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🔬 12 Best Free AI Tools for Research in 2024

Revolutionizing Research: 12 AI Tools to Elevate Your Academic Game in 2024

Introduction to AI for Researchs

Are you using AI to help with your school projects or studies? It's like having a cool robot buddy who makes learning more fun and personal. Nowadays, AI makes studying and researching way easier for students and teachers. Let's explore some awesome AI tools that can significantly enhance your research.

All these AI tools are great for helping students and teachers find the good stuff faster. With so much to read online, it's tough to know what's best. Students work really hard on their research, and AI can make it a bit easier by doing some of the boring stuff for them.

Next, we're going to check out 12 of the best AI tools that can make your research way better.

12 Best Free AI Tools for Research in 2024


Got a paper to write? Wordvice AI Writing Assistant is like having a buddy who's excellent with words. It checks your spelling and punctuation and even helps with the way your writing flows. Plus, it has tools for rephrasing and summarizing to ensure your work is unique and truly yours.

But it's not just about fixing mistakes. This tool is like a guide that helps with all the writing rules you need to follow in school, like citations and getting the right tone for your essays. It's like having a writing coach that's there whenever you need it. Just write your paper, and let Wordvice make it shine!

2. ChatGPT


Meet ChatGPT—it's like having a super-smart friend who's really good at chatting and helping you out with school stuff. This AI isn't just about giving you answers; it's great for quickly finding facts, helping you sort through books and articles, and even coming up with new ideas. Sure, you might have to point it in the right direction, but if you ask the right questions, ChatGPT can dig up the information you need like a detective.

Use ChatGPT to simplify your schoolwork. Whether you're starting to gather information for a project or polishing up your final paper, ChatGPT is there to help. Just talk to it, steer it where you need to go, and watch the cool things it can do for you.


This is a cool website designed for those who do research and need to write papers. Imagine you've got this paper to write, and it has to look a certain way for a journal. Typeset makes this super easy by helping you fix up your document to look just right.

The best part? Typeset can take big, complicated research papers and break them down so anyone can understand the main ideas without getting lost in all the technical stuff.

And if you've got tricky tables and graphs, Typeset has tools to help you set them up neatly, so everyone can see what your data means without scratching their heads.


In a nutshell, Typeset is super handy for anyone in research, whether you're new to this or have been at it for years. It's like a helping hand to get your work ready and looking sharp. Give it a go and see how it can take some of the stress out of your research writing.


Writing just got way easier with Quillbot, a smart AI tool that helps make your words better. If you're stuck with the same old words or worried about copying someone else's work, Quillbot is here to help. It's more than just a tool that changes words around; it's like a magic helper for writing.


Get creative: Quillbot is excellent for enhancing your language, coming up with new ideas, and even helping translate stuff. It's like having a clever friend to help with your school essays and projects.


Meet Scholarcy, your handy online helper for tackling tons of articles, reports, and book chapters. It's like having a smart friend who picks out all the important parts for you, so you don't have to read everything. Scholarcy works with your web browser to make research easy, and it organizes all the key points in an easily searchable manner.

Stay up-to-date: Scholarcy is like your personal guide through the world of research. It's your go-to buddy for finding out new things and making sense of big topics.

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Think of ResearchRabbit like Spotify, but for research papers. It's a cool online tool that helps you find and organize scientific papers super easily. You can make your own collections of papers, get suggestions for more papers you might like, and see how different research topics connect with each other. It's like having a map that shows you all the cool knowledge out there.


Dive into ResearchRabbit, get your research groove on, and create your own collections of papers, and get new ones recommended to you based on what you like. It's all about finding new stuff and working together in one handy place.


For anyone doing school projects or research, Google Scholar is a super helpful tool to know about. It's like a giant library on your computer where you can find the newest research papers, articles, and even stuff from conferences and theses. It's also great for finding other papers related to your topic.


The best part? Google Scholar is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Its simple design makes finding what you need a breeze, which is why so many students and researchers love using it.


Trinka is a really popular AI tool for students and researchers. It's like a smart friend who helps fix grammar and language in your writing, especially for serious stuff like science papers and projects. It checks over 3000 grammar points, helping ensure your writing is flawless, so your theses and projects turn out great without any mistakes.

Trinka is awesome for writing down your science discoveries. It makes sure your writing has the right technical feel and style, making things easy for you. So, if you're working on research papers or academic articles, Trinka is a great choice. It helps you write your papers in a much clearer and more professional way.


Elicit is a cool machine-learning tool that acts like an AI research buddy. It's great for speeding up your research work. You don't even need to know the exact keywords, it finds important articles for you and pulls out the key information you need. Elicit can also help with other stuff like brainstorming ideas, summarizing articles, and sorting texts. Plus, it's really good at picking out the main points from a document that match what you're looking for.

10. BIT.AI


OpenRead is a cool online tool that uses AI to help you sort out and understand different kinds of reading stuff, like essays and research papers. It's got some neat features. For instance, it includes a Q&A feature where you can ask questions about an article and receive quick answers. Plus, there's something called Paper Espresso. This helps you write summaries of research articles really fast, which is super helpful when you're working on a literature review or need to understand a lot of information quickly.


ChatPDF is a cool AI app that lets you chat with any PDF file you have, like books, research papers, manuals, articles, and legal stuff. You don't even need to sign in. Just use ChatPDF, and it's like talking to the PDF. It uses smart AI, similar to ChatGPT, to understand what's in your PDF and give you the answers and information you need from it. This makes it super easy to get the most out of your PDFs without having to read them all the way through.


Alright, wrapping it up, these 12 AI tools are a big help for anyone doing school or research work in 2024. These tools are like having a group of smart friends, each excelling in different areas. You've got Wordvice AI to make your writing neat and tidy, ChatGPT to help find info fast, and tools like ResearchRabbit and Google Scholar to keep everything organized. Trinka's great for grammar checks, Scholarcy for sorting through lots of reading, and OpenRead for quick summaries. Basically, these tools make studying and researching way easier and more fun. So go ahead, try them out, and see how they can help you with your projects and papers!

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