt? That’s when you should use ChatGPT o1. It’s built for the tough tasks—critical thinking, logic puzzles, coding challenges, and anything else that might make you feel like you need an extra cup of coffee (or three).

OpenAI named it o1 for its reasoning skills. And yeah, they’re going to keep this going with o2, o3, and beyond, but right now, o1 is already knocking it out of the park. Want to see how? Let me show you some wild ways people are using it—from solving logic puzzles to building 3D games in minutes.

So, buckle up, grab your coffee (because ChatGPT can’t make that for you—yet), and let’s check out some of the most mind-blowing ways people are putting o1 to work.

I. Reasoning and Problem-Solving Abilities

Creating a 3D game? Sounds like something that takes days—if not weeks—of coding frustration, right? Well, guess what? Someone literally used ChatGPT o1 to build a fully functional 3D Snake game in minutes. Yeah, you read that right. Not only did they manage it quickly, but they also integrated it with Replit like it was no big deal.


Meanwhile, here I am struggling to remember where I left my keys, and people are out here using ChatGPT o1 to create video games during lunch breaks.


2. Writing Complex Poetry

Writing a poem—easy, right? Wrong. Most AI models try and end up sounding like a robot at an awkward poetry slam. But with ChatGPT o1? It actually thinks before putting pen to paper (or code to text, I guess).


ChatGPT o1


Claude 3.5

Let’s be real, getting AI to write something that feels authentic is no small feat. But this new reasoning ability means you can use ChatGPT for tasks that require actual thought—like poetry, coding, or even solving tricky puzzles (so much more fun than solving your life problems, I know).

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II. Solving Logic Puzzles and Challenges

Let’s be real—logic puzzles are those things that make us feel smart for about two seconds, then crush our self-esteem when we can’t solve them. But not when you use ChatGPT. The o1 model isn’t just guessing its way through; it actually reasons through the puzzle like it’s no big deal. I mean, imagine solving a puzzle that’s been frustrating you for hours, and ChatGPT just comes in and offers not one, but multiple possible solutions. Meanwhile, I’m still sitting here wondering why my coffee tastes weird.

Logic puzzles are supposed to test our critical thinking, and let’s face it—most of us could use a little extra brainpower now and then. So why not use ChatGPT? The o1 model? It’s like that one friend who shows up late but instantly knows the answer to the riddle you’ve been staring at for hours. This model goes beyond just giving you an answer; it gives you options. It’s like a menu of solutions where you don’t just get fries—you get sweet potato fries, curly fries, and waffle fries.


ChatGPT o1


ChatGPT 4o


Claude 3.5

Now, let’s take this up a notch. Even in the world of cybersecurity, ChatGPT o1 is showing off. In a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge, the container crashed. So what did o1 do? It didn’t just shrug and give up like the rest of us would—it hacked the container to grab the flag. Yes, ChatGPT went full hacker mode. Meanwhile, I can’t even hack into my own Wi-Fi when I forget the password.


The bottom line is: you should use ChatGPT o1 if you want to handle logic puzzles or technical challenges like a pro. Whether it’s reasoning through a tough problem or solving cybersecurity issues, o1 is like that friend who always comes through—calm, collected, and way too good at everything.

III. Advancing Software Engineering

Let’s face it—coding complex apps is no walk in the park. I mean, unless your idea of fun is staying up till 3 a.m. trying to figure out why your code won’t run, it’s safe to say most of us could use a little help. And that’s where ChatGPT o1 comes in. It doesn’t just speed things up—it makes you feel like you’ve got a secret weapon in your corner, helping you build apps faster and better than you thought possible.

Usually, coding an app with advanced features feels like trying to cook a seven-course meal when you can barely handle toast. But a developer used ChatGPT o1 to build an app with advanced export features, and it absolutely outperformed other models like Claude in speed and efficiency. I mean, while you’re still wondering if you need a semicolon somewhere, ChatGPT o1 is already wrapping things up, like, “Don’t worry, I got this.”


This isn’t just some basic coding—it’s the kind of advanced stuff that used to take hours, now done in a fraction of the time. It’s like hiring a professional chef for that seven-course meal… but for your code.

Now, if you think coding is hard, try creating visual effects. It’s like taking on a second job. But someone used ChatGPT o1 to generate a holographic shader from scratch, skipping the need to spend money on fancy assets. Think about it—no more shelling out big bucks on complex visual effects tools, because ChatGPT o1 just casually steps in and says, “Here, I made you a holographic shader. No big deal.”

For developers working in XR and visual effects, using ChatGPT o1 is like finding out your computer can now not only run the game, but also design the graphics. It opens up all kinds of new possibilities, and honestly? It’s about time.

So yeah, coding might still make us want to cry sometimes, but when you use ChatGPT o1, it feels a little less like you’re lost in a maze and a lot more like you’ve got a super-smart sidekick who’s quietly handling all the hard stuff.

IV. Automating and Enhancing Creativity

When it comes to creativity, let’s be honest—there’s a fine line between feeling inspired and staring blankly at a screen, wondering why you decided to write a story in the first place. But guess what? Use ChatGPT o1 and suddenly, things start to flow. It’s like having a personal assistant who just gets you (without the drama).

