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  • 💻 12 Generative AI Prompts to Boost Your Marketing Content

💻 12 Generative AI Prompts to Boost Your Marketing Content

Making AI Work for You: Clever Tips for Smarter Marketing

Introduction to AI Prompts for Marketing Content

Generative AI tools got a lot of buzz this year, and for good reason. They're really helpful for making your content marketing team work smarter without taking over people's jobs. Here's a list of 12 smart ways to use generative AI in your marketing.

At the same time, we would like to introduce you to Copy.AI, an effective tool for writing assistance. In the following article, we will present visual comparisons of the responses to the same question from both Copy.AI and ChatGPT-4, along with the ideas generated.

What's copy.AI?

Copy.AI is a tool that helps you write things. It's like having a smart helper for writing emails, ads, or social media posts. You tell it what you need, and it gives you ideas to make your writing better and easier. It's like talking to a friend who gives you cool suggestions for what to write.

1. Brand Voice Adaptation AI Prompt

  • Define Your Brand Personality: Is your brand friendly, formal, or playful? This sets the tone for your voice.

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your voice to suit the preferences and needs of your target audience.

  • Create Scenario-Based Prompts: Develop specific examples for different situations, like responding to customer feedback or writing a blog post.

Can you learn the voice of [name] using these articles [insert article URLs]?
Can you use [name’s] voice to create [detail marketing asset]?
  • List Dos and Don’ts: Clearly outline what fits your brand voice and what doesn't. For example, if your brand is fun and casual, slang might be okay, but avoid it if your tone is formal.

For example:
Can you learn the voice of James Clear using these articles?

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

Can you use James Clear’s voice to create a marketing landing page about decision-making?

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

Remember, a consistent brand voice helps make your brand more recognizable and relatable to your audience. Keep it consistent across all platforms to strengthen your brand identity.

2. Audience Engagement AI Prompt

People love sharing their opinions. Ask them questions in your posts or during live sessions. It's a great way to get people to communicate.

Create a social media post that engages our target audience of [a certain group of people] with a question about [relevant topic].

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

3. SEO-Optimized Article Title AI Prompt

Crafting a standout article is just part of the battle. The next challenge? Making sure it gets the attention it deserves. That's where AI and SEO become your secret weapons.

Use AI to analyze the title tags and meta descriptions of top-ranking pages in your field, including your competitors'. Then, have it generate your own title tag or meta description based on its findings.

TIP: Certain AI tools (like Copy.ai Workflows API) enable you to save and apply a title tag formula for multiple pages, streamlining the process.

I'm going to provide some title tags. I want you to analyze them and identify common traits that contribute to their high search rankings for a specific keyword. Here are the websites: [URLs].

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

Please write a title tag for [page] that uses best SEO practices and is no longer than 60 characters (please give me the character count)? When writing the title tag, please incorporate the commonalities you just learned. Here is the text from my web page: [page text].

Please write a title tag for my AI information page that uses best SEO practices and is no longer than 60 characters (please give me the character count). When writing the title tag, please incorporate the commonalities you just learned. Here is the text from my web page:[ ]

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

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4. Make Your Sentences More Interesting with AI Prompts

It’s about making your writing fun and interesting, especially for certain topics.

Here, I will give you three ways to do it:

It's like asking AI to help you find different ways to say a word that fits your topic well. For example, if the industry is 'digital marketing' and the word is 'increase', the AI might suggest 'boost' or 'amplify' as synonyms. These alternatives are not just mere replacements for the word 'increase' but are chosen for their relevance and common usage in the context of digital marketing. It's about using the right words that people who are into that topic will get and like. This way, your writing sounds cool and just right for the people you're talking to.

Can you give me a synonym for [word] that is related to [industry or topic]?

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

I’d like you to give me an analogy that compares two things. Those two things are (thing 1) and (thing 2). I’d like this analogy to relate to (theme, topic, industry, etc.). Do you understand?

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

5. Get new ideas for pictures

If you're running out of new ideas for pictures or designs, especially for the same old topics, AI can be a big help. It's like getting a fresh boost of ideas to make things interesting again.

Can you give me a suggestion for a compelling photo or other visual that represents [topic, theme, key message]?

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

6. Quickly Reusing Your Best Content

You’ve made an awesome piece of content. It should get lots of use, not just once. Use AI to reuse it in new ways. Turn an article into infographic words. Make a podcast text into an article. Or change the website text into a short video script. Make the reused content great by mixing AI with your own creative ideas.

I’m going to give you the text from an article. Can you summarize the main ideas into five key points? These points will be used to create an infographic about [topic] that is intended to encourage [audience] to [action].

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

7. Competitor Analysis AI Prompt

Looking at what your competitors are doing with their content can give you great ideas. You can then think of three unique ways to make your content stand out and be different from theirs.

Analyze the content strategy of our competitor [name competitor] and suggest three ways we can differentiate our content.

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

8. User-Generated Content AI Prompt

To get people talking about your product or event, think about a fun hashtag. This way, people can post their own stories or pictures using your hashtag. It's a simple and effective way to make your product or event popular online.

Suggest a hashtag and campaign idea to encourage user-generated content around [specific product/event].

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

9. Customer Testimonial Highlight

Creating a social media post that showcases a customer testimonial is an excellent way to connect with your audience and build trust. Highlighting real feedback in your content can effectively demonstrate the value and impact of your product or service to potential customers.

Write a social media post that features this customer testimonial [provide testimonial] in a way that resonates with our audience.

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

10. Ending Your Blog Post with a Call to Action

A compelling call-to-action (CTA) is crucial because it guides your readers on what to do next, turning their interest into action. It's the key to converting readers into active participants, whether that's subscribing, purchasing, or downloading, directly impacting the success of your content.

Compose a compelling call-to-action to conclude our blog post about [topic], encouraging readers to [desired action].

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

11. Event Promotion

Inviting people to an event means creating excitement and interest. A good invitation should quickly highlight what's fun and valuable about attending, making it clear why it's an event not to be missed.

Create a brief but engaging invitation for our upcoming event [provide event details], highlighting the main attractions and benefits of attending.

ChatGPT-4 response:

Copy.ai response:

12. Email Campaign AI Prompt

When you're writing an email to promote a new product or service, the subject line and first sentence are super important. They need to grab the attention of your specific audience and make them want to read more. Here’s the prompt you may need:

Write an email subject line and opening line that would entice [specific audience segment] to learn more about our new product/service.

ChatGPT-4 response:


Copy.ai response:



You can see Copy.ai is really good at giving detailed and specific answers for marketing tasks. It's a handy tool for people working in marketing. It's easy to use and gives you clear, useful ideas. Definitely worth trying out!

ChatGPT can still give useful information when you ask it questions. But it does not really know much about the specific topic you want to ask about. The chatbot gives responses that sound related to your question. But it does not have deep knowledge of the field you are asking about.

In conclusion, these 12 tips are like a toolbox for people who make content for marketing. They help you do stuff like speak in your brand's voice, get people talking on social media, and make your website easy to find on Google. They're also great for coming up with cool picture ideas and making old content new and exciting again. Using these tips, you can make your marketing stand out, reach the right people, and get them interested. It's all about making your message strong and clear, with a little help from AI.

If you are interested in other topics and how AI is transforming different aspects of our lives, or even in making money using AI with more detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can find our other articles here:

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