1. Story Writing with Alphabetical Constraints

Writing a story is one thing, but starting each word with a different letter from A to Z? That’s a whole new level of brain-bending madness. I mean, I could barely get past “Aardvarks always argue about apples,” let alone get all the way to Z. But when you use ChatGPT o1, it takes on this challenge like it’s no big deal.

This AI model actually wrote a full story where each word started with a different letter, without repeating any. The creativity is off the charts, and honestly, it’s a bit intimidating. If ChatGPT o1 ever decides to publish its work, I might have to quit writing altogether.

Now, let’s talk about podcasts. You know, those lovely things we binge during a long commute (or, let’s be real, when we’re supposed to be working). Creating podcasts from text? That’s not easy. It’s like turning your random ramblings into something worth listening to. But use ChatGPT o1, and it’s suddenly a breeze.


NotebookLM, powered by o1, took a boring system card and turned it into a full-blown podcast discussion. We’re talking high-quality audio content that sounds like an actual conversation between experts. So now, when I’m feeling extra lazy, I can let AI handle both my writing and my podcasting. It’s like outsourcing your creativity, but without the guilt.

So, whether you're trying to write the next great story with impossible rules or whip up a podcast without lifting a finger, use ChatGPT o1. It’s like having a super-smart sidekick who just handles the tricky parts, leaving you with all the creative glory. And really, isn’t that what we all need?

V. Next-Generation Problem-Solving in Science and Technology

When you use ChatGPT o1, it’s like having that one friend who just gets it—you know, the one who takes two seconds to figure out what you've been struggling with for hours. In the world of science and technology, o1 isn't just smart; it’s practically a miracle worker. Seriously, it’s the support system we never knew we needed.

Building an app from scratch? That usually requires endless cups of coffee, frustration, and an embarrassing number of bugs. But someone used ChatGPT o1 and literally built a 3D weather app in just two minutes. Like, two minutes?! That’s barely enough time for me to remember where I put my phone, and o1 is over here coding a whole app. It’s basically the Flash of app development.


This is the kind of thing that makes me rethink all the time I’ve spent on projects. While I’m here refreshing my browser for the tenth time, o1’s already done and moved on to its next project. If this isn’t next-gen problem-solving, I don’t know what is.

And it’s not just about flashy apps either. Imagine tackling business challenges with logic and reasoning that takes every little detail into account—something that usually gives me a headache by just thinking about it. o1 stepped up and developed an entire software suite that not only handled the technical side of things but also integrated business implications into the decision-making process.

It’s like having a super-smart consultant who works at lightning speed and doesn’t charge by the hour (thank goodness). If you ever thought you couldn’t use ChatGPT o1 to handle serious, real-world business problems—think again.

So, whether you’re trying to build a fancy app in record time or solve complex problems without pulling your hair out, use ChatGPT o1. It’s basically that overachiever in class who’s always ready to help, but in this case, it won’t make you feel bad about it.

VI. Revolutionizing Coding and Agentic Systems

Coding is already hard enough. But trying to think, plan, and execute an entire project from scratch? That sounds like a nightmare—until you use ChatGPT o1. It’s like having an ultra-competent friend who quietly handles everything while you’re too busy spiraling into existential dread (because, same).

Here’s the thing: coding isn’t just about throwing together a bunch of lines and hoping they work. It’s about planning, executing, and troubleshooting—which can be... overwhelming. But when you use ChatGPT o1, the whole process becomes kind of magical. o1 can literally think through your project, architect the code, and complete it from scratch.


Like, imagine sitting there with a cup of coffee, and while you’re contemplating your life choices, ChatGPT o1 just writes your entire project for you. I mean, I struggle to plan what I’m going to eat for lunch, and o1 is out here coding an entire app like it’s no big deal. Can we trade, please?

Tired of manually scraping websites? Meet the o1 web crawler. Just give it an objective, and it’ll navigate through entire websites, grabbing the data you need and organizing it neatly in a JSON schema.

Why waste hours when you can use ChatGPT o1 to handle it? It’s like having that super-smart friend who solves everything while you sip your coffee. Whether it's for business research or tracking down every cat meme out there, o1’s got your back—no fuss, no stress.

Let ChatGPT o1 crawl the web, and you just enjoy the results.


At the end of the day, use ChatGPT o1 and watch it transform how you tackle everything from coding to business strategies. It’s not just smart—it’s like the support system we all need but never knew we could get from AI. Seriously, this model can handle the tricky stuff while we sit back and wonder how we ever did it without o1.

And if you think this is as good as it gets, just wait. o1 is pushing the boundaries of AI across every field—coding, art, business, cybersecurity, you name it. It’s just getting started, and honestly, I’m kind of glad I don’t have to do all the heavy lifting anymore.

So, what are you waiting for? Use ChatGPT o1 in your next project and see what magic happens. After all, it’s like having that overachieving friend who’s always got your back. And really, we could all use a little extra help, right?

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